What is righteous violence to you?

What is righteous violence to you?

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anything that's DEMONSTRABLY done in the name of democracy.

Anything done in the name of god and justified by god.

Post the webm I be been looking for it for a long time

Anything that's done for what I believe in.

name of this video? i remember watching it

Lol I just like seeing people getting their shit kicked in.

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this but unironically.
>Ideals are worth dying for, and what ideal is more perfect than God?

what was it?

"In August of 2007, a video circulated on the internet named "Execution of a Tajik and a Dagestani", otherwise known as "Russian National Socialist Beheading Video", which depicts the murder of two non-ethnic Russians by the Russian National Socialist Party. The Dagestani was stabbed and then decapitated, and the Tajik was shot in the head. Any authentic information about the victims and the party never came out. Some speculate that the victims were drug dealers or pedophiles, others say the victims were killed in order to gain attention from the Kremlin in a call for stricter immigration laws."

2 Churkas got executed by Russian nationalists something that you mutts would never do kek

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meant for the amerimutt

>the vlach never heard of the lynchings
We absolutely executed some towns back in the 20's and even aerially dropped bombs on fleeing niggers, alas that energy is no longer within us, but it will return, I am sure of it. Anyways vlach, yes, I would never think of taking someone out into the woods and killing them, for such a thing to happen the townspeople need to agree that person needs to be done away with and it needs to be public.

Thanks too dutchbro

Why would someone give a shit about righteousness while commiting violence? Face it cyka, violence is done for fun derived from domination, not righteousness.

Freshly mowed grass and a can of monster

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Righteous violence to me means fighting in self-defense, or in defense of that which you love. Also I would consider certain preemptive violence righteous, but it would require pretty damning evidence.

killing a man in battle not on his knees

kek Tyrone Mandez that was long time off go now all what you amerimutts are obsessed is black dicks,every thread on Jow Forums is about black dicks and white women who date niggers.Sad!

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>russians are whi...

Meh. Not really, interracial marriages aren't as rampant as you may think, those are just niggers coping, which they do a lot. Interracial marriages, especially with blacks, are seen as low class. You should see some of their copes in real time.

Eradication of evil

I do have some where they get triggered when black women date white guys

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