LSD and psychological warfare on Boomers

There are numerous articles on LSD's ability to turn people into suggestible retards (while giving these dupes strong feelings of "enlightenment).
The C1A clearly has (purportedly) had a hand in using this drug for manipulation back in the 60s. How much of the "boomer problem" could be attributed to this?

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LSD exposes your mind to the warp and basically let's demons into your mind.

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Hallucinogens make you 'feel' creative. As a result many humdrum people take them to compensate for their inadequacy.

kill niggers

i think LSD made me immune to propaganda

And a shameless bump, but specifically would like additional evidence/documentation of this subject from those who have it

>There are numerous articles on LSD's ability to turn people into suggestible retards
Then why is it banned? Don't the (((elites))) want people to be suggestible retards?

Normies think their emotions are baseless. Smart people blame chemistry. Every time someone does something to piss you off, do a little test - are you hydrated? have you eaten enough protein today? enough salt?

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Australia with the smartposting.

psychedelics is what this timeline is missing.
instead we have a plague of murder drugs.

same here

Maybe I'm being a retard here, but could you unpack that for me a bit more?

Imagine if hallucinogens become popular again like weed is today. How would our timeline react to a revival in psychedelic culture?

Psychedelics are one way to see ultimate reality. It is too much to handle for most people. Myself included. Did it once, saw the truth, wanted to go back to the lie.

This. I became an ethno-nationalist after LSD and mushrooms. God bless that shit. Used correctly, its fantastic. Used incorrectly... like a boomer at Woodstock, and, well... you know...

>LSD exposes your mind to the warp and basically let's demons into your mind.

Bullshit, your mind is closed its like you are living in 2D. Drop Acid once, and you will learn to live in 4D Chess. I was a fucking retard in High school when it came to math/algebra/geometry. Dropped Cid, afterwards mastered all classes, got into Chess, Philosophy, Welding, DIY DMY extractions, building things, reading books, kriya yoga, etc. Changed my life for the better, and without Cid I'd be a normie mouth breather

it's just be a loop.
this whole internet culture came fromt he psychdelics to begin with.

even the first Jow Forums site thewell was deadheads and leet nerds in the 1980's internet.
the grateful dead and nerds.

Why would you try and brainwash a population by giving them a recreational drug that makes them suggestible to just about any chuckfuck's opinion, when you can just subvert the media, universities, and any other similar institutions?

There could have been multiple reasons behind its initial distribution, but one that certainly fits the evidence is for the creation of a certain "openminded" personality that would serve as useful idiot towards the push of the civil rights movement and the passing of the Hart-Celler Act.

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well said...I also got my act together the next day and stopped procrastinating and wasting my life. Had visions of myself being homeless. You have 2 options pretty much, kill yourself/live a nihilistic life or play the game. Some Camus type of decision.

What if you could use LSD to double your advantage in those institutions and create a monolithic "intellectual" culture that dominated every conceivable field (and simultaneously undermined old structures with novel concepts)?

So now you only believe in 4chs propaganda?


nature walking cures ADHD

diet is responsible for virtually all mental illness

most people eat far too much sugar and not enough protein, this causes aggressive behaviour. another factor is the dangers of perfumes, which I can't explain to you because you wont care.

>another factor is the dangers of perfumes
I think iv'e gone down enough rabbit holes. nope nope nope

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Why wouldn't I care? Didn't post for the (You)s.

Only thing wrong with boomers is they think they're too smart to be fooled. That's not lsds fault. If anything, it's from not doing enough lsd. Nowadays we have lsd combined with telepathic roadways via the Internets. Which is a problem for those in power and for the pride of boomers alike who can't fathom getting smoked on the evolutionary spectrum by tech savvy 10 years olds. Pretty much the only reason our populace is not capable of designing their own operating systems, software and dismantle ling and hacking into every bank, website and network before they're.out of middle school because it's designed so the most intelligent free thinking kids are targeted and stunted

>Our public school system
Boomers are hysterically hypocritical when u take a close look at them and it just boils down to them behaving and thinking like a beaten dog


If the chuckfuck's opinion is a result of the system's brainwashing, then it would be further indoctrination into the system. Your scenario would only make sense if the chuckfuck is a free thinker.

When you're too retarded to subject yourself to a disciplined methodology and most of your plans are a let's wait and see what everyone else does first teehee

>So now you only believe in 4chs propaganda?

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honestly? because I haven't researched too deeply myself. usually I look up the ingredients of a product before I use it on myself, and the only thing I'm actually paranoid of is methlisothiozolinon, isothiozolinone, and """quaternion-#""". I think they're bad for memory formation for reasons.

i feel this too bro

1 time

everything changed

soul opening

LSD binds to receptors, like any psychoactive

what's different with LSD is that it gets stuck in the receptor sites, sometimes for months or years. This can cause people to experience 'trips' well after the LSD should've worn off, and can PERMANENTLY change someone's brain chemistry.

Don't fucking touch LSD.

Acid was a failure as a weapon, they did extremely inhumane tests on people, but I dont think they ever developed into something the army can use.


My band would become massively popular. Instead of never being heard of.

yeah bro, and my uncle knows a guy who knows a guy who thinks he's a glass of orange juice now

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The truth is actually very sad and difficult to handle. Most of us are living a beautiful lie - and it’s better that way for most.

good post

LSD is awesome fuck off leaf.

you're an idiot that has never done any drugs and bases his perceptions off of articles that have no legit sources on the internet

I experienced ego dissolution on morning glory seeds where it felt like I shot into the air and I felt one with everything and this tree spoke to me and told me the meaning of life and I've felt really sure about my life and why I'm here since then and I haven't needed spirtuality or psychedelics since then.

You're retarded. I regularly trip LSD for my cluster headaches, my intelligence is 97-99th percentile, and I smoke weed too.

And I'm 28.

LSD is shit, mushrooms were way, way better.

Hrmm ya ok.
I came across literally oodles of mushrooms back in ~2000 ish.
The best unit of measurement I can give is 3 bath tubs full of dried mushrooms.
I had so many I couldn't sell them, was giving them away to all my friends.
Gave my dumb ass friends 1 pickle jar full of dried mushrooms, like a quarter gallon.
I get a call that afternoon by a buddy saying my two friends where having a "bad reaction" to the mushrooms.
I go over and see them doing naked kung fu in the park at 3 pm on a Sunday.
Apparently those 2 retards split the entire mushrooms I gave them.
Cops come and start chasing them, they start nakedly fighting and wrestling the cops.
They take off running and dive into the river and swim across and escape the cops.
I sneak over and grab their wallets, while the cops are chasing them, so they cannot be Id'd.
They show up wearing nothing but rain ponchos at 3 am still tripping balls.
Truly mind opening.

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