its true but i know you will try to prove me wrong so go ahead, try!
Jew's invented Europeans proudest achievements
Other urls found in this thread:
jews had a lot of great scientists but they are far from the majority of great scientists from Europe/America
also, carl sagan is a fucking hack and should not be on the same list as some like niels bohr
they made virtually all the biggest discoveries
plus they are often the majority of good scientists,
they have a far higher amount of smart people,
it was proven in a study by Cochran he reviewed IQ studies
no, they didn't. infact, how many Jewish discoveries were there before the 1800s? Like hardly any.
First day at jidf?
nope just came here to refresh my memory on how dumb goyim can be, i was wrong its true sadly
Then you are not an observant jew.
i was born in the culture
also my IQ is really big, might be related
don't know
hmm appears i struck a nerve by revealing your inferior culture