It's clear for everybody that we aren't niggers, that means we are whites.
>pic proves it.
It's clear for everybody that we aren't niggers, that means we are whites.
>pic proves it.
Other urls found in this thread:
Why is being white considered a positive? Most people of any race are completely useless. You're either wealthy or irrelevant desu.
They are, most anyway, not the mores. More Carthaginians and First born-Egyptians.
Go kill yourself
You are not white
Proof proven
What the brit said. The natives are/were white, just as white as Greeks & Visigoths.
Niggers are from west & east Africa. Central Africa too. Simple as that.
South Africa didn’t even have more than a couple nomadic tribes living in it when the British colonized. Now look at it.
Niggers think they literally owned all of Africa lmao
Depens on the country, Morocco seems darker than Argelia or Tunisia, anyhow muslims are muslims and they behave like animals
God either loves you or you're nothing.
Most people are nothing, even believers.
Try to be sincere and impress God, his bounties are great, and he created you from a drop and can exalt you in the heavens as he's exalted you on earth.
She is the only one white looking in the crowd.
Moroccans algerians and tunisians are even whiter than the WhiTo*ds ( aka the europe*ns )
Look dude, you're not White unless you have 100% European blood.
It's ok to not be White. Other shit like how intelligent, fit, attractive, and talented you are is much more important. Focus and obsess on all of that stuff and especially the aspects you can change and improve.
Abandon any idea that you are White because you aren't. North Africans are almost all of Arabic or Berber descent and therefore are not White Europeans.
Why are you trying to associate North Africans with a group you supposedly hate?
muslim is even worse than non-white, drop your shitty religion, which in reality a socio-political doctrine, and then we can talk
Fredreich Engels was wealthy. Do you discount Marxism now?
Assyrians who are supposed to be "based christians" are in fact same subhuman sandniggers
i'm moroccan and i'm WHITE
100% pure berber scandinavian blooded el hamdoulilah.
real white people are north africans, europ*ans have more nigger dna flowing in their blood than us ( el hamdoulilah x2 )
They honestly look whiter than most Americans do
astaghfirullah makkah is the qibla not stockholm shape up or stop calling yourself a north african at all you are throwing away your ethnic pride and heritage and becoming an outcast forever this is a sober warning
Just yesterday I learned a lot, you guys are not white sorry.
I'll be dumping some interesting links here.
Basically you guys got mutted HARD. By sub saharan africans, you guys fucked the women slaves and by the middle east.
It is now clear that the slave trade had a YUGE impact on your genetics.
She's the only qt but not the only one that looks white.
i don't hate them, they're just inferior.
used to be our slaves just 2 centuries ago:
north africans were and are still the masters, the truly and only WHITE people still remaining on earth.
Having a black leaderand having 150 000 black army was not unusual.
Cool shitpost
It's like that here, most whites you see have nigger features because so many of the whites fuck and breed with niggers. That's why nobody should take an Americans opinion on who is white very seriously.
>He thinks kara boga posters genuinely hate white people
>north africans were and are still the masters
>still the masters
>Look dude, you're not White unless you have 100% European blood.
user I...
Keep in mind again that the whole population of maghreb from the roman times to 1800 ad was always stable around 5 millions.
Now look at pic related.
Easy to understand how you all got JUSTED so hard.
kill yourself pierrot, i only have 1,1% of subsaharian blood, 72% of pure WHITE blood and unfortunately 26% of europ*an nigger blood due to my ancestors raping yours and having your women as sex slaves in a local harem in algiers.
>this 1 slavic looking girl proves that all those gypsies in the back are white
This, the fact that you worship white skin so much means that you aren't white. The most snowniggery pasty white euros are also the ones that value whiteness the least. If you scream out "we are whiteee" it means you're a nigger.
Is he white too ?
>He doesn't know niggers got their dicks cut off when muslims took them in their countries.
>A thread that undoes the divide and conquer
Get in here niggers and prepare to shill this shit.
North Africa is like Latin America. It is a racially mixed region in which Nordic, Mediterranid and African racial types all live in varying degrees. This is due to the history of North Africa and the Middle East as a crossroads of civilization, in which peoples from all corners of the three continents of the old world came and traded with one another, spurred also by the domination of Abrahamic religions in western Asia, Africa and Europe which ensured pilgrims and holy warriors also desired to rule here.
Basically the slave trade made all of north africa turn into a giant brazil.
There still are some patches of genetic purness like the Atlas, Chaouis, Kabyles... Some are fair skinned and look very different from the average north african.
I think this might be the poster that I got all this info from yesteray. If so Hi.
keep in mind that 2 centuries back we could exchange a dirty christian white europ*an for 1 single onion
your whole family was valued 4 onions just 200years in some random marrakech souk, remember that WhiT*id
Why is it never these kinds of Nafris who migrate to Europe?
Yes the males. It is the females that they bred, read the link.
Looks like a descendant of Norman invaders
>Why is being white considered a positive? Most people of any race are completely useless. You're either wealthy or irrelevant desu.
Because we are under attack.
Nah, Berbers still have some place features. They live in remote areas.
*pale features
no, not me but i was there shitposting.
Jow Forums will say she's not white just because it's in algeria or morocco lmao
There might some white admixture but the reason they look like that is because berbers did look quite different from the average north african of today.
In ancient writings some used to be described having pale skin and blue eyes.
This was before they got BLACKED and ARABED hard.
Nope, they're the natives to the Atlast Mountain region which has the same climate as Europe, same as the Nuristanis and Kalash in Afghanistan and Pakistan on the other side of the world. Any Christian slave mixed would have ended up the main Arab gene pool in the desert regions, which is why Maghrebi Arabs look slightly more Caucasian than Yemeni Arabs. If the Muslim Arabs would have conquered all of the native Berbers areas in North Africa, the Berber languages and White genetics simply wouldn't have survived and they would've been assimilated into the main Arab groups.
you're cherry picking user, most of us look like pic related
>Prove me that North Africans aren't White.
How far NORTH are you going? Bulgaria? Turkey? Romania????
>race is skin deep argument
I wonder when will you finally understand that its not and stop making these damn threads.
>pic of me in morocco
100% white regardless what the ugly europ*ans have to say, i fuck your sisters.
1) The picture you posted depicts someone who is objectively not white
2) You aren't White. Berber and Scandanavian aren't the same thing and Berbers objectively aren't White.
3) North Africans aren't White. Not in any sense of the word.
4) North Africans have more sub-saharan African DNA because they literally live right next door to them lol.
I wonder if any genetic research of Carthaginians and Phoenicians has been done. Yes, they spoke a Semitic language, but that doesn't necessarily mean much, die to the great migrations that happened in prehistory.
Because white people are a minority you fucktard
It's impossible to meaningfully define white unless you're a nordicist, but then you have to abandon the European qualifier.
It’s funny because the most “pure” european ethnicity in the US is Italians, because they’ve been here the least & the Italians didn’t assimilate like others.
But a lot of people here don’t even consider Italians to be white, kek
Really makes you think
100% pure Berber phenotype here and I can assert that I am whiter than most of you.
>random moroccan girl
Are you talking about ethnic purity or racial purity? Because a person who is a mix of Scottish, German, and Polish would be whiter to a nordicist than someone who is from southern Italty or something. But the Italian would be ethnically pure.
I dont know.
But you can be sure that the fair skin ones are closer genetically to those ancient great people.
you unironically are not white. You look indian
>100% pure Berber phenotype
But Berbers aren't ethnically homogeneous, for instance Kabyles are obviously the master race while To*Aregs are the untermenschen.
Native north Africans likely were, as were native anatolians, Levantines, Persians, and possibly Chaldaians (though they likely had some dravidian admixture) but all of those people's have been Arabed, to the point where Iranians for example have 55% Arab DNA. There are isolated tribes throughout the MENA region that still look like the pre-Arabization population but they are quite few in number and often religious minorities that are first on the list for rape/beheading
You what? Are you trying to say you're one of those retards who doesn't know how to read a graph and believes in Jow Forums memes from other retards who also can't?
>Most people of any race are completely useles
If this were true, societies would not function. Ergo, it must only be true of societies which do not function, such as majority mixed-race (Middle East, Latin America) societies, or Africa
whiteness isn't a line on a map, it's how much DNA the germanics and their descendants bestowed upon you.
Yep. There is a lot of genetic diversity between different berbers and as a whole in morroco for example the berbers population is big but they have been MUTTED by the slave trade.
The genetics are complicated because the gene flow from the middle east and subsaharan africa mutter people more or less.
You have to go to isolated berber villages that weren't impacted by the slave trade to see what they used to look like before the JUSTING began.
As an Imazighen (berb), op is clearly delusional. It's true that there are a few that have white ancestors in their family tree due to the barbary slave trade, but that's about it.
Case in point, we're amazigh - natives to the Maghreb. That's it.
I cringe so much when i see this cherrypick shit posted, most maghrebis are quadroon mutt atrocidads lets be real
You mean the Aryans (Iranians) and their descendants, right?
Germanics are one splinter of those, not exclusive.
>You're either wealthy or irrelevant
ah, the typical communist, its all about envy
Non nigger =/= being white, shlomo
>no no no I am white, my great great grandfathers cousin had blue eyes
literally OP
but things are muddled after those regions browned, the germanics did a good job of reaching all characteristicly "white" areas so it's helpful to just describe it with more recent history.
so algerians are white but half of europe isn't?
Yeah we all know they got MUTTED hard and we laugh at them for that, Egypt is the Brazil of North Africa.
You know anybody can pick a pic from the internet that suits them right?
My sister has blue eyes, catch me outside.
>Kidnap some european sexslaves
>Guys we're totally european now!!!
um think again sweetie
The eternal c*mmunist
Arabization is a cultural process, arab genes are not much in maghreb, we just fucked too many neggresses
Hes just a jew
no there are dozens of migrations, that picture just shows a band(s) of germans setting up kingdoms in north africa
does she have autism like you too?
Arabization in genetic terms was only relevant in Egypt desu and slightly in Libya, the rest was mostly culture.
Most nafris are shitskins, the white ones are not the majority
If you're Caucasoid, then you're white. Whiteness is a classification people based on physical characteristics, not on who someone thinks is white.