Christ is the only answer

Just a reminder that there is only one true answer to all the fear, hatred, anger, disillusionment that you may feel. There is no other answer except Christ. The only answer for all your problem, be they political, economical, philosophical, natural, racial,. Only one way. every other solution is a placebo or a pain killer that does not cure the actual problem. I believe this is a political solutions please, so mods dont delete. and i know it is most definately politically incorrect but true.

Attached: The only answer.png (762x1024, 223K)

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just my 2 cents

>christ is the answer
No, it isn't.
Christ is the problem.

Your image is wrong. There should be Catholicism not Christianity.

There should be no abrahamic religions

said like a true commie.


Attached: 1531246810581.jpg (1312x863, 340K)

Christ with a sad intent, to adjust and to coexist, with the law of the fist.

Well, that's the only solution i see. everything else seems doomed to fail