ive gotten 4 accounts muted in this chat... this chat is 100% sjw trash its great... dont post in chat unless u got a few accounts which i do lmao they are literally crying over the dumbest shit and 70% of the mods are chicks.... lettem know what you think boys !!!!!! :0
Want some laughs boys?
Christopher Morgan
Dominic Ortiz
Owen Watson
dafuq is bofa?
Sebastian Bailey
Boffa deeez nuuuutts
Justin Rogers
it would make more sense is it was boofa deez nuts
Grayson Powell
got em!
Austin Rodriguez
btw this dudes twatter is @frostmaretv hes a slav twat
Ryan Jones
omg they literally ban people every 20sec
Adrian Clark
i accidentally hit the f twice ;)
Jordan Morales
typing isnt that hard lmao