
>In 1980, the Institute for Historical Review (IHR) promised a $50,000 reward to anyone who could prove that Jews were gassed at Auschwitz.

>Mermelstein wrote a letter to the editors of the LA Times and others including The Jerusalem Post. The Institute for Historical Review wrote back, offering him $50,000 for proof that Jews were, in fact, gassed in the gas chambers at Auschwitz. Mermelstein, in turn, submitted a notarized account of his internment at Auschwitz and how he witnessed Nazi guards ushering his mother and two sisters and others towards (as he learned later) gas chamber number five.[citation needed]

>The IHR refused to pay the reward, stating that Mermelstein's notarized account was "not sufficient proof". Represented by public interest attorney William John Cox, Mermelstein subsequently sued the IHR

Notice how the photograph on the cover of the book that Mermelstein wrote shows that forged evidence is what proves the Holocaust happened.

Attached: Photographic forgery.jpg (1117x917, 735K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>In photography and cinematography, multiple exposure is a technique in which the camera shutter is opened more than once to expose the film multiple times, usually to different images. The resulting image contains the subsequent image/s superimposed over the original. The technique is sometimes used as an artistic visual effect and can be used to create ghostly images or to add people and objects to a scene that were not originally there. It is frequently used in photographic hoaxes.

Attached: ghost ear.jpg (922x779, 469K)

>Driven by crooked Claims Conference employees, former employees and other conspirators would recruit people—some unwitting—who weren’t eligible for the program (mostly individuals of the Jewish faith in the Russian immigrant community) to take part in the fraud.
>To make it appear that applicants were eligible, identification documents were often altered (for example, a birth date was changed to make it appear that applicants were born during or before World War II) and fake Nazi persecution stories were often made up.


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>Christophersen, a private in the Wehrmacht, was deployed as a "special leader" by the Waffen-SS during World War II
>The widely known phrase "Auschwitz lie" (German Auschwitzlüge) can be traced to Christophersen,[8] whose 1973 book of that name disputed the existence of gas chambers at the Auschwitz concentration camp

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>SIR DAVID MAXWELL-FYFE: You did not know to what degree, but you knew there was a policy that aimed at the extermination of the Jews?

>Goering: No, a policy of emigration, not liquidation of the Jews.

Attached: hermann-goering1.jpg (805x340, 65K)

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You do realize that ww2 nazis would disagree with you, right? The Holocaust happened, irrelevant of how many shitty infographics you post


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>(((You do realize that ww2 nazis would disagree with you, right? The Holocaust happened, irrelevant of how many shitty infographics you post)))

Attached: 1519554502596.png (250x235, 60K)

No, confessions came through torture, threat and plea bargain.
Exception of "A Brief List of the Conveniently Deceased"
by Thomas Kues

Many important Nazis died under suspicious circumstances.
They either did not confess, sabotaged their confessions with ridiculous exaggerations or were a rist to recant their confessions.
Look up:

Heinrich Himmler was the head of the SS and thus the highest responsible for the “Final solution to the Jewish problem”

Richard Baer (b. 1911) was commandant of Auschwitz I from May 11, 1944

Josef Kramer (b. 1906) was the commandant of Birkenau from May to December 1944.

Kurt Gerstein (b. 1905) was an engineer and SS hygiene technician who in Allied captivity after the war claimed to have visited Belzec and to there have witnessed a gassing of Jews, became a key witness, but also claimed 25 million dead in one camp.

Friedrich Hartjenstein (b. 1905) was together with Kramer in charge of Birkenau from the end of November 1943 to the beginning of May 1944.

Odilo Globocnik (b. 1904) was the SS and Police Leader of the Lublin District of the General Government and responsible for the construction of the alleged “pure extermination camps” Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka.

Hermann Höfle (b. 1911) was Globocnik’s deputy and responsible for deportations of Jews to the Aktion Reinhardt camps.

Irmfried Eberl (b. 1910) was the first commandant of Treblinka.

Franz Paul Stangl (b. 1908) served as commandant of Sobibor from March to September 1942, and as commandant of Treblinka from September 1942 to August 1943.

Gustav Franz Wagner (b. 1911) was reportedly deputy commandant at Sobibor.

Kurt Bolender (b. 1912) was another SS posted at Sobibor.

Alexander Laak , former commandant of the Jägala camp in Estonia where a large number of Jews were supposedly massacred

Herbert Cukurs was a Latvian who allegedly participated in a massacre of 30,000 Jews in Riga

Himmler actually admitted to the Holocaust in his posen speeches. How do you reconcile that? Also, not every nazi admitted to being tortured because those individuals were tortured at all. To say that all nazi confessions came from torture is simply wrong. Hoss' confession was the same way. After his death sentence he apologized for the atrocities of auschwitz.

>Posen speeches
If you actually read the pages you can see he mentions "Judenevakuierung" (Jew evacuation). Pretty much what Göring said (see )

Attached: Page_of_Himmler_Posen_Speech,_Oct_4,_1943.jpg (436x761, 168K)

Already read them. I've done a small sliver of research. In the speeches, in the jpg in fact, he says "we have the moral authority to kill those who want to kill us" and then in the same paragraph he mentions the 100 lying bodies quote.

Pretty damning

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If you begin your speech by saying you want to evacuate people in large numbers then expressions such as 'Ausrottung' and 'umgebracht' becomes figurative. Had it been extermination in its actual sense then you don't talk about evacuating prisoners.

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>If you begin your speech by saying you want to evacuate people in large numbers then expressions

Well, if the point of the speech was simply relocation then why does he urge his SS officers that this speech is "About which we have never spoken, and never will speak." Why the secrecy?

>'Ausrottung' and 'umgebracht' becomes figurative.

I know kinda like when Himmler said " Most of you will know what it means when 100 bodies lie together, when there are 500, or when there are 1000"

He wasn't being figurative, and again this doesn't even begin to touch upon the Sassen tapes or Goeble's diary or forensic evidence of extermination camps.

Math doesnt add up

>forensic evidence
>extermination camps

>When Wiernik's profession as a carpenter was accepted, he was put to work constructing various camp structures including additional gas chambers.

>The new construction job between Camp No. 1 and Camp No. 2, on which I had been working, was completed in a very short time. It turned out that we were building ten additional gas chambers, more spacious than the old ones, 7 by 7 meters or about 50 square meters. As many as 1,000 to 1,200 persons could be crowded into one gas chamber.

>1200 people
>7 x 7 metres (49 square metres)
>24 people per square metre

Apparently, basic mathematics is something that Jewish-Polish carpenters lack when building anything.

>5 people per square metre (this should be the UPPER limit for standing/viewing spaces).

Attached: density.jpg (580x394, 173K)

Are we changing discussions already?
Have conceded to the fact that the Posen Speeches mentions the extermination of the jews?

You mentioned forensic evidence, not me. You started to talk about extermination camps, not me.

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We can move on to discussing forensic evidence until we finish our first subject.

Did Himmler admit to systematically killing jews in the Posen Speeches. Answer the question, goy!!1!

Himmler said 'Judenevakuierung'. Just like Göring, Himmler want to forcefully deport Jews.

Attached: 143944872711.jpg (430x329, 24K)

"ausrotten" was used figuratively by hitler when he said the bolsheviks would be "ausrotten" the germans, and meant destroying their culture.
so himmler likely used "ausrotten" to mean "throwing out", because that is what he did
since himmler

same crazy density was said about auschwitz, before the 4 million figure was reduced to 1.5

>Himmler said 'Judenevakuierung'. Just like Göring, Himmler want to forcefully deport Jews.

lol You've already mentioned this, and how does this make the make the 1000 lying bodies line figurative, when not four or five sentences later he says "we have the moral right to kill those who want to kill us."


1000 bodies where, of whom? in a gas chamber?
"Most of you will know what it means when 100, 500, 1000" ...
if MOST of his listeners would already be participating in mass killings of jew, he would not have had to justify it further.
he probably was talking about casulties of war, for which he blames jews in general
... then again, himmler really hated jews, and might personally wanted to exterminate them, even though the plan was evacuation... that still does not conjure the impossible gas chambers into existence

>The 'final solution' of the Jewish question meant the complete extermination of all Jews in Europe. I was ordered to establish extermination facilities at Auschwitz in June 1941. At that time, there were already in the General Government three other extermination camps: Belzek, Treblinka, and Wolzek.
>...at Treblinka the victims almost always knew that they were to be exterminated and at Auschwitz we endeavored to fool the victims into thinking that they were to go through a delousing process.

A high ranking SS-officer like Rudolf Höß claims:
1. Treblinka was already used as a extermination camp during June 1941 when it was built in April 1942.
2. There is a extermination camp called Wolzek (that doesn't exist).
3. At Treblinka everybody knew that they would be gassed while at Auschwitz the Germans made an elaborate, theatrical ruse just for fun.

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>1000 bodies where, of whom? in a gas chamber?
I believe he was just referring to the general solution to the Jewish question, not just strictly "gas chambers", he probably meant just any Jew who has died from einsatzgruppen, extermination camps, starvation, etc.

>if MOST of his listeners would already be participating in mass killings of jew, he would not have had to justify it further.
Not every German was aware of the Holocaust. New officers had to be confirmed that there was a Final Solution already in place

>he probably was talking about casulties of war, for which he blames jews in general
I sort of agree.

>... then again, himmler really hated jews, and might personally wanted to exterminate them, even though the plan was evacuation...
This I can wholly agree on.

>that still does not conjure the impossible gas chambers into existence
In your dreams, perhaps. There are extermination camps shitted all over poland.

Funny how none of the holohoaxers will try to redo leuchter and rudolf's tests. Shows they know full well there was no holocaust. Truth does not interest these people.

They also have different random theories of why no cyanide residue can be detected
>the victims inhaled all the cyanide
>the masonry was different in the homicidal gas chambers
>they used only very little cyandide
>some flat out claim that cyandide residude can not be detected at all, and the delousing blue discoloration is paint!

No, after the Leuchter report a polish forensics team did another report on the gas chambers of Auschwitz. They did find traces of Hydrogen Cyanide.



Fred Schiefler claims that Zyklon B was pumped through showerheads in the ceiling and obviously he doesn't know that Zyklon B consists of pellets that evaporate hydrogen cyanide (which is the actual gas). The official story today is that the pellets were dropped through holes and not pumped through pipes.

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