So AJ was the canary in the coalmine. Who will be the next to be banned? Anyone placing bets?
So AJ was the canary in the coalmine. Who will be the next to be banned? Anyone placing bets?
fuck off kike shill
alex jones is a kike shill so it's good that he was banned
hopefully he is jailed too for being a kike shill
Doesnt matter who's next. We all know this is being done by MSM to kill independent media. They're trying to put the genie back in the bottle. We will win, but there will be setbacks before the internet is truly free.
> kike shill getting banned
> setback
Ummm ok ok, gotcha!
They banned him for 2 reasons. One, so that he maintains a shred of credibility, which they need to hang onto in the face of the q drops.
Two, to make right wing supporters really angry in the hope they’ll start turning up to the marches and get into fights with antifa. The media can’t reframe the right wing as neo Nazis if they don’t turn up to places and get angry
no clue jack but i want that fucking hat NOW
mashallah ban alex jones
>Anyone placing bets?
Jow Forums
>So AJ was the canary in the coalmine
Nobody cares about Alex Jones anymore except the Russians - they lost their favorite media outlet for crazy conspiracy theories.
>rides down mine in comfort
>surveys work area without doing any work
>breathing is so hard guys, oh shit, i'm dead
sounds accurate
All of us at the same time just before they steal the election
>So AJ was the canary in the coalmine
no daily stormer was
fucking newfag
(((they))) will ban anyone that talks shit about the government and their plans. strap yourselves in, kiddos, the internet is about to get a whole lot less educational.
But is AJ is a shill, why shut him down? If he's controlled opposition why shut him down? He would be too valuable as an asset just to shut down. Alex is something other than a shill. But shutting him, the globalists showed their hand. I think they will go after Tucker Calrson next.
shill for whom?
Anglin was the canary in the coal mine, actually.
Red ice
Milo was the canary in the coal mine, actually.
Show flag disgusting Muslim
we measured a tinfoil hat once for fun in the lab
turns out it's actually worse than wearing no hat.
basically radio waves enter and leave brain unobstructed with no hat.
with hat however, radio waves enter through the open side and then bounce around because it can't escape.
Jow Forums. seriously. at least, thats the end goal.