Why does the USA not have white Gopniks/Chavs in their urban areas like any other country? "rednecks" are ruralites and whilst spics and niggers are non white.
Why does the USA not have Gopniks/Chavs?
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White parents in america are too strict
>spics and niggers
You answered your own question slav-burger-mutt
The urban ecological niche is already filled in burgerland
I wouldn't say that, we have a lot of lberal and ex-hippie parents with many even being okay with their child smoking weed. Of course those kids either grow up to be ultra conservative of the same liberal shits as their paarents.
Less of an urban culture I suppose. We didn’t have mods either, and if they were they were larping.
well then idk
chavs are a product of shitty parenting, easy alcohol laws and binge drinking culture
gopniks are a product of depressing communist legacy in eastern europe. thats a whole nother thing
America doesn't have white people.
ofc its the Land Of The Free
Where Jews roam burgerland freely and exploits its white trash.
This. The dregs of society in America are niggers. The dregs here are white outside of Londonistan
yea, but in any other european country you have both white chavs and nigger scum both at the same time. My question was why the USA doesn't have white chavs or some other version of chavs in urban areas.
Lower class youths act up everywhere.. It's just that your lower class urbanites are typically not white. There is no real difference beyond that I think..
>vid related
This is likely the equivalent of Chav/Gopnik culture in the US.. I don't really see how the non-whiteness of the average American changes that.
Wiggers are close enough.
>white trash
that's racist, and I'll tell you why: it implies white people are inherently non-garbage, but you'd do well to notice there isn't "black trash" or "brown trash"
Because many of them are just pussies
>yea, but in any other european country you have both white chavs and nigger scum both at the same time.
Nah, not really.. Sure, you get lower class whites in most European countries, but most lower class whites are actually lower middle class or just laborers class. If you're talking urbanites, like you are, the lower class is likely to consist of immigrant groups in Europe as well.
>My question was why the USA doesn't have white chavs or some other version of chavs in urban areas.
Because you don't have white lower class urban areas, it's basically that simple. Your lower class urban areas are majority non white.. Much like those in western Europe, increasingly.
no wiggers are pussies that pretend to be black. Chavs don't give a shit and steal your bike.
We have wiggers and niggers.
SO basically oit's because all the poor whit people live in rural areas?
THis video probably best sums up the "chav" whites in the US. The whole video is really fucked up and sad though.
Alright, I was less then eloquent with that answer. Let me elaborate:
In America, niggers in particular, and spics slightly later, completely saturated any space available for that kind of creature, to the point where it massively over spill into areas where those creatures are really out of their element. And they did this long before, someone, managed to convince white people that nuclear families are a bad idea.
In Europe niggers mostly arrived after the single mom epidemic. So the psychologically tortured boys of that arrangement found little or no competition when they sperged out by going down that road.
Good point user
>chavs are a product of shitty parenting
this. My friend has 1 shopligting, 5 vandalism charges, 1 illegal weapons charge and 1 bike theft charge on his ass and he has an awful relationship with his mother, although she's been pretty nice to him so idk why he has constnt stress with her.
>yea, but in any other european country you have both white chavs and nigger scum both at the same time.
Do you, though? I was just thinking the other day, it's been a while since I've seen chavs brought up. They were an internet punching bag back around 2010, but I haven't heard shit about them in recent years.
I assumed they were displaced by niggers and pakis and are no longer a thing in significant numbers.
don't ever call a Hillbilly a Redneck.
Oh hi rural BBQ master.
I've got a ''playing toss with lit dynamite'' type of game for you. Do call a Hillbilly a Redneck, and to make sure you light the fuse, suggest that you called him that because you recon he's part of Redneck Revolt
Because Slav genes are dominant and they end up mutting the Blacks out of existence there.
Kinda like what Mexicans are doing to the Blacks in the US.
Btw. look up the largest minority groups across Europe.
Poles have officially surpassed the Turks.
are these the hammer bros? Goes to show what happens when guns get banned, you just end up dying in a more brutal way!
Where is Fucking Far? I'd love to go there and see these guys. Too bad I'll probably never get the chance.
There is plenty of white trash in the cities. More and more though they are having mixed babies so the lines blur. Low IQ whites tend to lean coal burner more often than not.
You used to only have white scum. Then you invited the nigger scum in cause you like the BBC
America always had the nigger kind
annnnnd its Denmark