Satan has won. The church is full of and run by masonic pedos. Our holy texts have been horribly corrupted. The face of Christianity has been smeared with the submission cult. It’s over. There’s nothing left to salvage.
I give up
Lots of anti Christian shills on here today. Kingdom of darkness is losing bigly.
Jesus is still the Way, The Truth and the Life.
Don't give up so easy user. Jesus saves you, just gotta ask honestly. Satan is a defeated foe.
God bless you.
>Jesus saves you
Does this mean anything of substance to you or is this just a catch phrase you heard?
>He doesn't know that the lessons Jesus Christ is an ecrypted formula of scientific reality to teach you something akin metaphysical akido
Level up son
Jesus saves you from sin and death. But that's just the start, knowing the Creator who spoke the universe into existence is the best thing ever.
.jesus gives up
Yeah, right
And what do you know about Him?
>Satan has won. The church is
no shit, gormless goy gnat
Nothing? No substance whatsoever? It seems nominalism has officially won. Why be a Christian when you can just yourself one? HOORAY N SHEIT XDDDDDDDDDDD
*call yourself one
Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father. I pray you repent of your sin and turn to Him. His blood WILL cleanse you from all sin and unrighteousness.
>turn to Him
You keep repeating these phrases but I don’t know what they mean.
Well? Who am I to turn to? Am I supposed to talk to some schizophrenic delusion named Jesus?
You need to grasp the not normie church none sense. You really need to take Proverbs 9:10 to heart. Check these out, the chuck missler one should put you in awe if you have a earnest heart.
Our Real History
Bible in 24 hours - Crash Course - R.I.P. Chuck Missler
Heavenly Warning of things to come
Oh my. So demoralizing. So black pilling. Almost like this thread is a demoralization thread. OP didn't even ask for help or advice.
I pet goat
That one is so disturbing, especially the 2nd. Just throw it in your face they do.
Fuck off you worthless, troll thread spamming Cunt
This. Fuck OP and FUCK all these thread spamming faggots.
>It seems nominalism has officially won. Why be a Christian when you can just call yourself one?
If it's any consolation, Jesus similarly says "Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven." Many people at church think it is sufficient to self-identify, or re-iterate the correct words, or perform the rituals, but that isn't how Jesus talks. (Or the prophets either.)
>>turn to Him
>You keep repeating these phrases but I don’t know what they mean.
"Turn to him" is metaphorical language just like you might say "Turn to your doctor for advice on your headache." It roughly means that you use him as your source for how to act, whenever possible. You need to read what he said in order to be able to know his commands, obviously. But you also have to implement them.
The church I'm at is full of pretty godly people, so if your church is run by wicked people, you need to look around a bit. Don't get blackpilled by the shills posting images and stories of bad church-goers.
(I'm fully aware that you are perhaps a shill, but I'm replying anyway.)
I never bend to Satan for hardcore administratin’
>I give up
user while what you say is true, you show a lack of scriptural understanding.
This is why Christ said come out of the whore of Babylon. Which is the corrupt church system.
This is why he said the servant is not greater than his master and that if they hated him they will hate you also.
This is why the first words out of his mouth when his disciples asked what the signs of the end would be were TAKE HEED THAT NO MAN DECEIVES YOU.
We were promised suffering and in revelation execution for rejecting the world.
This is the time for bravery not cowardice.
On point.
If not a shill, very doubtful, you would know that Satan will have its day, it will only be a day, and God will let His Church rise again as a phoenix out of the ashes. The Mystery of Iniquity is why this has to happen.
maybe this will help you feel better.
The battle was won at the cross, Christ said Fear not. You would do well to remember his words.
Right, shill confirmed; you were never a Christian.
Antichristian shilling has really increased, well beyond paganlarping. Shows you what (((they))) are afraid about.
That's the sigel of Azazel, the leader of the fallen watchers. He is the prince of this world, commonly called Satan.
You must turn to the true faith. Orthodox.
The latter. God took the Way from the west a long time ago, and he was right to do so. If I told you the first step of the Way, you would laugh and trample my pearls into the dirt. If you listened and embraced the Way, you would try to use it to make money. No Christian knows what the Way is, even though Jesus talked about it all the time. You can go to church every Sunday and read the bible front to back, and you will still feel just as empty inside. If modern Christianity (or any other religion on Earth) is enough to satisfy your spiritual itch, your soil is too shallow for the seed of God. Christianity does not teach the Way, and since it no longer protects peasants from predatory Jews, it is altogether useless.
TL;DR- Indeed, "Jesus saves" is a meaningless catch-phrase.
I wish god made me into an immortal all powerful killing machine, I would go around the world killing humans
You don't need a church, pedo priests, or holy texts. Knowing right from wrong is intrinsic. Just live a good life and thank God every night when you lay down to go to bed for the opportunity of living another day.
Have you ever sat down and actually thought about how retarded that sounds?
Hail Satan
Satanism is style
U mad we stylin on you?
Watch this seminar if you arent a shill.
And by the way... the Jesuits control the church and work WITH the Jews and the Muslim institutions.
>>implying jeebus is good guy
How can be someone so naive
Big if true
If the Catholic church allowed their Priests to get married we wouldn't have this problem today.
>why did you stop taking your schizo medication op?