Why does the incel epidemic exclusively effect the far-right and no other groups?

Why does the incel epidemic exclusively effect the far-right and no other groups?

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It's mostly liberals honestly. Think of all the furies and reddit. Literal neckbeards.

Communists are incels they just can't get a girlfriend because of the CHAD CEO

because incels dont really exist. Its just a buzzword to cast blame on those in our society who cannot fit the mold that society presses onto us

This is a JIDF slide thread. Don't reply.

And to add to this have you ever me a conservative that couldnt get laid? Me either. Everyone one I know is now married or a player these days(I'm 30). I know shitloads of libshits that have addmitedly never been laid and are super awkward. I live in Cali now though maybe its common but even back in the south those types never got laid. Except the hot qt liberal girls of course, they always ended up in the arms of masculine retard rednecks though lmao

Mostly lefties in my experience

>mostly white
someone never visited puahate/sluthate/lookism. 90% of the posters aren't white

The problem with MRAs, MGTOWs, and incels (but I repeat myself) is that their brains are wired to think like women.

This is a result of their upbringing by single mothers. They take up the alt-right as a rebellion against mommy, but they don't rid themselves of the feminist tenets that mommy raised them with. This is how you end up with edgelords who hate women and think they are shallow sub-humans, yet they unquestionably believe women have agency like them, are logical beings like them, are attracted only to looks like them.

Ironically, the incel brain ends up being more feminine than masculine. Incels have no agency, nothing in their life is their fault, they are powerless to fix anything in their life. This is exactly how a woman thinks.

So we arrive at the ultimate redpill. The only way to fix incels is to deprogram their brains and force them to think like men, perhaps for the first time in their lives. We do this by relying on the common link between MRAs, MGTOWs, and incels: their extreme sexual frustration.

Here is the plan.

We identify incels, trap them in the wild, and send them to regional incel processing centers. Kind of like going to prison: take off your clothes, get hosed down and deloused, checked for STDs (lol, don't have to worry about that).

After they are confirmed clean, they are transported to a large, featureless room with all the other incels. Kind of like a padded gymnasium. The only way out is you either buttfuck another incel or you get buttfucked by another incel. No food or water until then, the last thing we want is to encourage complacency, the common trait among incels. (Plenty of K-Y, though.)

The initial buttfucking is just a method to separate groups, as follows.

The buttfucked group, having established the ultimate personality trait of a woman (i.e., submission), gets sent to Level 1 training. Groups of female volunteers will take the buttfucked incels and turn them into passable traps. Waxing, makeup, pretty clothes, all that jazz. Some of them are going to like this, that's OK, they can be sent on to the "gender reassignment centers" (i.e., cremation ovens). But most aren't going to like it. Tough titties: as long as you think like a woman you're going to get fucked like one.

The buttfuckers, having established aptitude in the masculine trait of dominance, get promoted to Level 2 training. Here they will take the Level 1 trainees on dates. Proper dates, where they are going to treat the traps like proper ladies: open the doors for them, order their food for them, decide what movies they will see together (invariably some anime shit). And then they're going to take the traps home and fuck their brains out.

The Level 1 trainees get promoted when they demonstrate that they're willing to change their life to think like men instead of women. And the Level 2 trainees graduate from the program, and are released back into the wild, when they can take the traps on dates and treat them as women should be treated.

left incels turn into trannies

It doesn't exclusively the far-right. The leftists and male SJWs have incels also the only difference is they are regarded a allies in feminism so they don't get criticized. They still don't get any pussy unless you could when they rape a woman.

Dunno bro, sounds pretty gay desu

Incels already act pretty gay, Cuck Islander.

>waaah I have sexual needs
>reeee roasties are so mean to me!
>why can't someone give me what I want?

Just because you don't suck dick doesn't mean you aren't a faggot. The way I see it the program is just consummating the faggotry that Jow Forums displays on a daily basis.

pornhub. com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph579a12a7e67d4

This could a be a game changer

Lefty incels are beta bitches, they hate women just as much as incels but White Knight it up in the hope of something from roastiez

>Ignoring all the White Knights and the Leftist males who cow-tow in order to have sex.

>Implying "male feminists" get laid

incel losers aren't divided by politics.

hopefully most of them grow out of their stupid beliefs. I had a lot of incel like thinking when I was younger but as you get older and deal more with society, hopefully you learn and grow out of that nonsense.

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a lot of them wind up as divorced single dads to about 4 children

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>Why does the incel epidemic exclusively effect the far-right and no other groups?

It affects mostly far-left groups.

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Because we are decent people m8. Decent men don't sleep around with any thot they see or just simply find it hard to stay in relationships, so we end up going long periods of time without sex. I'm speaking for myself here. That being said, I'm still fit and strong, decent looking and got a nice dick and if I wanted to, i could fuck your woman and she'd probably love it. I'm pretty mgtow, so I just go out to get laid every now and then because sexual frustration is a killer.