>Ejecton not Exodus
The Hyksos were jews
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i guess that thread got deleted ???
yep, you are correct
This is literally nothing new. Jews have always infiltrated and gained positions of power in foreign lands and then subjected the natives to serve them. It's happening all again today. Britain is a great example. One day though, they'll be kicked out again. It's just history constantly repeating itself.
so "set my people free REEEEE" was actually "you cant kick us out, you antisemite"
The issue is the nobility, the Black Nobility which are not only the descendants of the Roman senate but also from the Hyksos priesthood who brought the concept of religion to Egypt centuries before their dynasty came to rule.
kek, yes
and they wrote poorly about Egyptian's to cover their tracks by blaming the pharaohs for enslavement, genital mutilation and sacrificing children.
>"Everything a jew does he will blame it on you"
Source on girl?
No surprise to me. King james is a fruit that (((translated))) the bible most read and half of it is BS.
Thats a long list you have there. cant wait until we expand it somewhere around 2020
and speaking about kikes, nice numerals
Yes their eviction fits the path the jews took out of Egypt.
How about never? They are so far ahead it's not even funny. Free reign over 70 years and advanced technology.
Good luck kicking them out again bong.
it gets worse with christianity.
since moses was a fake and religions are a powerful tool the Roman Caesar's used the abrahamic formula to create a messiah out of thin air, claim he was the son of god and destroy as much of the past as they could (eg. destroying jerusalem), of course a portion of the Pharisaical Talmudic followers were not having any of it and later copied the Romans by creating Islam but this time they used a live person to push the meme
they came from the north by sea i had thought thy wre related to the Philistines and Phoneasions
ye, i nearly fell for muh Jesus until i actually read the new testament
>St. Paul was all like; gimme all your money and possesions, you got jebus now and he is all you need. You will recieve God's kingdom if you are a good goy... i mean, Christian and dont forget to pay your taxes!
laughable, and not even in a fedora way
Don't have to kick them out. The cunts are set to leave. Comrade Corbyn is making them nervous.
The Hyksos were different from the Sea Peoples you utter faggot. Read a book. Totally different culture.
Advanced technology becomes obsolete when funding is cut off
>they came from the north by sea
that's a huge clue and it further ties in a tribe listed in the Torah called DN, or Dan, Den, Snake because it's also noted that they loved to sail.
Going further on that the druids had similar masonic knowledge as the central american's and chinese as all these places have large monuments as clues. How did that knowledge reach so far? By boat of course.
Another clue was St Patrick who was never canonized by the Catholic church/Vatican, his story was that he chased the snakes off the island, well those snakes were the Tribe of DN who later founded the Catholic church and why the Irish were treated worse than niggers during the trans-Atlantic slave trade
my issue was with the history of jospeph and mary, why didn't their families get revered for having such a close connection to god, right? I mean where are the uncles, cousins of the parents who raised a messiah. Growing up in a catholic environment was shit because no one wanted to talk about the bullshit that is the religion
>Read a book
I read a few about the topic:
T. Saeve-Soederbergh, in: Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 37 (1951), 53–71
A.H. Gardiner, Egypt of the Pharaohs (1961), 155–73
S.R.K. Glanville (ed.), The Legacy of Egypt (1963), 219–21, M.A. Murray, The Splendour that was Egypt (1964), 26–32.
D. Redford, Egypt, Canaan and Israel in Ancient Times (1992)
D. Redford and J. Weinstein, in: ABD, 3:341–48 (extensive bibliography)
A. Rainey, in: BASOR, 295 (1994), 81–5
C. Redmount, in: BA, 58 (1995), 182–90
E. Oren (ed.), The Hyksos: New Historical and Archaeological Perspectives (1997) COS II, 5–7.
show me your sources because i showed you mine, babydoll
this video is a great resource too, it's where i pulled the screenshot from for the OP img:
>1177 BC: The Year Civilization Collapsed (Eric Cline, PhD)
the Dannie were from the valleys of what was later called after them the Danube river and are thought to have migrated to Ireland, but are not really known as sea travelers
Makes more sense that the sea people are related to the Phoneticians of Lebanon
It is indeed funny, how there is no written (or carved) documentation from Egyptian sources about the Jewish exodus, although they did write down their expulsion of another Semitic tribe, the Hyksos, who came as migratory conquerers and became a ruling class, not slaves.
And Egyptians also did not employ slaves for contruction of the pyramids, as they left behind "pay rolls" for such workers. In fact we have no evidence Egyptians were a slaver society at all, except the "bible".
Another funny coincidence: the Hyksos were expelled into Canaan, much like the Jews say theur ancestors did.
It would not surprise me in the least if the whole exodus narrative was butthurt Jewish hyperbole.
More likely the Hyksos came in, set themselves up as rulers, the native Egyptians gradually regained control, the Hyksos were forced to actually work for a living, "oy vey it's like slavery", revolted and then kicked out for good to Canaan, where they did the whole spiel again with Assyrians, Babylonians, Hellenes, Romans, etc.
Heck, even Marxism in a way was just Jews upset they had to work, as Jewish population explosion meant a shortage in their typical comfy niches as middle-men merchants, and money lenders.
Dan, Den, DN, all the same tribe who loved to sail, and they weren't ethnically homogeneous, quite the opposite in fact.
Going further with the Torah explanation the tribes were told to go north and conquer the territories then leave their name as the signpost:
These are the English names for the places and the Britian is a Roman colony, and the Romans were once Shekelesh that was part of the Sea People's union
>And Egyptians also did not employ slaves for contruction of the pyramids
absolutely true
It would not surprise me in the least if the whole exodus narrative was butthurt Jewish hyperbole.
That's what the essay in the OP touches on, that history was retold to cast the Egyptians in a poor light and have the jews appear to be persecuted, but that could have come from Josephus Flavian who re-wrote much of the jewish history and cast them in a persecuted light, and successfully divided the Babylonians from jews when they're both the same people
At the supposed time of Moses the Egyptians controlled and occupied Israel. No jewish slaves in Egypt but at this time during times of drought Jews went to Egypt to work as share croppers and day labor and may have helped build the northern delta cities that used smaller stone blocks and the Anknauton invention of Talitat (meaning 2 hands [wide] 3 hands[long]) pre backed bricks
WHAT did they mean by This?
Need a QRD on this one.
Somebody redpill me on Jews in Egypt.
Any video links?
that was Sicily and later became Rome, which is also why Ashkenazi jews and southern italians share the same genetic ancestry. The shekel concept probably came from them too, but I don't have anything to back that up
Sea peoples were nordic.
the essay in the OP does a great job in summarizing the truth.
Here is a pretty long video on the Sea People's union which is where the Hyksos dynasty came from:
you were assimilated by them, sweDEN
Black Nobility Houses:
>House of Bernadotte, Sweden
Hyksos were Phoenicians from Tyre and they have nothing to do with the sea people who were Sardinians and Minoans. That was a few centuries apart