Germany and Russia find common ground amid US withdraw as world leader
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i hope that they also agreed of spliting poland in half again.
lol why would merkel agree on giving putin half of her eastern province?
Vlad just had a a wedding crasher moment in Austria. Got bunch of cossacs with him. What the fuck is that? Is Europe still solid?
While we trying to help poor Ukraine, Vlad flying around signing contracts and shit. Are we realky gonna let him go out?
He is a fucking maniac, just look what he did tk chechens! Those peaceful muslims wanted an independence and he turned it to ashes!
Turn off CNN and read some real geopolitics.
Who cares? Russians are Europeans themselves.
Here is a template
based germoney
russia is our natural ally and the amount of times "someone" tried to drive a wedge between us throughout history is proof of that
Need to put gas chamber with joo in it
She's colluding!
>Merkel demonizes Russia as the main force trying to divide the EU
>Trump gets elected, threatens to end gravy train to EU
>Merkel demonizes Trump as some secret agent of Putin
>Trump actually tells the EU to fuck off
>Putin comes in and offers a new gravy train
>Merkel happily agrees
Absolutely no principles. She really is in it for the money
You would like that Ahmed...two muslim infested countries going against a white Poland
like selling your own people and nation wasnt a hint
so what? Theres tons of videos of her before being chancelor saying all kinds of anti immigrant shit. People like being lied to
Why do people elect women to power? Turns the country into emotional mayhem craziness with no rhyme or reason to decisions. Happened with
>Merkel in 2015
>May in Brexit negotiations
>says we’re not world leader cause muh trump
Find me a country more capable of glassing the planet than the US, you all are only alive because we allow you to exist, it’s an american’s world.
Putin is countring german females like its 1945
>posts on a board populated by Americans
>laughs at American memes
>extremely jealous of America and Americans
Russia has a better nuke arsenal than you.
The US' GDP is US$20.4trn. The EU's GDP is US$19.7trn.
Russia's GDP is US$1.6trn.
The EU doesn't need the US' "gravy train" and even if it did, there's no way in hell Russia could provide those numbers. Russia's economy is smaller than Italy's ffs.
>still believes in the GDP meme
lmao get your shit together.
Pretty funny from a declining empire with a rapidly shrinking sphere of incluence.
BTW, did you see the new russian sub everyone is shitting themselves about? They are just as capable to glassing the world
It's funny how euro media is pushing this idea that the USA has abdicated its leadership role. And all because Trump wants them to contribute their agreed share to the collective defense.
Then what else you would call pulling our your occupation garrisons and whining about not getting paid for it? Not even in just europe.
Sorry the facts are inconvenient, Ivan.
Almost all of western GDP is in (((services))). It's a fucking meme metric that has little to do with actual physical productive capacity.
>NATO is necessary
>Germany is business partners with Russia
All world wars ended badly because Germany and Russia were on the opposite sides.
This time it'll be right
>KGB finds common ground with Stasi
No shit.
>only physical goods matter
I guess everyone from lawyers, bankers, insurers, architects, doctors etc to barbers, electricians and plumbers don't matter then.
Russia produces little beyond gas and even then, between fracking and renewables there's less need for them by the day.
>bankers, insurers,
>unironically thinking the "financial sector" is real GDP
>Russia produces little beyond gas
>between fracking and renewables there's less need for them by the day.
Yapping about MUH RENEWABLES makes you unironically a noodle armed bugman.
>communist doesn't see the value in anything beyond physical goods
Did someone drop some change? Because I heard a CHINK.
>>bankers, insurers,
>>unironically thinking the "financial sector" is real GDP
What about all the other examples of services I mentioned?
>>between fracking and renewables there's less need for them by the day.
>Yapping about MUH RENEWABLES makes you unironically a noodle armed bugman.
It's telling that you ignored fracking.
What are you hiding, Ivan?
I ignored fracking like the rest of the world. Its nothing but an american bluff trying and failing to get better deals off OPEC
>What about all the other examples of services I mentioned?
>he thinks it's just about oil
Good luck running your shiny computers and their "nonphysical goods" without rare earth elements.
>German to USA
Protect us from Russian threats!
>German to Russia give me your natural gas bukkake.
Russia and the various German states were on the same side in the Napoleonic wars, which were about as widespread as WW1. Gonna team up to run a train on the French again?
>rare earth elements
That's China not Russia you hapless fool.
So you concede that they are productive aspects of an economy? Got it.
I concede that you are retarded and butthurt, desperate to "win" an internet arguement on Jow Forums Jow Forums of all places.
Cry more faggot.
I'm sure I'm going to lose a lot of sleep about some english rape baby being mad about russia on the internet.
The only one mad here is you for losing an argument on Jow Forums of all places. Accept that butthurt and move on with your life.
That's Africa, China AND Russia you hapless fool. So what exactly? None of these are western allies and some of this shit is rare enough to crash western economy even if one of providers stops selling.
Besides that wasn't even my point, it's just stupid to say it's all services and muh design when it's not. Western GDP is still based mainly on selling physical goods, and those aren't created by pure energy or some drawings, or lawmaking.
I'm learning germans as we are speaking and intend to do russian after.
As I'm seeing it the atlanticist axis is dead in the water in 20 years.
>amid US withdraw as world leader
Fuck off shill.
Germans are sucking russian dicks since decades user, the most anti-russian faction in the EU were the brits.
Why no cries of collusion? You know why. No capitulation every last leftist and their kike enablers must be eradicated.
they do it every year kraut... find yourself some new goals
And you think this weakens us somehow. IF anything It weakens the E.U. financially. What do you think will happen when European nations have to pay for their own defense. This will force Euro nations to become more nationalistic like Hungary and hasten the death of the E.U. . Also no one is scared of Russia's one fucking sub and don't tell me with their piss poor economy that they have a fleet. fuck outta here with that bs
How dare she talk to Putin. Traitorous whore sleeping with the enemy.
were is doggo? :(
If industry numbers are all that matters then anyone but china is irrelevant.
c..c..c..c..collusion tho
>That's China not Russia you hapless fool.
Most of Russia is not exploited even in basic domains like agriculture so let alone minerals.
Also Ivan has to make a choice fast between being softly colonized by the chinese on the east or attracting Europe in its sphere of influence.
The next century will be about Eurasia.
>Merkel comes crawling back to Putin to beg for his forgiveness
Putin needs to bring another dog with him
Stop posting and believing RT stories! RT is 100% Putin's bitch media propaganda tool.
Bye bye previous world ruler American faggots.
Just ignore him, he's some retard who got lost.
> What do you think will happen when European nations have to pay for their own defense
It means you have lost control over the EU and it has turned into a competitor, instead of an ally you could force to conform.
>This will force Euro nations to become more nationalistic like Hungary and hasten the death of the E.
You know that Hungary and the other nationalistic east european nations are most pro-EU, right? The entire thing is just completely outside your preconceptions.
>Also no one is scared of Russia's one fucking sub and don't tell me with their piss poor economy that they have a fleet. fuck outta here with that bs
So you didnt hear about it. Its depthlessly funny how you immediatly go about screeching about MUH ECONOMY when your military edge is lost.
I guess Irish people really do have an IQ of 90.
just like fox news are 100% Trumps bitch media propaganda tool. there are no unbiased news sides.
Bitch !! you are the one who is thirsty to win something. I know you come from a second rate nothing of a nation but come on theres gotta be more to Hungary than jealous bitch fits.
>immediately jumps to insulting my country and UR JUS JELUS like a 14 year old girl on myspace
Now thats some pure mutt behavior.
So you are preparing yourself for either German or Russian conquest. BAsed
My thoughts exactly
fuck yes bro this is the future europe deserves.
free from mutt influence
i already know german and im learning french and russian right now btw
>Trump fixing the Europe/Russia divide while still being a Russia ally
He truly is fucking genius.
Try learning french, too, based arab.
well when Merkel does it it's good ofc
Never said they wern't pro E.U. just nationalistic witch is a shot in the eye to the globalist plans of the E.U. and becoming more nationalistic all the time. The E.U. is not and will not ever be able to compete with us militarily because the E.U. is a failing project and everyone knows it precisely because of the rise of nationalism witch is a diametrically opposed to the E.U.s goals regardless of claims to be pro E.U.. Economy is a just thing to bring up because Russia's is in the toilet and when Euro nations have to for their pay own defense it will come with plenty economic woes that will increase nationalist tendencies and thus will have a adverse effect on the globalist E.U. when it fall you start bankrupting social services to pay for greater defense, not against the U.S. but against your neighbors. Europe is not united, and it never will be. ARE (you) the bitch who said fracking was an American hoax{Kek}or was that the Russian faggot?
I am relearning French (and German) with the hopes of moving to Southern France. Where isn't ruined yet? I used to go as a kid every year and not sure if I'm jaded thinking it'd be a good comfy life or not there.
in the countryside, but for the love of god ACTUALLY learn the language and dont be the standard mutt in europe
lol.Stay thirsty Hungary.
I already know both just relearning before I take a trip to make actual plans. No mutt, even worse Ahmed, I'm a Bong.
stay the fuck away from europe
Friendship with Trump has ended. Merkel is my new best friend.
Typical anglo screeching, completely disconnected from reality. Let me go through your rant and give it more attention that it actually deserves, in the vain hope of something sticks.
>Never said they wern't pro E.U. just nationalistic
The two isnt exclusive.
>the eye to the globalist plans of the E.U.
YOU started the globalist shit throgh Bretton Woods and stationing troops around the world.
>The E.U. is not and will not ever be able to compete with us militarily
That is, because we dont have to play world police to keep the petrodollar solvent and we dont have to devote trillions of dollars to sate a massively overgrown M-I complex.
>because the E.U. is a failing project
Did you learn that from the brekkies? They keep repeating that anglo shit since 2016.
>the rise of nationalism witch is a diametrically opposed to the E.U.s goals regardless of claims to be pro E.U
Still not mutually exclusive. Riddle me this, how come the most nationalistic countries who did not take any migrants are also the most committed to the EU?
>Economy is a just thing to bring up because Russia's is in the toilet
I'm bored of this slide again. Every single time, mutts yap about how russia has no military capability, get BTFO then start talking about the economy. No shit, they were a commie shithole for decades, economy doesnt matter in a nuclear war to begin with.
>when Euro nations have to for their pay own defense
We will gladly if it means your occupation forces are gone.
>will come with plenty economic woes
For you, as your M-I gets starved out and feels the need to provoke new wars.
> when it fall you start bankrupting social services to pay for greater defense
Going from 1% of GDP to 2% is not that much of a stretch for european countries.
>Europe is not united, and it never will be
Please tell us how europe works
>who said fracking was an American hoax
Yes I was. It was just a weak bluff to stifle russian and OPEC profits
That bad now? Going back to the UK in October for 1st time in 5 years also. Guess I'll see for myself.
My friend is from Malmo she mostly seems sad these days about it, but is all of Sweden fucked now?
This was predicted in the 80s, Look up the communist long-term plan.
Malmö is pretty bad, Göteborg and Stockholm too, unless you live in centre-right suburbs north of Stockholm. Smaller towns are hit and miss. Södertälje is a criminal shithole (no offense bros) and Halmstad isn't. Swedish west coast is the most beautiful part. That's also where a shitload of right wingers come from. I think in about 8 years it's either going to be a lot better or a lot worse.
Sweden is becoming like America. If you're middle class you can live in a nice place and not care about immigrants. If you're poor you're fucked basically :(
lmao whatever happened to BRICS that was supposed to of made the US economy collapse?
Turned out their efforts are not needed, as youre committing demographic suicide on your own.
>b...but the impending collapse is coming any day now!
>china will be the next economic superpower! (we said the same thing about japan in the 80s but this time itz for realz!)
>Turned out their efforts are not needed, as youre committing demographic suicide on your own.
don't you have a gyppo problem you should be more concerned with?
>18th century russians reached berlin
>19th century russians reach paris
>20th century russians reach berlin
>21st century...
it is indeed the frog's turn
>If you're middle class you can live in a nice place and not care about immigrants. If you're poor you're fucked basically :(
Same as the UK. You can live in the countryside and avoid most of the shit.
White births are a minority in your country and chinese GDP will overtake yours by by 2030 the latest.
It takes serious, concentrated, willful ignorance to pretend everything is going to be alright.
>b-b-but y-your c-country!
I think only 40% of your births being whites is a tad bit more concerting than 5% of the population being gypsies. Unless you actually believe the diversity meme.
Made lies/exaggerations coming from a country with an average IQ of 94
>chinese GDP will overtake yours by by 2030 the latest.
yeah and their high speed railways will last for the next millennia!
>I think only 40% of your births being whites is a tad bit more concerting
actually its become a trend among middle/upper class whites to have lots and lots of white babies now thanks to dumb reality shows like '19 and counting', sure you have lot of trailer trash racemixing but the higher birthrates among the middle/upper class whites will counter balance that, plus niggers continue to keep getting abortions, etc
The odds are your country will become a vassal state of the Eurasian empire while things will start to stabilize here in the US if things keep going on the same trajectory with Trump's economic policies and he gets 3 supreme court justices appointed during his two terms as president.
>el extintor de luz de américa del norte chimping out again
Why does this news even concern america?