Leftist Cring thread

Its time post um.

Attached: 444.png (2022x228, 103K)

Attached: IMG_20180816_194252_027.jpg (1007x683, 229K)

Attached: qa cringe.png (1538x289, 181K)

Attached: +traditional left-wing couple.jpg (600x783, 112K)

Attached: 1534615822602.png (785x858, 647K)

Attached: delicious liberal tears.jpg (800x700, 424K)

Imagine the smell.

Attached: anne erin collage.jpg (3325x3325, 3.46M)

There might even be a friction-burn smell mixed in.

Attached: [FRICTION INTENSIFIES].jpg (277x263, 21K)

Do you have one that's better quality?