UK gets its first neo-nazi, white supremacist group

This is very significant

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Other urls found in this thread:ürgerbewegung

What group are they referring to?

Oy vey the significant rise of Neo nazis! Who else?

I mean the name of the group?


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sounds like some movement is starting to happen over there.good news


OP doesnt name the group.
This guy doesnt name the group and includes standard "oy vey" to make it look like hes "onside".

They are colleting IPs of those who post and whats being said.

Hello Mi5

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I love all these former high ranking government officials outing themselves as complete retards. No wonder the west is on the brink.

Isn't that a pretty old group?
Are other like EDL just not advertised as racist or Neo-Nazis?

One of the reasons that there is no traction with right wing groups and ideas is that there is there is so much paranoia and concern of government infiltration.

Who gives a fuck if they collect our ips for posting on the internet. We are just voicing normal concerns and ideas.
Op just posted a normal newsnight clip and all the information is already out there for anyone with a bit of awareness.

>doesnt name the group and includes
it's obvious

>Membership 60–100

wow, someone must stop these neon nadzees

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Most likely like the people they arrested here, 4 or 5 old farts with hunting rifles that they try to paint as something as dangerous as not-islam terrorism

It's the same shit in the US. Look at any rally, only dozens to hundreds attend.

More than enough to fly over London and drop bombs. Look out brits!

There are probably loads of different right wing groups. The issue here is that they are a 'proscibed group'. It is illegal to be part of that group. They have the same legal status as a group like Al-Qaida or other extremists Muslim groups.

Pay no attention to your migration replacement.
Remember the nazis?

despite being responsible for literally ZERO deaths or terrorist acts.

anyway National Action are an Mi5 honey pot.

>1 fake neo-nazi group thats probably just larpers
>Big black cock newstory

>Most of UK has hundreds of Antifa groups and actual communists
>Lmao don't think about it goy

Why's it gotta be like this?

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they literally want to kill us all.


Notorious liars, this is the same organization that tried to blackwash history so hard it almost got brought to the house of commons and they had to take it down.

Don't worry, they ll be crushed and raped quickly by the UK government for wrong-thinking.

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If it's that easy for them to get our IPs on Jow Forums then I don't think it would matter anyway what thread you posted in

>mudslimes stalking the streets and knifing women in broad daylight
>mudslimes grooming women by the hundreds
>goverment may just ignore the will of the people and abandon brexit
>scotland yard and london police openly prosecuting thought crime on twitter
>no outcry

>25 obese larpers complain about niggers over a d&d session

>1 fake neo-nazi group thats probably just larpers
They were actually planning a proper terror campaign, but one of the fuckers got spooked and got his 30 pieces from Hope Not Hate to dob them in to the security services.

>planning a proper terror campaign

What were they going to do British user?
Buy forks without a license?!
Give out energy drinks to children?!


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The Liberalists and UKIP

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They'd bought machetes and had a list of MPs whose schedules they were working out so they could hack them to death in the streets

The Labour Party

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i wonder why

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>The met's former counter-terrorism chief

Aha... so these are those trustworthy "intelligence agency" employees we are suppose to trust..

Mmm yess quite right... a few skinheads is the real danger, not the childraping gangs and isis sympathizers?

It's actually glossed over on the wiki page someone posted earlier
>the men, Lythgoe and Renshaw, were also charged with being involved in a plot to murder the West Lancashire MP Rosie Cooper with a machete, and of threatening to kill a police officer.
The Independent covers it in a bit more detail than the Beeb link it gives

Didn't that just turn out to be one retard that was coaxed into doing some stupid stuff by an undercover agent. Like it wasn't an organised plot or anything was it?

Somehow Antifa still isn't a terrorist group even though they've done more damage already.

>coaxed into doing some stupid stuff by an undercover agent
Nah, there wasn't a proper man on the inside, it was a defector, one of them who decided it was going too far out of his comfort zone

Where is the list of mp's?

It's litearlly one retarded faggot who went
>I'm gonna chop ya up police man

With the only other proof being
>Police said he was in the “advanced stages” of preparations for an atrocity

Really reaching here

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>Where is the list of mp's?
Wherever the coppers have put it

Unless I'm reading this incorrectly

>It failed to reach verdicts on Renshaw,

It faild to reach verdicts on anyone, other than one guy who was simply convicted of being part of a proscribed group. It sounds like was a reatard who was talking shit down the pub and his mates were broadly agreeing

They were proscribed because one of them called Luciana Berger (an MP) a Jew on twitter.

Look at the insane language fake news uses to describe them:

>A few friends teaching each other self defense classes

>Being afraid of Liz & her kike lackeys

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>counter terrorism
>muh whyt supremacists
Why do these guys never go off on islamic terrorism or anything


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Quite ironic that the BBC was giving them free press just a few years ago.


2 pints & a game of killer in Horse & groom

(((right wing group))))
>'islam is the problem!11'
>'we love jews and israel!111'

every-time. until the BUF come back, i'm not interested.

You'll be seeing hundreds of groups like thatis all over Europe soon.

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hope so.

Bullshit for normies to swallow. Fuck off.

it's already happeningürgerbewegung

Quick rundown on NA (I was a member)
>About 150 of us
>Call for white jihad
>Praise the guy who murdered Jo Cox (MP and remain activist)
>Get banned as a terrorist group
>Continue meeting
>Form different splinter groups
>Eventually get caught

About 20-30 people are in jail now, some for plotting to kill MPs and scum, some for just belonging to a proscribed group. I’d say of the 150 or so members about 30 were serious, the rest were just wanting to be a nazi antifa and fight at protests.

Calm down shlomo.

Do you think if MI5 is watching us here that they haven't been redpilled with all the information they consume?

What do you do now?



there have been maybe 2 generations in history who thought "we're all the same and can live together"
its fucking hysterical that people are "shocked" we are "regressing" to the normal state we were always in

No, these guys will be organized by the government in an attempt to convince people Nazis exist. So every time anyone protests about anything the government wants to implement, the media will declare the Nazi group supports the protestors and then antifa will turn up


100 bucks and I bet that guy is controlled opposition

>Le gchq maymay
No I’m genuinely curious. Did you just keep your head low and let the heat die down after the kangaroo courts had done their thing?

Do you think they aren't watering all the plants in their greenhouse?

Famous Darlington speech
Aesthetics wont win much popular support but the message is spot on

Ah, makes sense mate.
What about the florist watering his plants? Could he be redpilled?

Me or the group? The group has basically been shut down. I’ve tried to just move on with my life. I still hold the same beliefs but don’t see a way of implementing them. I’ve returned to Catholicism a lot

You mean other than the fucking Sunni Wahhabis running around actually doing shit like stabbing people on famous bridges, running people over, trying to bomb the tube? Shit they DID bomb the tube at one.


Now fucked are we? Any chance the general population will somewhat wake up to the demographic catastrophe Facing us?

Have you thought about getting in contact with people like Millennial Woes to discuss what you went through to a wider audience? Would be a really interesting discussion.

and thats a good thing

It really makes you wonder if all it takes is some cultural programming over a generation or two, or if it's some kind of chemical in the food or water or whatever.

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Geee how surprising just right around the time ukip is getting lots of members.
Dont fall for obvious shit your retarded tea slurpers.

this is very likely to happen

Remember that MI5 guy they found folded up in a locked suitcase?
How about the copper that was allegedly a lynchpin between the pakis & the political class in Rotherham that was tragically run over in a hit & run not long after it all came out?
There's plenty of smoke surrounding the IRA and bombing gay bars & the like. I've met a few Irishmen that have told me both sides glowed like fuck.
If MI5 are here, they're nudging us forward, rubbing their hands with glee & CC'ing mossad into their weekly reports mate.
Imagining they're anything but ruthless, genius tier chaos merchants is definitely a mistake.

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Yeah better that your ideas are just quietly dismissed and never taken seriously.

>"All laws are discretionary"
We are SO fucked.

This is exactly how they upset any resistance to the status quo. They send in their dickheads to join and start acting like wankers to put off the other members and reduce the appeal for new members.

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at least one person with half a brain in here

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>Britain now has its first Neo-nazi, white supremacist group since WW2

Let me just make lazy guess. It's Sargon and Dankula, isn't?

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Even gimp isn't this bad

>Literally just a bunch of 18/19 year old larpers


Don’t wanna betray the group. Most are good lads and I don’t want them to feel like I’m ratting them out.
I think by the time the population wake up there will be too many non-whites and degenerative whites to do much about it. I can see the best hope for us being in an apartheid style system or having Jim Crow laws

Badi 1940

slightly better

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Oh yeah - nice

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This is a good image

How would you be ratting them out? The group has already been proscribed. It was a big story yet not many people have any idea what happened or what lead to it being banned. You could just speak about general things and what could be learned moving forward for nationalist groups.

That advert is false, I've declared income and they still chase after me. It really is dystopian

You would imagine that MI5/6 would be smart enough to know that all these immigrants and everything else is going to have a tremendous backlash sooner or later.

They managed to register...the great amount...wait for it...of....drums drums drums....500 people.

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>Founded 2013
Ah yes, this is the NEW and DANGEROUS neo-nazi party that OP's pic is talking about.

UKIP is a party for homos and pedos

Some guy was using a butter knife in his kitchen which happened to have an English flag hanging up. As he had no butter knife license and no English flag license he was charged under the 2001 terrorism act as well as multiple hate speech charges for inciting racial hatred against butter. He's currently in a majority Asian prison for five years with no hope of future employment.

The absolute state of the right these days.
Sounds like a retard. Looks like might be some inferior genetics or just straight inbreeding.

Nothing lost. People with English flags up in their kitchen don’t have employment prospects anyway.