Is Gal Gadot white?

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If I saw her in the UK I would think Southern European

my genitalia are forcing me to reply: Yes.

Caucasian of the pure form. Yes. News never mixed with Arabs like the Muslims did. Which means they are as white as any European just like the Christians in the Caucasus

No. Stop asking.


Is Gal Gadot female?

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born and raised in Israel..................

Shes Israeli. What do you think?

Yes, Gal Gadot is female. And she's from Israel.

pick one

I want to fuck her all night, I don't give a shit if she's Jewish, I want to fuck her so hard.

She's WONDER WOMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He's a kike tranny, so no.

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Is Gal Gadot even human?

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She's a kike, so no. They are the opposite of white and they are the eternal enemy of whites. And thanks for confirming that peace sign flag posters=jew.

there is only one wonder woman
that fucking slope...

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she's a space jew

i don't think so.
she seems to be one of many illuminati mtf trannies

She's a kike. Hence the recessed chin. The opposite of an aryan/white/nordid. And meds don't have the recessed chin either, which is why to say they are the same as meds is bullshit.

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Plenty of legit nudes of her out there. Just sayin'.


t. Mental Gymnast

Nord woman- no recessed chin

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>legit nudes
tits don't guarantee it's female

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She's literally the most beautiful woman alive right now. Jew or not


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except there's none retard