>Poles protest against muslim refugees and their establishment insults the protesters the EU spergs out
>Romanians protest against corruption, unfairness, and abuse of power, and the establishment beats the piss out of them, infiltrates the masses with instigators, hides the identifying tags on riot police, uses expired tear gas in the summer heat indiscriminately, stages a failed attempt at turning a young female officer into a martyr, and outright calls for shooting them the EU doesn't give half a shit I really want to like the EU, but for fuck's sake
Romania is irrelevant. Can't even use EU money right.
Brody Hernandez
We need a right wing party not the fucking EU
Cooper Sullivan
>I really want to like the EU The only reason to like it is because they give you the opportunity ti work in a wealthy country, for as long as the EU doesn't crash us with no survivors.
The EU doesn't give a shit about you, because you're already halfway to Brazil tire from gyppos. They care about Poland because it's too fucking white.
>the establishment beats the piss out of them, infiltrates the masses with instigators, hides the identifying tags on riot police, uses expired tear gas in the summer heat indiscriminately, stages a failed attempt at turning a young female officer into a martyr
which is basically any modern country dude, don't fool yourself
Ayden Parker
t. bezgore
>poland >white lol
true, they still have shitty roads with holes in it just like in fallout 3 I been there on vacation.
Ioannes will stay until 2023-2024 and your country will be shit again, your dragnea comes to power in 2025, a series of shitty presidents will rule you in future, just wait.
If Hitler won, poles would be long gone dead, just like US army did with the injun savages, learn your history retard, you don't belong to europe, but rather russia.