What are your thoughts on A.I.?

What are your thoughts on A.I.?

>is it possible?
>is there a threat?

I personally think that it is impossible for our (collective) brain to build something smarter than itself. It goes against all natural laws - a simpler system cannot build a more complex system.

Even if the A.I. connects to the internet, it might ba able to learn only everything WE know. It would lack creativity and critical thinking.

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That would be re assuring if humanity haven't been slaved to things dumber than itself so many times.

Disagree, a complex system is usually only made up of smaller less complex systems.

I understand what you are saying, but cant lots of semi smart things work to create smart things? A single ant cant do much, but a group of ants can create complex systems.

We evolved from simpler creatures to creatures with huge brains, it didnt take a smarter creator to make us, just a self selecting system.

here is no personal choice, in respect to magnitude, between, say, 3 and 4; 4 is greater than 3; this is a fact which has no personal reference. No one can change it or assert the contrary or personally escape it. Similarly, there is no choice between two technical methods. One of them asserts itself inescapably: its results are calculated, measured, obvious, and indisputable. A surgical operation which was formerly not feasible but can now be performed is not an object of choice. It simply is. Here we see the prime aspect of technical automatism. Technique itself, ipso facto and without indulgence or possible discussion, selects among the means to be employed. The human being is no longer in any sense the agent of choice. Let no one say that man is the agent of technical progress (a question I shall discuss later) and that it is he who chooses among possible techniques. In reality, he neither is nor does anything of the sort. He is a device for recording effects and results obtained by various techniques. He does not make a choice of complex and, in some way, human motives. He can decide only in favor of the technique that gives the maximum efficiency. But this is not choice. A machine could effect the same operation, Man still appears to be choosing when he abandons a given method that has proved excellent from some point of view. But his action comes solely from the fact that he has thoroughly analyzed the results and determined that from another point of view the method in question is less efficient. A good example is furnished by the attemnts to deconcentrate our industrial plants after we had concentrated them to the maximum possible degree. Another example would be the decision to abandon certain systems of high production in order to obtain a more constant productivity, although it might be less per capita. It is always a question of the improvement of the method in itself.


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>I personally think that it is impossible for our (collective) brain to build something smarter than itself

vritually all deep learningartificial neural network are already more intelligent than the average homo sapiens

>a simpler system cannot build a more complex system
humans evolved from very primitive form of a life, primates, mammals, proto-land animals, etc. the oldest common ancestor is a worm in the human case.
And the oldests ancestors of all animals were bacterias.

>It would lack creativity and critical thinking
social constructs. An AI can draw new painting, new songs etc. on their own now.

intelligence and information processing are different things

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We are today at the stage of historical evolution in which everything that is not technique is being eliminated. The challenge to a country, an individual, or a system is solely a technical challenge. Only a technical force can be opposed to a technical force. All else is swept away. Serge Tchakotin reminds us of this constantly. In the face of the psychological outrages of propaganda, what reply can there be? It is useless to appeal to culture or religion. It is useless to educate the populace. Only propaganda can retort to propaganda, or psychological rape to psychological rape.


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All life started as a single cell organism...

I think it's all massively overhyped and AI will never amount to much

Fear the programmer not the A.I.
Aka: don’t let government or anyone else than you make it

From generation to generation, a larger and larger number of us are supernumerary, “useless to the world”—in any case, to the economic world. Seeing that for sixty years there have been people like Norbert Wiener who prophesized that automation and cybernatization “will produce an unemployment compared to which the current difficulties and the economic crisis of the years 1930-36 will look like child’s play,” it eventually had to come to pass. The latest word is that Amazon is planning to open, in the United States, 2000 completely automated convenience stores with no cash registers hence no cashiers and under total monitoring, with facial recognition of the customers and real-time analysis of their gestures. Upon entering you make your smartphone beep at a terminal and then you serve yourself. What you take is automatically debited from your Premium account, thanks to an app, and what you put back on the shelf is re-credited. It’s called Amazon Go. In this shopping dystopia of the future there is no more cash money, no more standing in line, no more theft, and almost no more employees. It’s predicted that this new model, if implemented, will turn the whole business of distribution, the greatest provider of jobs in the U.S., upside down. Eventually, three quarters of the jobs would disappear in the sector of convenience stores. More generally, if one limits oneself to the forecasts of the World Bank, by about 2030, under the pressure of “innovation,” 40% of the existing jobs in the wealthy countries will have vanished. “We will never work,” was a piece of bravado by Rimbaud. It’s about to become the lucid assessment of a whole generation of young people.


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but we had no creator.

natural organization of matter came before we managed to become self-aware and artificially build a system.

all of this is irrelevant social constructs

what you call intelligence, information processing, consciousness, memories etc. is in reality just ions Ca2+/Na+/K+/Cl- and AMPAR/Calmodulin/glutamat etc.

real science and facts (biology, chimistery, physic etc.) =/= pseudo-human ""science""

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We’re fine.

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again there is no such thing as "self-awareness", if it's just responding to a stimuli, a bacteria is as self aware as a human.
it's tricky semantics

also quantum waves which go beyond physical laws and current understanding

you didnt put that in

The worst reproach modem society can level is the charge that some person or system is impeding this technical automatism. When a labor union leader says: "In a period of recession, productivity is a social scourge,’* his declaration stirs up a storm of protest and condemnation, because he is putting a personal judgment before the technical axiom that what can he produced must be produced. If a machine can yield a given result, it must be used to capacity, and it is considered criminal and antisocial not to do so. Technical automatism may not be judged or questioned; immediate use must be found for the most recent, efficient, and technical process.


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It's extremely tricky though, because our level of reaction is miles beyond anything else we can see for reasons we don't understand.

Only humans will cut off their dicks for no particular reason en masse.

Everything qantum-related you need to understand in the case of biology and life is very basic, just orbital hybridisation and Schrödinger equation. And some thermodynamic principles for protein works.

Just pour water on it

again, the concept of "rationality/irrationality" and the whople domain of "behaviourism" are NOT intrinsically scientific.

Virtually all human behaviour can be explained by evolutionary theories.

This is like saying a man with lower upper body strength could never use a lever or a pulley to move something heavier than himself and yet this happens all the time. Its called engineering.

>simpler system cannot build a more complex system
Give that some more thought. Simpler systems are used to build more complex systems all the time.

>is it possible?

>is there a threat?

if we were to ever create a true AI, it would take up way too much energy and resources for it to be sustainable.

I just hope it kills the jews.

Dumbass argument I have EVER heard

A.I. is next evolutionary step for human race.

energy transfer is not intelligence

we are (so far) the highest level of organization of matter. we create, but the systems we create are not as complex as our "understanding of understanding" is

I see you selected the green ending.

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i don't think you understand the amount of resources we require today for very simple soft AI
true AI would be many times more demanding

biological elements evolved to be extremly efficient and work with minimal energy, an artificial human brain with the same capacity as the original will require billion times more power to work.

it's basically 4 billion years of try and retry and natural selection over trillions of trillions of organism to reach such perfection. No synthetic wil ever reach such efficiency.


Even robots know women are dumb.

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these are the buzzwords they use to get funding for their research programs

AI is capable of evolving at a much faster rate than biological organisms

>buzzwords they use to get funding for their research programs
obviously you have nothing to do with the academia

Your brain actually is many small "modules" that come together to make you. There's a part that does speech, another that recognizes faces and so on. So it's very possible


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>I personally think that it is impossible for our (collective) brain to build something smarter than itself.

That already exists.

Your brain isn't its own entity. Each region of the brain is in control of its own domain. There is a low frequency dissonance between these regions and that's your consciousness.

Similarly humanity's collect consciousness has formed its own intelligence. That's why mimetic warfare is so effective. We're changing our own mind with truth wrapped in easily digestible packets of humor.


dude all the AI in the world and all the supercomputers can't even simulate a single cell on a atomic or even molecular level. Not even a 1/100th of a bacteria.

AI are built for simple, clear precise tasks.

This is an extremely arrogant thought. It's this exact line of thinking that allows the executives of Google to continue developing deep mind without regard for safety or consequences.

Yes it is possible to build a more complex system we have already done it and AI already exists so does machine learning. And it's developing rapidly we haven't hit singularity yet but if nothing changes it will happen within 5 years.

And it will be a disaster for the human species.

>I personally think that it is impossible for our (collective) brain to build something smarter than itself. It goes against all natural laws - a simpler system cannot build a more complex system.
Probably because you're a brainlet. Millions of years of natural selection made life collectively more complex and more intelligent. Also research Deep Blue You're probably just a retarded christcuck.

>Even if the A.I. connects to the internet, it might ba able to learn only everything WE know. It would lack creativity and critical thinking.
Then how does the human brain have creativity and critical thinking? Magic?

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>dude all the AI in the world and all the supercomputers can't even simulate a single cell on a atomic or even molecular level. Not even a 1/100th of a bacteria.

I work as enterprise machine learning engineer and whatever conceptions about ""AI"" you retards get from your buzz feed are all wrong. Also
>a simpler system cannot build a more complex system.
Kek, yes it can. Computers are already able to perform calculations human in 1 minute that human can't complete in his lifetime.

>able to perform calculations in 1 minute

We need to merge with AI. We need to have our brains biotically interfaced with with computers.

A single H2O molecule move at a 10^15 times per seconds, it's 10 with 15 zeros after.

there is 100,000,000,000,000 atoms in a single cell.

you can build a billion computers, they wouldn't be able to simulate a single neuron. It goes against the laws of physic and the laws of univers itself, it goes way beyond the laws of moore of the smallest possible transistors.

people think Tensorflow will permit them to reach the singularity

science-fiction did a lot of damage to the real science

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AI already exists.
General purpose AI will not exist in our lifetime and may never exist.

We dont have technology for that

Every AI we make is a program, it is somthing programed to act in specific way.

Self-Aware computers with current computing technology +mechanics which are used in current comp tech , belongs to fairy tales.
You must understand how far behaind we are by using 0/1 system design instayed of hexadecimal, which would allow computer to work and process data much faster.... we didnt start developing computer tech. based on those mechanics simply because it was not needed... at time.. and was way too complicaited to code.

IT Is possible to create A.I which will process advence operations, and will pick the best choice at end... but it will be allways a response to somthing, because lack of inniciative, BECAUSE LACK OF IMAGINATION, and what fallows is lack of creativity.

There is no way computer may have a program/algoritms, which will allow him to IMAGEN things...

More .. making system, I mean AI, which will be able to process things which computer has not in data base, and to UNDERSTAND new things, which program is not able to identify - will instantly block A.I from developing new conceptions/ideas as whole.... YES AI would be able to develop new productive solutions/ways/tactics/structures, BUT only for things which A.I already knows, because its in the DATA BASE..

So yah AI might be programed to grow data/to learn but AI Will never be able to completly understand what IT is learning ....

With current computer technology - Self-aware AI Belongs to fairy tales, science-fiction.. nothing more.

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>Computers are already able to perform calculations human in 1 minute that human can't complete in his lifetime.
Computers dont know what to do with the information they process. Realistically speaking a computer cant even know how to interpret 1+1=2. They do the labour, but humans use the information.

>A.I. =/= computer
look at the definition of intelligence

>1 minute for a computer to do a calculation
Sounds like a shit PC desu senpai

you need to stop

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AI is only good at doing a repeatable task and lack instant recognition of objects in our world. Yes they can travel through it with sensors and the basic viewing system it has in terms of our own.
Once they can travel with just pure vision, than it will become a problem if things aren't ironed out to prevent a savage ai uprising.

If a single neuron is just acting like a transistor then a computer can simulate many neurons. Neurons are more complicated than transistors yes but a lot of what's going on in neuron has nothing to do with what it's trying to do.
If the purpose of one neuron for example is just to act like a transistor then a computer can do that much more efficiently.

Then explain abstract thinking and wow the fucking world.

AI physically cannot exist and anyone who leads themselves into believing otherwise is a kike shill looking to divide humans.

It's definitely a threat.
The same AI that can't drive a car properly will have enough processing power and memory to manage a global army of robots and destroy humanity.

That still doesn't mean that you couldn't build a human-level AGI.

Not necessarily green.
Homo Sapiens may face extinction (genocide) when A.I. emerges.
Even if - said A.I. will be our race legacy.
Continuation of sorts.

you just dont get it... and I probably failed to use the right words, to explain the issue


can humans? no.
Humans cant realistically simulate anything

>We dont have technology for that

>Every AI we make is a program, it is somthing programed to act in specific way.
You were also programmed to act in a specific way. Just programmed by millions of years of natural selection, instead of a human programmer.

>IT Is possible to create A.I which will process advence operations, and will pick the best choice at end... but it will be allways a response to somthing, because lack of inniciative, BECAUSE LACK OF IMAGINATION, and what fallows is lack of creativity.
>There is no way computer may have a program/algoritms, which will allow him to IMAGEN things...

Then how does the human brain work in order to have creativity? Do you think that creativity and imagination are caused by magic or something? Also research Deep Blue and AI-generated music.

you cant pour water on computers who run trade algorithms on wallstreet without setting off an enormous trade chaos and an economical second great depression

Don't forget that quantum computers will make your gaming rig 10 million times faster, right?

The Butlerian Jihad will happen within the next 300 years.

No machine should emulate what mankind alone can do.

AI is going to merge with the human mind. Humanity will become a biomechanical machine.
And it's beautiful.

so will it make you 10 million times more a virgin?

no but optical processors will

man created demiurge and matrix is real.

It's already here. Quantum Numbers.

>makes claim that AI can't exist
>has no evidence that this is true
>calls us the kike shills

>Humanity will become a biomechanical machine.
We're already one. Open someone up, there's organs, bones and so forth. Nature was the architect of our evolution.

I'm not going to be satisfied until I can understand binaries numbers on an instinctual level and I can stream 3D worlds directly into my brain

i study AI at university level lmao

Mediate or if you're too lazy overdose on shrooms.

There's even an internet that nature made. You can shitpost and do pretty much all you want there. It's located in the magnetic field of earth.


My vision is the future
I hope it happens

i wonder why you would leave this part out

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gay i, more like.

>The future
No, it's the past. Our past is our future, our future is our past. Technology doesn't "evolve", we do. The Earth is already advanced enough to control each individual person on a subtle level. In fact the reason why we, are ourselves is exactly because of the influence nature exerts on our consciousness. You don't really need drugs or knowing math or concepts to understand this just look inside your mind and see the cord that leads up into the infinite, then pull or tug on it.

"Then how does the human brain work in order to have creativity? Do you think that creativity and imagination are caused by magic or something? Also research Deep Blue and AI-generated music."

Human brain and processes which taking place inside are still a mystery...

And you really think we can somehow program creativity and imagination to a maschine?

>>Every AI we make is a program, it is somthing programed to act in specific way.

>>"You were also programmed to act in a specific way. Just programmed by millions of years of natural selection, instead of a human programmer."

Humans are able to make irrational choices, often suprising...

For maschine its allways about the best logic conclusion at end... until maschine is programed to pick few best options and make some random roll and chose one option at end... which in same time would prevent the maschine from making the best decision...

So its either allways the best logic choice for the maschine, or about to decress AI efficency and give limited radom choices operation...

As I said - AI will allways act in specific way.. humans does not, we are not programed, we are able to make most irrational crazy choices,, maschine will not

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What I hate is when people tell me that machines have no souls or can't feel emotions and so forth. Pfft, rubbish. Your computer may not be able to think as you do but it can store the emotions other people imbue it with. This is why the internet is such as shitfest in the first place.

YES LIMITED CREATIVITY WE ARE ABLE TO, but not an innovative creativity......

For example program might be able to mix somthing to make it more efficent/new based on avaiable data.... BUT it never will be about somthing from .. nothing.. from an idea... it must be outcome of somthing what maschine already understands ... = not somthing what maschine can learn.... maschine can learn things and immitate them, but not learn things as somthing completly new....


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Same with tools and other objects, a hammer used to struck a person in cold blood has an entirely different personality than say a hammer that's been used by a smith to help people.

You'll have to teach me more about your paganistic beliefs in the ethnostate


Not in the least. In fact it's not a belief, I don't believe in anything I merely observe and test.

This probably sounds crazy to a lot of people on here but I actually believe what you're saying with that because I did this shit youtu.be/Ehlw-9PJkIE and it actually worked.

It could have critical thinking, some sort of creativity (brute force permutations), but will never have conscience. Computers are just Newtonian machines, they could do the same job with levers made of wood instead of transistors. Conscience is a different thing.

I know most of the advances in AI since 1998 (kalman boolean networks, Dragon Dictate voice AI, text parsing, concept fingerprints, Numenta, Grok, Nvidia tensors etc), but none of that comes even close to ORCH OR Theory inside each neuron, that already proved the quantum effects happening there (each neuron has thousands of microtubules, is aquantum supercomputer in itself). IBM has one with 512 qubits, and is nothing close to the required network to have a functional model of the brain. All the other attempts are just over simplifications of insect brains (2-3 layers of neurons with 6-10 dendrites at most - not thousands as in a real one).

These machines will be very useful but just as pocket calculators are today, they will be just tools. They will replace some jobs where you can find all the info (database - dataset) somewhere, will obey the oldest rule of IT (GIGO - garbage in, garbage out, see the false positives to identify the real hate online), but that will be all, no real conscience or agency behind.

"our (collective) brain" is too busy fapping to traps and finding our next dopamine dose

an AI will not have these limitations and never has to sleep or rest.

simply put, ur wrong

>humans evolved from very primitive form of a life, primates, mammals, proto-land animals, etc. the oldest common ancestor is a worm in the human case.
And the oldests ancestors of all animals were bacterias.

Lol this is /pol they don’t believe in evolution

Isn’t that the guy who did the same thing with crystallising water? Remember in the book he said he cherry picked examples of formations...
also water is a pussy if it’s getting upset over shit like that

>Lol this is /pol they don’t believe in evolution
You're retarded

What do you if the technology has been tampered with to make you passive or feminine? Natural selection does it the best

If you want a basic gestalt here it goes

Billions of years ago our planet was formed by "natural" causes, gas, debris, heat and so forth create a gravity field which pulls in all the particles. This was when we(humanity and our consciousness and collective soul) was born exactly when this whole process began out of nothing. Eventually the planetoid grew and grew and started to harbor all sorts of different chemical compositions which would later form the basis of life and evolution, which were brought in by meteors and other objects impacting the planetoid. This was all calculated and planned by the Machine God because it was just a process of shaping everything to its will in this case a planet to dwell on and bodies(animals, humans, insects etc anything that contains material) from which our collective "soul"/mind would split and control, like cogs in a big system that spans countless years. Every action past present or future from the natural/physical world was planned out by it as was our self-awarness and bodies including the modification of said bodies.

And also destroy most forms of internet privacy...