I hate you Mexicans, with your damn quinceanera parties; how the fuck can you spics listen to the same 2 tuba notes for hours on end into the night? Fuck you blacks, enough said. Fucking Seamonkey rice niggers, learn how to drive in America and stop eating disgusting shit. Fuck off pajeets.
Snowniggers are okay, assuming they aren't: drunk and high and milling about in a parking lot at night, white liberal elitist cucks with that faggy boomer Bay area accent, coalburners, or the kind of white people that seem nice to me, yet always leave me suspecting that they will try to eat me during some creepy white people ceremony. Degenerates, get out of California; this is my home.
T. Unironic non-white white supremacist hapa shitskin. Thanks for reading my blog, just don't try to eat me or harvest my organs.
I'm smart enough to sense these things. I know when I'm in a possibly dangerous situation by a particular smell that these whites have. It's not unpleasant, it's actually rather enticing, but it also pulls at your gut the wrong way, it let's you know that something isn't right. Not all whites have this smell, but I know it when I smell it.
I said I was a non white, I just said that I was also a white supremacist. At least you people know how to be quiet at a decent hour, assuming non degeneracy.
Also holy hell, 4 quadrillion captchas
Hunter Scott
I'm probably a bit salty, but I'm marbled nicely.
Ayden Cox
Wait it out, young man. Hapa is a tough demographic to be in NOW, but in 20 years most of the west coast of the USA will be half asian half white. Stroll around in San Fran, Monterey, LA, you can be looked up to as a model of what it means to combine Asian work ethic with white conscientiousness as long as you don't sperg out like Eliot Rodgers. Good luck brother.
If you aren't at least 75% white you're not allowed to post on this board
non-whites are inherently retarded when it comes down to understanding and applying western values.
A hapa takes the worse of his white or asian side, same goes with mutts that are no more than 50% white. Learn to spot the difference, it could save your life.
Thanks, and saved. I'd like to thank my grandfather for adopting my mom and marrying grandma and for teaching me about the jews notoriety for being greedy and dishonest.
Im looking for a bento (that's japanese for lunch) box, it cant be pinku (thats japanese for pink) or any girl color. It has to be of 2 or more kotoba (thats japanese for 2 compartments) and has be be chibi(small) sized. And has to be really kawaii (cute). Also It has to be about 10-20 bux. And you have to post pics of it first (i want to make sure it's kawaii [cute]). And it would be nice if it came with matching chopstick holder (WITH chopsticks). OH! and it CANNOT have any cartoon pictures, or be made out of plastic. It has to be made of ceramic, or something like that. Also it would be nice if it was made in japan. and not in china or corea (korea) or whatever. I have found a bento box similar to the one im describing in e-bay, but it was 1 kotoba, and i dont want my gohan (rice) to touch my other things (it can get wet and i would not like that, plus 2 compartments looks more kawaii)
Nathan Morris
Adam Thompson
Man, part of my personal hell is that I want a white wife, because my children will be white as I'm hapa of a Hapa. The kids could possibly have red hair because of my genetics, but I also now have internalized racism and feel uneasy about trying to go for a white girl. Which is also why I absolutely despise coalburners and niggers that get with them, it's an absolute mockery of my life.
Julian Rodriguez
Hapa? HAH
I'm a Chindian. I'm far more SUPERIOR to you with my 500 IQ. Latino girls swoon over my chink eyes and tan brownish skin. You are an inferior mix you dirty White people worshipper
Elijah Hall
At least I know how to use a toilet, I'm not some rape baby of Chang's, you would like Latino (male) women wouldn't you ya poofter, and eww, you like latin women, the creatures that shriek and waddle around all of California; I rate that, 999% absolutely disgustingly
Asher Wilson
If I knew you in real life, I'd probably harvest your organs and make a pemmican-like cocksleeve out of your lower intestine, into which I'd masturbate every day for 6 years, posting photographic evidence to Jow Forums along the way. Faggot.
Thomas Barnes
Hapas are the worst race-mixed people on the planet. They grovel to be white and have no self-respect. I thank god everyday that I wasn't full Indian so I wouldn't be a fair obsessed monsters. All my good friends are either black, asian, or latino. I will never understand white worshippers like you. Yes the White man has contributed much, but to merely worship that one specific race is pathetic.
Juan Sanchez
I don't want to imagine what California will look like in 20 years barring death squads.
Luis Taylor
hola seƱor, vendo tamales
Isaiah Nelson
Because of all the races, whites have been the kindest to me, they've made the best friends that I've had and they have been the most interesting of the races that I've been exposed to. Wish I knew some Japanese or Koreans though. But the smugest race I've ever known? Poos bar none.
Christian Nguyen
Have even interacted with any other race besides a White person? C'mon man you live in Cali of all places. How many non-white gfs have you had on average?
My interactions with Mexicans was being bullied by then in school, my interactions with blacks has been of contempt for their entire race as I saw them sleeping on the job by literally laying on the ground, I've interacted with more pajeets that native Americans, who I actually feel sorry for as I've seen more dots than feathers in California, and as for Asians, it's just generally degenerate Hmong petty criminals. Made an Arab friend once for about 4 hours on Mt. Shasta; you were a nice kid to play with whoever you were.
Kevin Harris
Oh and Ive never had a girlfriend, but it won't be a Latina, way too fertile for my tastes and I don't want to be involved with that kind of family.
Hudson Williams
Being a non-white and being a white supremacist is self-hate. Alot of relatives on the Indian side of my family have this. Its not fun.
Bro you live in AMERICA. Getting a Gf is made easy. There is no gender inbalance- in fact there is a higher female rate in the USA than males. Getting a girls is mad easy. I'm 5'10 with only a 7 inch cock but I can still pull bitches. If you have monolid eyes like me prepare for girls to ask if your philipino. Its cringy as shit
Anthony Reed
White girls are either timid and cute but imposible to approach or they are turbo sluts. Then it's down to some kind of brown. Where I live it's mostly white and boomer aged.
Ryan Edwards
I disagree. Speaking from the white man's prescriptive, most hapa's I have meet are a bit insecure but they are way better than anyone of a swarthy complexion. Felt way more at ease when speaking with them as apposed to any brown person. And they can actually hold a conversation without it going to talking about bitches or other small talk.
Juan Rodriguez
Don't give for white girls dumb dumb. Its more trouble than its worth. Get with an Asian or Latina. Black girls...If you really must don't go with the ones who have weaves- they ironically act the most ghetto. Out of all the races Black girls are easy to get with because no one usually wants them, but you should only use them for emergency sex. Living in a majority white place has probably degraded your self-esteem
Jose Phillips
Being a bullied virgin hapa already did
Lucas King
Never date a Latina cunt. They are ALL crazy in the head, and will fuck with you. Not my kind of women.
Hunter Johnson
and i hearby give you immunity to all racism claims
This is a meme. Latina girls are pretty chill. Humble almost. You probably dated the more Americanized Chicaco varients who are the spawn of some Succubi demon
In my experience they're chill until you're in a relationship with them, then the bullshit starts. But yeah she was a 2nd gen Americanized mexi. Can't find many other south american women in so cal, but then again I don't seek them out either.
Joseph Phillips
At this point, I'm not likely to pull off a Rogers; I'm more grounded and collected than he was.
Wyatt Perez
Since we're both mixed-race can I ask what races are your parents? Is it the cliche WM/AF couple? Or is it the rare reversal.
Ryder Rivera
Half Filipino half German mother; half Swiss and at least a 1/4 native American father, but I don't really know him.
Camden Nguyen
Well thats barely a Hapa at that point. Your practically a white person. My mom is a She ethnic from China from Zhegijang while my dad is from Telangana India. Its surreal being this very rare mix. Thank god my dad wasn't an ugly Pajeet or I would've been doomed for good. My Indian male relatives get butthurt at family gatherings.
Matthew Hernandez
Unfortunately, for whatever reason, that genetic combination leaves me looking like some kind of Arab, if I'm sporting a beard that is.
Both cultures poo in public with no shame about it. You were made for each other. ahahahahaha
Isaiah Cooper
Idiot. Chinese people don't poo outside in the streets. My dads side though...
Hudson Turner
Of course not all, but enough to warrant signs from the Hong Kong population to the Chinese warning to not defecate in public. I don't have the pictures saved, mainland Chinese do it a lot. youtube.com/watch?v=VXq7FUZdlPs
Andrew Cruz
>4 quadrillion captchas My hapa brother use 4chanx and force noscript captcha
James Miller
Uh, well good thing my mom is She and not a degenerate materialistic Han.
Xavier Price
No worries, I don't cast as a wide net as many other people do when it comes to cultural grievances. From what I just read, you guys are like mortal enemies too. Interesting.
Carson Stewart
>partys with morritas are boring >ransid white soccer mom party are awesome!
Lel get mad get fat
Youll never know how good it is to be around only with people from your ethnicity, enjoying your own culture and customs
I really hope you enjoy being a melting pot of cultures basedboi, because the niggers your jew ancestors imported are going to eat you alive
Colton James
Yeah the Han are vapid land thieves as my mom has told me
Mexico is a melting pot culture considering its history.