Attached: lauren-mulatto-kike.jpg (631x798, 42K)
Without Lauren Southern, what is the future of the alt right movement?
Dylan Cox
David Brooks
We must do a reconciliation between muslims and whites to fight against degeneracy and jews
Jaxson Gray
Anthony Adams
Connor Long
fuck off Mohammed
Robert Sullivan
>without ((())), what is the future of the ((())) movement
fuck off with the kike whore and kike label
Elijah Wright
Less confused. You don't get to be in the alt-right unless you form all of your own opinions with original research. Trad-thots and goy herders have no business here and will only find themselves frustrated. Ever wonder why Buckley spazzed out about being called a crypto-nazi?
Because he was full crypto-kike at the time.
Liam Martinez
What happened? Did she finally give up patreon to get married and start a family?
Aiden Thomas
fucking wasted kys
Liam Roberts
what a waste
Wyatt Hill
Dylan Rodriguez
Christopher Hall
Wasted on a whore.
Gas yourself.
Xavier Walker
A true far right movement where the Jew influence has been eradicated
Jayden Jones
Cameron Brooks
wasted maybe, but what did kek mean by this ?
Michael Nguyen
Hudson Sullivan
nah, they haven’t released her from her duties yet
Thomas Hill
there is a special place in hell for people who waste digits like that
Hudson Foster
Mason Cooper
traditional values are coming back!?
Logan Bell
can't get more blessed than this
Evan Kelly
Wow it is now in her future
Kayden Jackson
Jonathan Flores
What a waste.
Jose Peterson
what is that watsed meme about guys?
Bentley Cooper
kek is laughing because tradthots are liars
Logan King
Blake Fisher
Landon Young
wasted hexes
Angel Cruz
alt right betas will have to find a new coal burner to jack off to
Lincoln Fisher
tying your post around a get automatically pre-wastes the get
Hunter Smith
>future of the alt right movement
There is no future for the alt-right. It's dead since many so called leaders of the alt-right left.
Owen Watson
face meet palm
Isaiah Turner
True, no wonder KEK didn't choose my post. He knew
Jackson Robinson
As soon as you admit your praying posture is anal presentation for prospective ass buddies, Achmed.
Kevin Allen
Digits confirm /our girl/ is pregnant with the ubermensch who will save the White Race
Levi Hill
Women who claim to be "traditional" should follow the most important tradition: sustaining culture by handing it on to their children.
Kayden Nelson
lurk moar
Justin Morales
waiting for my sperms to hatch any day now
Jaxon Morris
Fuckin nigger REEEEEE
Luke Cooper
Adam Wilson
>/our girl/ is pregnant
She can't be unmarried, pregnant, and /our girl/ at the same time. Pick a max of two.
Brayden Scott
some lib left youtube as well I think they are imploding
Isaiah Lee
the position as an alt-right eceleb does not outweigh her own personal responsibilities to the white race.
As noted in Disneys Frozen we must
Let Her Go
Zachary Harris
Yeah, now that there is no leaders in the alt right anymore I’m willing to give blacks and immigrants a chance. Also I’m finding myself more open to the idea of communism
>said no one ever
Regardless of if the alt right dies or not, the ideas and beliefs that make up alt right aren’t going anywhere. Niggers didn’t suddenly become good people, muslims are still blowing themselves up etc.
Elijah Phillips
I would lick her bum hole
Jace Ross
Ryder Robinson
>it's okay to be white
Jack Robinson
traditional conservative girl
Owen Robinson
/ourgirl/ and pregnant, doesn't need to be married to be a Hitler bride user, I'm sure and SS tier identitarian knocked her up
Brayden Diaz
Holy shit is that real? Where do I sign up to pay pig for MOAR?
Grayson Bell
Colton Clark
>Regardless of if the alt right dies or not, the ideas and beliefs that make up alt right aren’t going anywhere.
Yeah those 'ideas' aren't going anywhere indeed because being dumb and racist aren't really polictical material. The kikes invented the alt right to get their boy in the white house. Now they don't really need you anymore until the next presidential election. First move of your president was inviting netanyahu at the WH, then moving the american embassy to Jerusalem, then waging war against Iran. he doesn't give a shit about niggers or mexicans flooding the Texas border.
Robert Collins
>walk in
>see this
Wut do?
Benjamin Martin
If she's /ourgirl/ and pregnant, that implies she can't be unmarried.
Henry Scott
Aaron Collins
Jonathan Diaz
Of course it's real. When I see this it makes me do sex.
Camden Wright
Henry Gray
I told you yesterday: I'd lick her mouth. Got it? Don't ask me again.
Isaac Evans
>If you have ever done anything not perfectly Trad, you can never ever be a conservative.
I wonder who could be behind thiseses post(s)?
Grayson Gomez
Literally who gives a fuck if she's conservative or not?
Jordan Murphy
Remember when she didn't "buy into white genocide stuff" ?
Adrian Bennett
Gabriel Scott
Kevin Myers
Probably was some random dude lol.
Hudson Taylor
>Only kikes are allowed to use the word genocide
Luke James
Educate yourself, during times of crisis like today sex for procreation outside of marriage is fine, we need more white babies user.
Michael Martin
>wait until someone else can see me
>overly carefully reach for the top ream of copy paper so her knees are almost touching my penis
>accidently knock the bananana off the shelf
>silently catch the banana with my free left hand so it's just pointing at her butthole
>clumsily pull the top ream dragging the one underneath it
>which falls onto her legs
>she shifts in suprise as pushes her butt on the banana and knees me in the penis
>i look round to my witness who laughs along with me
>in the confusion I walk away with a free banana
Michael Allen
Can you go be a jew somewhere else please? Or at least be better at being a jew.
Michael Adams
> sex for procreation outside of marriage
That's what niggers do. White people raise their children within the blessed stability of holy matrimony.
Josiah Hall
Not me, conservatism is the enemy as the only thing it conserves is moderate liberalism. Fascism embraces LS.
Jonathan Lopez
An ironically asked question, has been bestowed with digits of truth. It's not necessarily that she is, but rather that women should.
Thomas Davis
Not possible during times of crisis, more future soldiers are necessary though
Kevin Stewart
>kike accuses me of being a kike for exposing this kike tradthot
Josiah Thomas
Remember when she documented it in South Africa?
Landon Perry
A man of reason. Conservatism is only as good as what it's conserving. A gay position in our society. Conservatism is gay.
Jeremiah Morris
You mean she had a change of heart...Or is it because she sensed the winds turning?
Daniel Murphy
It's like her head isn't fully rested. She's engageing her neck to keep it straight. She would need like 10 cm more clothes for her head to be rested like that.
Evan James
She's young and a woman. It's senseless to expect firm and unchanging positions from her. Anyone who looks on her as an intellectual authority is retarded.
Leo Roberts
> She's young and a woman. It's senseless to expect firm and unchanging positions from her
She should firmly and unchangingly devote herself to her family, both to her loving husband and to their beautiful children.
Ethan Wood
not as ugly
Isaac Jackson
Sniff feet
Michael Robinson
You're dumb and gullible if you think this kike thot is worried about white genocide.
Dominic Garcia
Indeed. She'll be a great mother.
Elijah Fisher
>if you think this kike thot is worried about white genocide
What on earth made you think that I thought that?
Brandon Rogers
I have castrated myself and devoted myself to worshipping her as the one true white Queen. When she dies I will commit suicide.
Brody Sullivan
Ayden Parker
Jose Morales
Aiden Campbell
Grayson Morgan
Lucas Moore
I gave up on being a LS supporter. All of my extra money goes to Laura Loomer now. She is much better and staying in contact with supporters.
Michael Lee
Thomas Brown
I only give women whom I fuck and make sure they look okay too.
Hunter Barnes
She doesn't even offer the $200 per month anymore. Think about that. There were so many people paying her $200 to talk on Skype for 15 minutes per month. It was nearly impossible to find a time to talk so I gave up.
Jose Cox
I believe you 100%
Oliver Thompson
Never understood the whole appeal around her. She's just some whore banking on getting attention from desperate 'Alt-Right' faggots in order to line her own pockets.
Doubt she actually believes even half of what she says. Just some ploy to get money.
Thomas Gray
That's hilariously pathetic. I can't believe so many betas are ready to donate money to this tradthot.