American Child marriages

Why are there so many child marriage in the usa? Its been a huge thing for a long time and is done in whitest parts of the usa

>More than 207,000 American minors were married between 2000 and 2015, according to an investigation by Frontline, a television programme. Over two-thirds were 17 years old, but 985 were 14, and ten were just 12.

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Seems like a great way to ensure a long lasting relation. It's either that or the little girl will grow up to be some tinder slut career woman.


>tl;dr 17yos don't count, so 4000 actual child marriages per year
In a country with 370M people, that's not a lot.

Why are there so many tiger mosqutos in the netherlands?

oh wait. because they ignored my advice in 2009.

Attached: dutch mosquito.jpg (480x360, 25K)

Source on the chick?

Angourie Rice.

Australian actor.

Best kind of marriage obviously.

Based and redpilled

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