The Chinese government has been holding a Million Uighur people in camps

The Chinese government has been holding a Million Uighur people in camps

why do the Chinese have to be so evil Jow Forums?, don't they have any humanity whatsoever?

Attached: Uighur camps article.png (893x623, 178K)

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I hope they kill all those mudshits.

And watch what the world will do about it; like everything else with China, no one will do a fucking thing. Not a god damn fucking thing.

At best there'll be some virtue signalling, but when it all comes down to it, no one will ever do shit about China. They can make military islands in international waters, claim the south china sea and even put "research bases" on Australian soil illegally and you know what'll happen. FUCKING NOTHING.

and that's a good thing.

Please, it's nonsense by some ultraliberals which the UN is so full of
>read the actual report
>oh, they're not actually camps because creating camps for one million people and shipping them there is ridiculous
>actually it's that the cities they live in are "internment camp like"

Turns out they didn't ship a million people, which would be fucking obvious, but installed CCTVs and conducted door to door searches of certain cities.

Maybe if they stopped doing insurrections, things wouldnt get so stupid, muslims eh!
cant do shit except cause trouble wherever they are....these indigenous traitors are the real cucks, have to laugh at the so called Pakistanis too, cucked by muslims 100's of years ago and still full stockholm syndrone,
They hate Indians and yet are Indians, fucking state of them.

sad,but true, imo Australia needs to take the New Zealand route and ban foreigners from soaking up all the good real estate, go to any auction in Australia right now and 90% of the people there are bloody Chinese. Our government honestly needs to just grow a fucking spine and do something about this invasion, seems unlikely though

Poor Uyghur women. I'd rather kill myself than be forced to marry ching chang chong.

Attached: 1527288084075.jpg (1125x1767, 1.03M)

bumping for an IMPORTANT THREAD

Attached: uighur-kid.jpg (500x432, 116K)

Based and redpilled

>secret camps
It's not even a secret, they're pretty open about it.
Everyone knows and everyone approves.

shh we are managing to get reddit infuriated at the china under the guise of progressiveness which will inevitably drive a further wedge in the progressive coalition which can only be a good thing

Well they're muslims so they probably did something to deserve it desu senpai

Damn. Once again based

>China can't even keep its camp of 1 million Muslims secret
And yet we're supposed to believe that the Germans secretly exterminated 6 million kikes and 15 million non-kikes

Uighurstan is like Turkey. It was once white like Anatolia, but then the Turks came and turkified it into worthlessness

Why is this a bad things, they are only muslims.

Oh if only the Romans and Persians hadn't fought the wars in the 600-700ths. Then Islam would had been seen as a common threat and get bootstomped by two powerfull empires...

yeah... why don't they just mercifully Agent Orange them or tolerantly Guantanamo Bay them?


Attached: 1534481191528.jpg (1010x1515, 202K)

communists have never carried out systematic genocides because true communism wouldn't do that. they're keeping all those muslims in spiritual retreat so their islamic values won't be offended.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 49K)

Here we go with your white racism. Meanwhile there is a Mexican kid stuck in a cage, CAGE

Attached: Young_Uyghur_boy.jpg (412x494, 49K)

Oh look the same elite that tryed a WW3 early start in Syria now is trying to make a WW3 with China

Where else are they supposed to put them?


>1 Million
total population is actually 1 -1,6 Million

>death camps
means normal cities with security on the streets instead of banning cars and declaring bombing, stabbing and arson terrorists attacks part and parcel

>credible reports
means testimony of random persons claiming to be "familiar with the matter"


Chinese prison guards checking their inmates

Attached: secret chinese open air open wall open fence prison guards.jpg (2000x1000, 350K)

Chinese prison guards oppressing freedom fighters

Attached: freedom fighter oppression machine.jpg (720x405, 56K)

Attached: uighur-kid2.jpg (500x333, 127K)

"Welcome to the ethnostate, brother"

uppon checking the sources of these "muh million" claims they come from the same moderate jihadi roach separatists hosted in Swedistan, Germanistan, Turkey and Jew.S.A. who are coordinating the terror attacks in first place
literally just another "Syrian Observatory of Human rights" making up shit from abroad.

Attached: oppression of freedom fighters with metal detectors at prison market.jpg (800x533, 97K)

Attached: uighur-qt.jpg (252x368, 78K)

Can we throw Jenkem Uygher in there with them though?

Oh shit these people are white? Okay I take back my joke

Oh wait there Muslim, okay I reinstate my joke

You had one job

based chinks


Attached: hello fellow whites.jpg (3500x1988, 2.86M)

>Oh shit these people are white?

some of them are some of them aren't, there basically Iranic/Mongol hapas so they can look like almost anything

>having digits that close three times in a row

Attached: Uyghur-Dopa-Maker.jpg (425x640, 88K)

>these people are white

Attached: hellow fellow whites.jpg (3000x2000, 1010K)

nice inside job though

>some of them are some of them aren't
none of them are

The ones chimping out are the muslim turkroaches like the ones in your pic and
not these iranian ones
as the unholy alliance of muslim, kike and hindu shills try to tell us

Its like posting Anglos and Germans to appeal to Jow Forums then go on how the spics and nigger minorities are oppressed, put into prisons and their children taken away from them by the evil Trump regime and its all Mexican clay anyways.

Why do I care?

Is that haze pollution?

>The Chinese government has been holding a Million Uighur people in camps
And that's a good thing.

This is why they are on the Human Rights council

>why do the Chinese have to be so evil Jow Forums?
>killing slimes
Not evil in the slightest.
>don't they have any humanity whatsoever?
>soulless insects
It's like you need to lurk moar.

They are looking Canadian, to me

Trudeau will save them!
He loves muslims!
(Except for the white ones)

Poor delusional leafs, it didn't took one month and they're making imaginary "friends"

Sincerly, one of your many friends