Brian Krassenstein is a pedophile

It would be a shame if we accused him of being a pedophile.

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“Brian krassenstein raped me”. Who cares what an accused rapist thinks? See how that works?

>accused of admitting to grabbing women by the pussy

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Oy vey! None of it sticks, Chaim! Let's try from zero and with everything together

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>capitalizes "Naked Teens"
I guess he's thinking of a film with that name?

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That is one ugly jew

The average Trump hater thrives off outrage fuel so unfortunately proper wording is of no concern to them.

>Which she later rebutted
>Which other contestants said he never did
>Rewording Trump's actual statement to make it seem like he admitted to sexual assault, never happened
>Literally what?
>Every single instance of which was debunked, none of which offered stories that actually held up against scrutiny.

>ex: "Trump raised the arm rest and groped me!"
>First class doesn't have arm rests that can be raised
>Literally disappears after people call her out on her bullshit

Just tell me where this faggot lives and i'll take care of him.

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should be able to figure out the rest from here

his exwife recanted
the accusation of him walking on the teen one was 10 of the 14 girls said it didn't happen. 3 said they didn't remember anything. 1 said it happened. The accusation wasn't leveled until decades after the fact.
his quote of him walking in was in regards to the adult miss universe...
the "13 yo child" never went to court because it was just a manufactured lie

But we DO have lots of evidence Brian Krassenstein raped two 14 year old girls

Brian (((Krassenstein))) raped my butt.
I don't have any proof, and I wish to remain anonymous.
But I accuse him of hashtag pounding me too.

>Admitted to grabbing women by the pussy
This is just bizarre. It's clear that he was just joking about a hypothetical scenario. But I guess, "I think Trump's sense of humour is gross" doesn't feel righteous enough.

The ((((Krassenstein)))) brothers are frauds.

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The guy im sure lives in New York like just about every other kike. Cant someone just run him over?

It would be a shame if someone showed up with a picture of him grabbing his "son" inappropriately now wouldn't it? Oops.

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Sorry wrong Krassenstein. I don't care enough about these parasites to differentiate between the two

Because its all false... and a Democrat smear campaign that's why no one gives a fuck.

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>admitted to grabbing pussy
the disconnect

I usually like skulls, but that's quite morbid.


this kike needs to be metooed, any suggestions?

Stop making threads about yourself and screencapping replies for stories you absolutely pathetic excuse for a journalist.

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Im not even going to link his articles but this faggot absolutely relies on making himself a victim.

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I wonder how life will be for these nobodies once Trump's presidency is over. What will be the meaning of their lives? I bet they would commit suicide if Twitter suddenly disappeared

If OP isnt Brian (he is) you wouldnt accomplish much by doing this anyway. He would probably write an entire article about it while fapping to all of the oppression points he was racking up.

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>raping a 13 year old
This triggers /ptg/

He is guilty by association. Being buddies with Ghislaine Maxwell is not a swell thing.

you cannot rape your wife

>been accused of

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