How do we stop snow melters?
How do we stop snow melters?
I always see black men going after Asian girls saying stuff like
>Black women just want white guys
>Black women are roasties
Black men: we gotta fix ourselves so we can be worthy of our kweenz
I'm not saying all our kweenz are worth shit but we gotta make sure we are good enough for the ones that is
Good black men means black men and black women together
The amount of WMAF couples I've seen lately is fucking insane. Men are infinitely worse than women when it comes to racemixing.
true - I'd say BMAF is worse than WMBF because the black men who go for asians are usually too low quality to get a good black girl so they settle for asian leftovers
>Men are infinitely worse than women when it comes to racemixing.
I can confess to this. I feel as though I'm falling for the asian girl i'm with. We spend a lot of time together and it goes by quick. Not only is she hot, but her personality meshes well with mine. My past experiences with white women haven't been so good. Just got my dick sucked too
I should clarify and say white men are worse than white women. I don't know about other races.
Also, these gooks they're dating aren't even attractive. I mean, I know about those fat old white dudes travelling south east asia like degenerates, but the WMAF couples here involve regular guys most of the time while the chicks are ugly as fuck. They could do better but don't for some reason.
race mixers of any race tend to be low quality
great - have fun with kids that hate you. It's selfish to date outside your race everybody knows it but because we live in an individualistic decadent era people don't care
Maybe it is selfish, but i'm truly happy. I'll probably never find a woman like the one i'm with. I used to sound like you until i met this woman.
pretty sure the women are actually the problem if it's every race's women being whores and men are trying to get by.
I'm willing to drop the whole hating niggers thing if all races can come together to instate brutal shariah law to stop all our women from being whores.
So you put your individual happiness over the happiness of your future children?
Is your happiness all that matters or do you believe in something greater than your own pleasure and fulfillment.
I agree - black women are so far gone
Black qweens are rightful property of white men
Just keep your spawn away from black communities
By mocking oil drillers.
The world's edgiest couple.
>So you put your individual happiness over the happiness of your future children?
So why are you assuming that if we had kids one day, that they would be unhappy? Good parenting makes happy and successful offspring. Keep believing your retarded hapa memes.
Black women prefer to be house nigresses to white man rather then queens to black man
This isn't about just hapas and you are delusional if you think extra good parenting can make up for having no identity. This happens to half black half white kids as well. It's not fair to the kids and the parents know it but put their happiness in front of what is right. Talk to your girlfriend about it and think long and hard. You can't take it back and it won't be you dealing with the brunt of the issues that come with being mixed that will be your children's battle. Without an identity they will be alone they'll have no tribe.
>some slut on Tinder
be my guest better she gives you some STDs than black guys. Why do people celebrate "Stealing" the human trash from other races.
I love this. I would never stop the slave RP.
Is this the guy with a folder full of nigress ludes and nudes?
Please, if anything black women like white men because black men treat them like shit whereas white men are pathetically nice to them and have money they can spend.
I'd fuck a black girl if she looked like that and let me call her nigger.
Listen to this woke black brotha of yours. He is right. Black women were made by white men for white men.
Why white men like their black women natural and why black women hate black bois
>Listen to this cuck
>Disregard the fact that black women are statistically the most loyal group in terms of dating their race
The term is "Snow Blower"
If you guys have never had a nice black ass bouncing on your dick while calling her your bedroom slave you haven't lived.
Keep denying the reality boy. Your pretty sister will fall for the blue eyed white devil while your black simp ass is stuck with white trash landwhales and the ugliest of your own race.
fuck you shlomo. you disgust us all.
They are called snowblowers you absolute newfag.
>literal meme
Okay I guess I'll just disregard the stats then
I know this porn.
Sadly black female slave porn is incredibly rare.
To me it's hot in a power fantasy history repeating itself sense.
>Watching porn not of your own race
the absolute state of white people
It's not because she's black, it's because shes in her place.
Say it with me: concubines
>be white
>no white gf
>fantasize about one day owning a slave girl
>let own women run wild as thots
take care of your own women first Mr. Dominant
I'm against race mixing am I supposed to feel possessive for a girl who betrayed us and exiled herself?
We're not their fathers. Boomers are to blame as usual
I'm not the faggot with a meme flag you fucking moron, now who's the like? Larping as a Nazi kys you disgrace that flag if you can even show your nation.
That second video was depressing as fuck
So unfair
I only get hit on by wise spicesses
>I'm against race mixing am I supposed to feel possessive for a girl who betrayed us and exiled herself?
The prettiest ones go exclusively for white men. I'd be pretty upset in your shoes
>socks with slippers
lmao you're cherrypicking pics as if I didn't know race mixing existed
t.insecure black
They go for the superior man. Can you blame them?
>no identity offspring
A person forms their own identity as they mature and grow. Through good parenting they start their lives as well-balanced and happy people. Resulting in a strong identity that is educated. But oh nooo, they're half asian/white.... Do you realize how much of the russian/finnish population itself have asian mongol genes? And they're alpha as fuck
Think whatever makes you happier Igor or Ukülu
How is that even mathematically possible? Or are you talking about white men being worse than white women? Then yes, you are right. White women are actually the race of women that does the least amount of race mixing.
Das rite Tyrone
Yeah that stands in the face of all the mixed race activist who hate one of their sides as well as their suicide rates and higher rates of mental health issues
> Do you realize how much of the russian/finnish population itself have asian mongol genes? And they're alpha as fuck
do you get the difference between minuscule amounts of admixture compared to a literal halfbreed? Russians and Finns have far less admixture than people say and even if they did they had an ethnogenesis over a thousand years ago
mixed kids don't have an ethic community, they will always be outcasts
I get where you're coming from I once fell in love with a Hispanic girl and when my father found out I was going to start something serious with her he redpilled me on race mixing. It's not easy but I'm happy I made the right choice now even though I was torn up at the time
do you want me to start spamming hot white girls with ugly black guys or something?
Stop the larp. You got rejected and not redpilled
>Yeah that stands in the face of all the mixed race activist who hate one of their sides as well as their suicide rates and higher rates of mental health issues
Can you give me a % of mixed raced people feel that way? I've met a lot of mixed race people and they're generally happy people. Parenting is everything. One can take pride in both of their parents ethnic background without hating the other.
Also the asian/white admixture in Russia is more prominent than in finland. Hence it bordering many countries with mongol genes.
Why do you care that much about who other people fuck? Do you not realize that there's people of other races that are capable of making you fall in love?
I'm married to a Native American woman, we have 2 kids.
Ask me anything Jow Forums.
At the end of the day I don't really care what you do because you're not black and neither is she. I'm just saying I've been in your shoes and I know I made the right choice. I don't doubt you would not be happy with her and of course you can fall in love with other races. My view is that it is immoral to act on that love and procreate with another race.
The comparison to Russia is a false equivalency. Russians still have Europeanoid features. And let's say for argument they were a totally mixed society they still had an ethnogenesis long ago and have an ethnic homeland. Mixed race kids do not - and even in Russia mixed race kids do not.
don't just listen to me or whatever I'm saying go talk to your girlfriend about it and then decide what you want. I'm just saying don't over estimate how easy it is to live as a mixed person - we can never know
Yeah, god forbid that the sons of black women have jobs or graduate high school. How horrible for that black community.
Been to Asia
Hapas are treated like gods by the opposite sex
Maybe nobody likes niggers?
Oh, and she's currently pregnant with our third child. I forgot to mention.
Actually, from what I've seen from black men on twitter, black women who go for white men are called bedwenches. One time I even witnessed a black man on twitter declare that most black women who date white men have a fetish for plantation sex, which he explained as sex that involves the white man calling the black women racial epithets during intercourse as a way to degrade her for being black.
>At the end of the day I don't really care what you do because you're not black and neither is she.
She has a high IQ and we browse Jow Forums together. Infact she took polsci and she's really interested in Jow Forums related shit which is why i blend with her so well. She's redpilled my dude.
Our offspring wouldn't be stupid. Hapas are smart and asians generally have a high iq.
What if that latina you were telling me about was the one for you? A life of happiness with a woman that was loyal and intelligent? Good women are hard to come by these days. So race doesn't matter much to me as long as the woman isn't black lol
What is her spirit animal?
why is an interracial couple called a snow melter ive never heard that term
Fellow black guy here. It’s always nice to see a brother that values his people. Believe me you’re not alone. Any black person that marries outside their race is a lost cause to me, If you’re a black man and you don’t have a black woman on your arm and aren’t committed to having black children then I can’t fuck with you. Period. Pro creating with other races is disgusting and shameful.
jesus fucking christ how could one live with self esteem that low. neither dignity, pride, nor self worth.
so do you dislike white people, interracial couples or both
Das rite
>be worthy of our kweenz
that comment alone deserves a lynching, as man you fix yourself for yourself fuck off faggot
t. black guy who doesn't put women on a pedestal
ugh, this is my fetish. I'm getting married in a month to a beautiful polish girl (no jewish) but before I was with her I was with a half Ethiopian half French girl who HATED that she was black. She used to be so into slave rp and letting me call her nigger and beat the shit out of her during sex. It was so fucking hot.
It's time to get ready for having white kids though, can't have that jungle fever anymore.
>implying you wouldn't for recreation
Holy fuck, that afro.
if she is "red pilled" and browses Jow Forums no offense she's probably white worshipping which means your male children will hate you both.
and I don't want a life of selfish happiness if my kids will suffer I have a good black girlfriend now who I never would have met or thought possible when I was dating the Latina
I agree - do you a Garveyist by any chance
I don't dislike whites, disapprove of all interracial couples
I want to fuck that Afro
>Good women are hard to come by these days
that's an excuse. Your settling for an asian girl that clearly loves whites if she's on Jow Forums and you don't seem to realize how that sort of relationship can have a big effect on kids.
lots of women are ruined but many are not - your ability to have a high quality woman of your own race is up to your own dedication to better yourself
>little did she know peter was actually peter north
this was pretty popular amongst "kweenz" on many social media platforms.
I was joking when I said kweenz and I said "kweenz" to differentiate between the degenerate majority and the worthy minority of black women
every male racial nationalist seems to easily acknowledge the shortage of quality women but refuses to acknowledge the shortage of quality men
nu-males and basedboys are made for sluts - in my view neither should reproduce
There is no difference between fucking that and fucking a dog which I know are both leftist fetishes, but decent people don't fuck dogs or niggers.
damn I guess I'm BTFO'd
once again if I felt like it I could gather a collection of degenerate white girls talking about wanting black men it's not hard to find media and people supporting miscegenation these days
look at all these beta males concerned about "not mixing." Bitch please, you pussy ass losers apparently werent born with the conqueror gene. Any white man who DOESNT go out and colonize women of other races aren't doing their civic duty. That is what made white men so strong was we knocked up every other pussy on this planet then let the best survive. This whole "keeping it in" mentality is what is going to make you cucks go extinct. Do your civic duty as white men and bleach/colonize everything you can put your dick in.
My son has actually done this with two black chicks. We’re Americans that just moved out here. Despite him being raised knowing about the nigger, he still goes oil drilling as if it’s a hobby.
I don’t know if I should cheer him on or beat his ass. One bitch even took him to court asking for a restraining order because he made her feel like such shit.
yeah, the difference is you can't say niggers are dangerous outloud while in fact they are much more dangerous than white men.
Insanely low levels of self-esteem that I suspect is a psychological product of being the least desired group of females on earth(after abo women) and seeing their men dwarfed in societal status when compared to white man.
No one on Jow Forums ever talks about it from this perspective, but can you imagine how one must feel about him or herself when you are apart of a group with an 85 IQ that shares a society with a group that has a 100 iq and that higher IQ group regards your group as being far less attractive. In such conditions it be pretty hard not to suffer from mental illness that makes you perceive black as bad or undesirable and white as desirable.
>it's not hard to find media and people supporting miscegenation these days
True. Not sure who's the worst offender of this (I see mostly white/asian and white/black) but miscegenation seems to be up more then usual across all races.
You're retarded. Conquering = fucking women of other races in their homeland not fucking other races in your countries.
The black community is my nation so any race mixing = dilution of that nation
If a rove of Africans goes to Europe and fucks European girls that is conquering just like if a rove of Europeans goes to Africa and fucks African girls
mixing with the foreign element in your own country is a good way to commit ethnic and cultural suicide
There is no such thing as BLEACHing. It just leads to mulattos who are literally insane. I have never met a mulatto that wasn't batshit nuts and emotionally unstable (usually because society IDs them as black and they were raised by white single mothers).
your son sounds like a guy who just wants to get laid and is into fucking women with fat asses, besides even if she was of your race she'd probably fall into some stupid women mentality which would still lead to a restraining order or some other bullshit woman of today do out of sheer mental illness
I dislike black people that procreate with non blacks. Stay with your own. I’m proud to have a black girl that knows common sense, has self respect and who loves and sticks with her own men. Non black men will not protect them like real black men do. She knows if anyone were to fuck with her then I would have her back. Black women who swirl have too much self hate and mental issues to be valued as real women. They enjoy being near prostitutes to non blacks because that’s the only value they have. My girl and I literally laugh at them when we see them because we know what they go through on a daily basis in an attempt to feel valued but it only ends up furthering their depression and near nonexistent self worth.
I don’t give a fuck about white people, as long as they don’t fuck with my family, my girl or my people(the ones with common sense and self respect, unfortunately that’s not all of them) then I really don’t give a damn about your kind one way or the other.
>that's an excuse. Your settling for an asian girl that clearly loves whites if she's on Jow Forums
She loves me, i'm the first white guy she has been with bro. I showed her Jow Forums months ago and she loves the endless stream of info and redpills. Our children will love us, why? Because she is a worthwhile woman that cooks for me, cleans for me, cuddles with me every night and fucks. She doesn't go out and party and she's far from being degenerate besides smoking weed with me to enhance sex. It is hardly selfish when I will produce offpsring with her that will be smart and valuable to society.
>Any white man who DOESNT go out and colonize women of other races aren't doing their civic duty.
It ends up being why your civilization falls apart though. The colonization of north America vs south America is the best example of this. North American colonizers brought their own women with them thus had offspring that could continue upon their culture. South American colonizers brought no women and instead mixed with the natives. Thus why you have for the most part second and third world people living down there that couldn't match north America.
what? go talk about "niggers" all you want I never once connected race mixing to violence
WMAF and WFBM are pretty similar as far as both tending to be lower quality OR the man, being average, responding to defective women in his race but not improving himself to go for the good women
If every racial community ostracized race mixers people would have to improve themselves rather than play on easy mode and go after people who have a fetish for them and thus will accept a lower quality person
stopping women from being whores is not fun.
Do you really think this guy dreams of being momogamous? You will rather make a porta potty a decent wife than a ghetto nog a good husband
not disagreeing in a man's epic journey of pussy pounding just wanted to say from your post let me guess...your of viking heritage
>mental illness
That’s what the nigress said in her declaration. “He made my anxiety worse”
She claimed he fucked her in a park in broad daylight, smacking her ass, face fucking her, calling her a nigger. He told me it was true, but she wanted it. I just laughed and told him to pick better gfs. He dropped her the day before their graduation ceremony and took pictures with a bunch of girls when the nigress and all her friends were giving him the nigger look. Two days later a process server came to our house. Luckily the judge threw it out because we were leaving for Japan five days after the hearing and she was going off to some nigger college.
mixed kids are not a real asset to society because in all honesty they don't belong to any society
You really think no white woman is like that or do you think you can't attract one? Are you allowing yourself to play on easy mode rather than improve yourself? Would you be happier seeing kids that look like you or kids that may grow up to hate their white side that look asian?
Yea. I believe in segregation and the promotion of the black family unit. It’s the only way we can properly rebuild.