>Here is the redpill you can't handle. Communism protected the eastern part of Europe from degeneracy and kept it right-wing. When Communism collapsed, the people's in those countries were relatively unchanged culturally, despite communism. On the other hand, the West had degenerated into leftist cesspits were homosexuality, nigger worship, Islam, and the early forms of other degeneracy, like transgenderism, were normalised or celebrated.
>This undeniably proves that capitalism is the source of degeneracy. You can see this today by looking at the ex communist countries. Since being integrated into the Jewish-Anglo-American empire, they've slowly degenerated socially and culturally to the West. This degeneration will continue over the next few decades until the ex-soviet states are degenerate leftist cesspits like the West.
>This is a SPECTACULAR irony, so called right-wingers in the West have been fighting, attacking, and fearing communism over the past century, while they themselves became less right-wing than the communist countries. In the Soviet Union, right up to its dissolution, homosexuality would land you in a cell or a mental hospital. Those anti-homosexual attitudes this persist in those countries, while the in the West being a homosexual will gain you a parade and adoration on television.
Yes, but communism jumps straight to Jewish bolshevik control, and suppression of White culture. Capitalism is not the answer, nor is Communism. Fascism is the only real answer
Adam Fisher
>communism >kept it right-wing
>socially conservative is right-wing and not socially conservative is left-wing
Nope. Western is like this today thanks to Soviet spies and their marxist propaganda. Eastern Europe is fine today, because they already ruled those countries.
Jackson Carter
>it's harder to be a degenerate when you're dirt poor >hey guise, let's be poor so we won't be degenerates
Juan Bell
>Communism protected the eastern part of Europe from degeneracy and kept it right-wing no it didnt we are progressive
>capitalism is now currently defined in the West as "a country run by Jews"
Brayden Adams
based and redpilled lolbergs and ancaps need to eat shit and die
Ian Clark
>here’s the redpill >proceeds to say retarded things
Aaron Baker
Hurr durr a shill represents pol
Leo Sanchez
copes retarded, all communist movements quickly devolved into jingoist level nationalism based nazbol poster
Isaac Cook
it wasnt the communist ideology itself, it was its consequences - living poorly and harshly. Without abundance and comfort these retarded ideas dont even appear in society. So communism protected the east accidentally through its sheer incompetence to provide a decent living.
Carter Sullivan
>capitalism is the source of degeneracy.
No, it's America.
Andrew Lopez
its almost as if... people weren't made to live under such abundance! :O I suppose our only stable solutions are anprim or eugenic fascism to wipe out desire. If technological development slows down we will eventually converge to one of these steady states over time.
Michael Baker
>America is the root of degeneracy >Netherlands
Henry Rodriguez
America had a very strong influence on us in the 1960's and 1970's, basically erasing our original culture and replacing it with theirs.
And National Socialism could have saved us from degeneracy AND allowed us to live comfortably.
Jaxson Turner
Communism, Capitalism, nor Socialism are "responsible" for progressing degeneracy.
It requires a collective of cultural influence, regulatory power, and economic influence.
Socialism, Communism, and Capitalism are just the playgrounds in which the elites play their games. Such is the case for Democracies, Republics, Theocracies and Oligarchies. Simple playgrounds on which the players play their games, while you are in the stands paying the bill and helpless to intercede.
How does culture spread? I ask because degeneracy is the manifestation of a cultural disease that will fester and metastasize like a cancer through every available avenue as quickly as WiFi can carry it.
the one redpill about communism that Jow Forums doesn't tell you is that Stalin purged the soviet union of Jews and reinstituted conservative norms when it came to family, child birth, divorce, art and sculpture
Jaxon Richardson
It's only matter of money. Niggers, shitskins and other parasites come to a country because of free gibs lure. Degenerative behavior came with decades of wealth, people in the west got the illusion that everything is for free and responsibility for their deeds isn't relevant for them selves anymore.
Colton Flores
I think this is liberalism at work, not capitalism. A State-Capitalist society would have no problem helicoptering degeneracy.
Brayden Gray
Stalinism did. Stalin put an icepick in proper communism.