This ogre is only 36. Is she the product of inbreeding?
This ogre is only 36. Is she the product of inbreeding?
Charles Martinez
Josiah Williams
Hudson Hughes
Powerful position for only 36. She’s also smart; I wouldn’t want that job, dealing with sniveling kikes all day.
I mean I wouldn’t fuck her but she’s welcome in the ethnostate.
Bentley Gray
Power is sexy. Her ugliness is only seen by the left because they're obsessed with skin level identity.
Charles Russell
I would unironically wear that ass out. I likes em chunky.
Gavin Watson
ugly =/= genetic malformation
misinformed bulle thread
Sebastian Foster
Trump only hires trannies
Kayden Cruz
She was dicked so hard she had many kids and her tight figure was ruined as a result. 10/10 imo.
Carter Rogers
Mike Huckabee is her dad
Ayden Martin
I don't like her but let's not kid around--she has gotten very far in only 36 years.