who is your favorite jew?
Who is your favorite jew?
If I could go back in time that's the kike I would kill.
Schlomo Stealingoyshekelbergblatzsteinwitz
>favorite jew
Ephraim Kishon.
Haym Solomon is better. Financed the Revolution when Philip Morris couldn't. Saved the Continental army.
>Financed the Revolution
Jews seem to have a habit of doing that don't they?
Probably this guy, because he's funny.
Except you are too much of a pussy to do so, because there are kikes you can kill RIGHT NOW whose deaths will completely destroy, or at least mostly neutralize over a period of 1 generation, everything this MASTER KIKE did.
I mean, I can probably give you a list, but I won't be able to add anything to it except moving NAT ROTHSCHILD THE NEW SHELL OF REMPHAN to the top, and also pushing every single Republican Jew much higher too.
frame game radio
For the real favorite Jew, Jesus for actually not failing in his goals
For my favorite Jew to laugh at, Karl Marx for creating the ultimate subversion weapon by doing some Jar-jar-binks-like maneuvers and """accidentally""" stumbling upon it. Pure comedy Jew.
Jesus obviously
Larry David
From a Nazi to a fellow (Azhke)nazi, I will support my fellow Nazis in whatever endeavor they may partake it.
Chairman Mao
brother Nathanael.
>not killing Abraham
Bob dylan
Subverted goy puppet =/= jew
Not Jesus? I mean, don't get me wrong, but Jesus succeeded for a much longer time than brother Nathanael.
Unless, of course, Brother Nathanael is the second coming of Jesus, then forget what I just said. Not that it is probable, but you never know.
>Not killing Adam
Ben Shapiro
Jesus is just used as a tool to keep white people support civic nationalism. prove me wrong
You mean was funny.
Jesus BTFOed kikes pretty well for ~15 centuries
Much better length of success than any other Jew
Lul ultra salty kike
Isidor Strauss
Yeah. That guy.
Bobby mother fucking Fischer
Otto Weininger you fucks
No not Otto Warmbier or whoever the fuck. Pay attention.
>not killing yourself
that was just white europeans and the remnants of the Roman Empire that did that. Back when white men still had some animus and didn't fall for Jews telling them to treat every last spic, nigger, and roastie as equal to himself.
Abraham, Moses, David, Elijah, Jesus
You get what I mean
nice shitpost ruskie