Murdoch-chan AMA

Murdoch-chan is played by a Transwoman and is a strong proponent of right-wing LGBT.
She’s a man.

youthdebates org/t/murdoch-chan-ama/109035

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Other urls found in this thread:

Debased and black pilled

Would you suck her dick though

Awesome. Maybe those faggots will stop spamming that unfunny cringe incarnate around here.


'Cuck discovers Jow Forums' is the only thing MurdochMurdoch made worth watching. It was rapidly downhill since then.

>yeah nigga i’m on that OG shit
>everything after literally episode 1 is garbage
>I’m not a hipster what the fuck

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This doesn't seem real to me...

Figures the only girl willing to voice act a Jow Forums cartoon is actually a man.

Okay, here is more proof
Reddit com/user/Murdoch-chan/

now seems like a good time to recommend a Jow Forums-friendly cartoon that doesn't feature transsexual degenerates:
let me know what you think/what to improve (inb4 >neck yourself)

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episode 1 was over 750 advertisement threads ago. Feel old yet?

the last couple episodes are weird. it more and more feels like a spook enterprise

Fake and gay.

I agree.

Thanks, I'm going to kill myself now

I will not take your autistic cartoon seriously until you upload an image of yourself. I guarantee you look nothing like this idealized white man you have depicted nor are even man enough to put up your own photo anyway.

I don’t give a fuck what his/her gender or sexuality is as long as it’s a white nationalist. Sure it’s degenerate and probably won’t lead to white babby but us wypipo have to look after our own.

Also if he/she is actually a “transwoman” and this isn’t a fake larp, that’s a damn sexy voice for a biological male

>everything is the cia, even Murdoch Murdoch
God I fucking hate people like you.

>look after our own
if they’re right leaning. liberals die with the niggers.

I still don't believe it

Attached: 1484200961094.jpg (770x760, 70K)'s a cartoon, dude, I didn't come up with the design myself. I'm like twenty pounds overweight for my height and I'm pretty average-looking, need to start lifting.
I'm not doxxing myself on Jow Forums anyway, seems like a bad idea

I like this line of thinking. I wouldn't mind settling down with a white trap/pre-op tranny, then adopting a couple of white South African children.

Would still marry her

>1 post by this id

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kys murdoch-san

wait hold up, there were people who thought murdoch-chan was voiced by a woman lmfao

Why the fuck did you tell me this?

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God I love watching Jow Forums get btfo. Keep worshiping your stupid ecelebs idiots!

Literally how. I came at you with facts.

it is deceptive. there is nothing amateurish about it, particularly the writing. its progression has been odd. we still dont know who makes it though many claim this or that person.

i dont like it. there is deceit and guile on it. a thing to push impressionable young men a certain way. more than this though, something unwholesome about the whole thing

It's not her, it's not her

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Why would he/she have a public reddit account where someone could easily doxx him/her? I think they're all way more careful than that.

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That person says they're from Minneapolis while MC is from somewhere in the South. Crisis averted.

Those aren't facts.
>Look at these anonymous accounts! Facts!!!

Fake and gay, there's no way a biological man would have a voice like that, even with training.

Go back to redd*t

Hahha it's just someone larping as murdoch-chan you idiot. Murdoch-chan wants white babies, you can't do that if you're trans. Besides, wouldn't it have been brought up more often than this? These two accounts seem obsessed with lgbt right-wing politics, but these things don't ever seem to be brought up on murdoch murdoch.

Someone prove to me this isn't real please

So was the iron pill suicide thread for real or not? I think I discovered Jow Forums by searching for Evola bullshit, and found the comics, and then Jow Forums. I hope it was just larping. That thread sucked. I hate to see a volkisch bro give up and kill himself.

Bredy good production quality. Work on your scripts a bit- it started to listen like an episode of Vsauce. Also, some jokes came off a little flat.

MM might be degenerate as fuck, but it knows how to tug at you with questions of the human existence. Try to focus more on emotion than cheap humor.

Keep up the good work though. You earned a sub.

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>we still dont know who makes it
Yeah no shit faggot who wants to be doxxed for creating a neo nazi cartoon.
>there is deceit and guile on it
...according to this baseless opinion I just pulled out of my ass.
This is a stupid as fuck shill thread. God I can't stand Jow Forums anymore it's gotten so bad.

>youthdebates org/t/murdoch-chan-ama/109035

A more detailed answer to your question:

I identify strongly with the LGBT Right-wing provocateur section of the ‘Alt Right’. I don’t agree with everything Milo says (for example he wishes he wasn’t Gay) BUT he still argues from a pro-LGBT standpoint, and he’s pretty revolutionary in that respect. Before him there wasn’t really another option for LGBT people politically. We were Liberal lap dogs. It’s quite obvious the Liberal establishment doesn’t have our best interests at heart. So Milo is quite inspirational to me, though I am even more extreme than he is lol. He set the trend, anyway.

I could never be a modern Liberal. I have nothing to gain from that. If it were up to the Liberals, I’d be being stoned right now, or being thrown off of a building, or beheaded. Or I’d be surrounded by unskilled low IQ people, and living in a country that cannot compete internationally because of a lowered innovation rate. I don’t benefit at all from Liberalism, maybe only socially, but there is another way.

Likewise, mainstream Conservatism doesn’t appeal to me, I don’t like the Social Conservatism nor their ideas regarding the Economy. I’m basically an LGBT-Affirming, White Nationalist, Social Democrat. To be truthful, Economics aren’t really my specialty, but I think Laissez Faire Capitalism doesn’t really work that well. I could be wrong. For example, it’s not really certain if the Great Depression was caused by Laissez Faire policies, or more Interventionist policies, or a mixture of both. I obviously do not want something like that happening again. Certainly in Europe, you’d need a certain level of State Intervention. I don’t know, in bigger countries like the US, we could possibly pull off Laissez Faire Capitalism but I am just not sure, I need to study Economics more.

if you read the posts from the Reddit account they mention they live in Minneapolis. MC has an obvious southern accent and during their AMA video they mention they live in a flyover state. Also no biological man could possibly fake a voice that well

gonna agree with this, especially after reading through xer reddit history. every post is muh milo, muh lgbt, muh right leaning lgbt. either a larp, shill or just someone unrelated named murdoch-chan

there’s literally zero trans who have a passing voice that would be like the real murdoch chan

basically this is more d&c shilling and sega genesis was the best console

some underage faggot registers a reddit account more than a year after murdoch murdoch starts putting out videos and you people fall for it

Jow Forums median IQ confirmed for sub-100

It's fake, don't worry.

No idea. Hope not, though. Kinda waiting for him to get in my comments section and call me a faggot for stealing his comics.
Sorry about the scripts, they aren't actually written by me. I basically just narrated a pre-existing comic and made a little animatic for it.
I'm gonna be writing my own after I burn through the next couple Iron Pill episodes, though.

is that you murdoch-chan

This Murdoch-Chan irl

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You have got to be joking.

what is up with the last three episodes dude?


it's someone using the same name, brainlet
I can call myself Faggot but that doesn't make me you

"A more detailed answer to your question:
I identify strongly with the LGBT Right-wing provocateur section of the ‘Alt Right’. I don’t agree with everything Milo says (for example he wishes he wasn’t Gay) BUT he still argues from a pro-LGBT standpoint, and he’s pretty revolutionary in that respect. Before him there wasn’t really another option for LGBT people politically. We were Liberal lap dogs. It’s quite obvious the Liberal establishment doesn’t have our best interests at heart. So Milo is quite inspirational to me, though I am even more extreme than he is lol. He set the trend, anyway.

I could never be a modern Liberal. I have nothing to gain from that. If it were up to the Liberals, I’d be being stoned right now, or being thrown off of a building, or beheaded. Or I’d be surrounded by unskilled low IQ people, and living in a country that cannot compete internationally because of a lowered innovation rate. I don’t benefit at all from Liberalism, maybe only socially, but there is another way.

Likewise, mainstream Conservatism doesn’t appeal to me, I don’t like the Social Conservatism nor their ideas regarding the Economy. I’m basically an LGBT-Affirming, White Nationalist, Social Democrat. To be truthful, Economics aren’t really my specialty, but I think Laissez Faire Capitalism doesn’t really work that well. I could be wrong. For example, it’s not really certain if the Great Depression was caused by Laissez Faire policies, or more Interventionist policies, or a mixture of both. I obviously do not want something like that happening again. Certainly in Europe, you’d need a certain level of State Intervention. I don’t know, in bigger countries like the US, we could possibly pull off Laissez Faire Capitalism but I am just not sure, I need to study Economics more."

What the fuck lol?

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Oh, well then- keep up the hard work, bud.

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She's a virgin qt3.14, you retard. Stop projecting your fag fantasies on her.

>I can't stand Jow Forums anymore it's gotten so bad.
This, I've mostly migrated to 8pol but still come here sometimes because of how much traffic this site gets. It feels almost facebook tier but with edgy slurs and nazi larping.

is that all you got jews?

Sorry no, and I thought they were fine?

No she isn't.

God damnit Finland, your waifuism will kill us all!

>You will never get fucked by murdoch-chans feminine penis.
>feels bad

What the fuck is unwholesome about murdoch murdoch you divide and conquer shill?

Yeah no way a man makes this voice

board is def more intelligent the schizo posting is fucking intense

I'm just kind of bitter and jaded about women because of some bad past experiences.

comma but

fake and gay

show us your real flag, kike

I literally just said "I agree" you stupid cunt

>if you disagree with me about anything at all whatsoever, you're a kike shill and I'll filter you
Yeah, it's a great place.

Bro I like your content and you deserve my sub but don't talk shit about MM.

dont know bro, and not a shill. something just seems different. could be wrong. if they pull ome weird shit though in the next few episodes ill know

Whatever the fuck that means. I'd relax.

I like 8pol, but it just isn't intense enough for me.

fuck off degenerate shitbag

Yes but they are more informed and actually sometimes get shit done. Look at the catalog here, half the threads aren't even political ("what is Jow Forums opinion about milk/dinosaurs/beating your wife etc)

just because some tranny made an account in her name doesn't make it a fact
something shills or a first year glownigger could do

imkampfy killed all the appeal. Now that he's gone they are recovering, but the zest of the moment has flown. Good to check in from time to time.

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I'm just fucking around. I know MC isn't a tranny. Her voice is too high and she's not from Minnesota. Thanks for the sub, btw.

Also. I don't have an unlimited number of comics to draw material from. Gonna need some topics to write new scripts, guys. Give me some ideas.

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this, a male voice can only go so high, so it is simple to prove

Oh noez! Now I can't imaginary fuck the imaginary chick in an animated series! I may have to kill myself or shoot up a school!

Oh, wait. I'm not a Jew. So I'll go back to being a productive member of society that enjoys good bantz.


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it's not a shill, it's literally a confused underage transfaggot who saw a poorly animated cartoon and instead of wanting murdoch chan to sit on his face like a normal person, fantasizes about becoming murdoch chan while putting household objects up his ass

does it have a dick though? not that I'm uh... interested or anything like that

Lolno, that a fucking Slav living in Germany. Ever heard their accents? Fucking tryhard shills.

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>Iron pill vs. Jordan Peterson
>Iron pill vs. central banking
>Iron pill on food

Just spitballing, you have a lot of content to draw on, Iron pill could be inserted into just about anything we talk about on here. Also work on the length of the monologues, there is a sweet spot between too short and too long.

lol someone out there had their gender dysphoria triggered by a wojak with hair

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It's amazing how many there are, ruhrpoles, ukrainians, russians. You can always tell, too, because they're usually from frankfurt or some other shithole in that region