Croatia is finished

Not using kikebook for 4 years - but just got this screenshot from a friend that I've been bombarding and bothering with /pol material. He's still halfpozzed but I guess obvious shit like this gets to any normie.

Quick TLDR translation - in Split, the degen capital of Croatia (due to tourism), some dude was sucking dick in broad daylight (pic related...) and some children were passing by, so the guy pulled out his dick and waved at the kids. He was speaking english.

This is only a week or so after some brazilian faggot tried to book a room here, the host rejected him and the faggot took it on social media to doxx the guy

Within few hours, Booking offices in Croatia took the entire apartment from their service, they also gave his address to Airbnb, and thnaks to the faggot doxxing him, the guy was subjected to media bullying and even cops were at his door "investigating racial discrimination".

I used to talk a lot of shit here on Croatia being the last utopia, and while we are 99% white, while we have billions of churches everywhere, we banned gay marriages and people "SEEM" conservative......I think we will break.

Press F, I guess. Or S. Whatever.

Attached: Screenshot_1.png (513x677, 460K)

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so serbs are /ourguys/ right


I don't think there's a country with more Dubai whores per capita. But good luck buying into "based trad serb" meme.

Big deal, you are part of EU so its only normal.

>Press F, I guess. Or S. Whatever.
I'll just press a cock in your mouth.

>Croat chicks come in droves here for a good fuck, fucked one 2 days ago on Beer Fest
>they prefer us over their homo men back home, publicly talk about it
>any of my chick friends confirm this, they all feel like the Croat accent sounds like a lipstick wearing homo who wouldnt be good in bed

Delicious, enjoy your Europe and German cock stableboys.

You fucked a disgusting slut "Croat woman" that goes to Serbian beer fests, drinks beer and listens to shitty music.

You fucked a 4/10 tops.

Croat women that go to Serbia are Cryptoserbs by descent, like a third of Croatia is, so you can have them all.

Would Jews fuck German sluts? No.

>A homophobic, middle-aged, Serbian gangster ends up sacrificing himself to protect Gay freedom in his country. RADMILO (35) and MIRKO (30) are young and successful gay couple, and they would be a happy couple anywhere else except in - Serbia. They try to live discreetly but still, every day they are abused by the homophobic majority. Plus, Mirko is a gay rights activist, and his dream is to organize the first successful PRIDE event in Belgrade.

>Director: Srdjan Dragojevic
>Stars: Nikola Kojo, Milos Samolov, Hristina Popovic
(i.e. all Serbian A list crew)

don't pretend the same isn't happening to you
your elites are equally satanic as the rest of the world
remember it's a step by step process, slowly lulling you in a stupor

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>Would Jews fuck German sluts? No.

wut? ever heard of the porn industry?

>that description

Attached: 47566516.jpg (400x386, 34K)

>homo Croatian men
I went to Belgrade and Novi Sad, three of us.
Women hit on us, something that never happened in Zagreb.

If international community looked the other way for a moment, Serbia would descend to a bloodbath. Belgrade would be cleansed thoroughly of any Yugocommunist, Yugoslav and DOS descendants, akin to proscriptions of Roman times. 80% of Serbia artistic and journalist scene would be murdered.

After that, Albanians would be thrown into the sea. They are lying dormant and in wait for the opportune geopolitical moment.

Cancer. No wonder Berlinale pushed this.

>wut? ever heard of the porn industry?

>he unironically thinks porn industry has relevance regarding interactions on societal level

Dude, if I were a Serb, I would never fuck a Croat. The same way I will never fuck a Serb woman.

Lol, sure they do Crohomian.

of course, point is Serbian A list movie crew, like Dragojevic and Nikola Kojo of Pretty village pretty flames fame, sold out long ago

in other countries they have islamic rape gangs and minority status in their own capitals and big cities. i think croatia can survive a few tourists

>point is Serbian A list movie crew, like Dragojevic and Nikola Kojo

They WERE "A list" during Euroatlantic puppet government of 2000-2012. Long gone and marginalised since.

They did. Funny, during our stay, we stood next to Ceca's son, then daughter, Brena's son etc.

Cerna Legija needs to make a comeback. One thing to have a diplomatic EU face, another to actually allow American Jewish subversion socially.

wishful thinking, Serbs watch tv every day too

are you fucking serious? XDD thanks to tourism you cant never be based country. just google, croatia black man paradise. i mean niggers are openly boosting aboutfucking your women.

I relate to a lot of what you said,I wish you the best Op.

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>Cerna Legija needs to make a comeback.


degeneracy is the way to true happines

This is why you fags should stop joining NATO and just ally with Russia who is against faggotry.

>ally with Russia
why are americans so retarded

I just got back from a trip to San Francisco. Trust me bro, things are just fine here.

This is inevitable since you sold your coast off to the germans and eu cuck countries that are now parading down your streets showing their dicks to little kids. West euros look at balkanids and poor slavs like sub humans. Was it worth it to fuck over the serbs for eternal indebtness to your AH landlords once again?

>t.diaspora serb

Its worse than AH.
Much worse.

>This is inevitable since you sold your coast off to the germans
This is nonsense. Slovenians own more real estate than Germans on the coast.

>Was it worth it to fuck over the serbs for eternal indebtness to your AH landlords once again?

Yes. Serbs were reduced from 30+% in 19th century to 3% today.
Being a large and comparatively rich vassal state is better than having a small or no state at all.

I don't understand you Serb LARPing, your Yugoslav parents abandoned Serbs and Serbia and left for a country that militarily intervened against Serbs in Croatia and Bosnia, and bombed Serbia.

Your family is the definition of traitors.

>Your family is the definition of traitors.
I guess I have a lot in common with the croat people and you then.

that's fucking disgusting, has Croatia become some sort of new tourist destination for fags? If so I feel really sorry for you guys.

What's more disgusting is how people feel inclined to take pictures and REEEE on social media about it instead of beating his faggot ass and hanging him from that streetlight. Talk is cheap, and no one cares what anyone says. What we allow to happen, we deserve to happen.

>I guess I have a lot in common with the croat people and you then.

Such as?
Croats always fought for Croat interests and showed remarkable cohesion.
95% of Croats voted for secession from Yugoslavia.

You are a pathetic Canadian "Serb", something like "Nestor"(ović), who LARPs on an anonymous board while being descended from cowardly traitors who fled to a country explicitly hostile to Serbs, and who probably doesn't even speak Serbian.

>Croatians coming to a beer festival in Belgrade


Sound like classic LGBT/government bullying

That's what you get when you allow in the EU and NATO

Attached: nato lgbt.jpg (880x966, 173K)

>25% of people living below the poverty line
>Sanader and Todorić stole billions of euros, literally no reprecussions
>Shipbuilding industry cost us 4+ billion euros since 1992, it would've literally been cheaper to just pay the workers to sit at home all this time
>Whole parliament takes 2 months paid vacation after deducting 26% of people's pensions, as the money is simply gone
>10% of the people moved out since we've joined EU
>More than 10% of people receiving some form of military pensions / benefits (every employee (e.g. cleaning ladies) working in government institutions during war received some form of military benefits)
>300 million euros investment given on 20-year-lease for 80 million euros (Gaženica)
>500 million euros purchase of 30-year-old fighter planes
>40 public servants on one citizen
Yes, faggot sucking dick is the biggest problem and Croatia is finished.

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No. It's just standard Brittish tourist behaviour.

We used to beat them up 5 years ago while i was still working as a bouncer.

Today the security companies have a lack of workers because the good ones took of to Germany or Ireland.

Thus Brits aren't getting their shit pushed in like they used to.

>Said Miloš as he paid the 40 year old Romanian hooker.

You do realise Serbia is poorer than Romania?
Serbs can't afford Romanian women and hookers, Serbs unironically get Albanian brides.

Sad. Split was a nice place when we were there a few years ago. Touristy yes but also nice ares around town.

Nobody would ever want to go to Serbia unless it was to bomb you guys again. It is a shithole.

>Talk is cheap, and no one cares what anyone says. What we allow to happen, we deserve to happen.