The absolute STATE of CNN
The absolute STATE of CNN
What percentage of your population goes to college? Are you surprised that most of you are retarded?
I prefer entertaining disinfo to "BLUMPHHHH" disinfo.
One of these shows is nothing but conspracy theories and fantasies of deranged, low IQ people. The other one is about ancient aliens, which is a cool show. Lots of good shots of ancient temples and artifacts and space. I never miss an episode.
dare I say it Trump News Network
This. The Egypt episodes are great.
Ironically enough, statistics will show that the more we went to college, the dumber we all got. Take that how you will.
In normal business it`s considered bad to mock and belittle your customers but in America this is somehow not the case.
Is such a thing even possible?
Where else can you learn that tampons are needed in the Men's room?
All i have for those that want some ancient history stuff
No ancient aliens though, just really advanced civilizations and fallen angels
Wasn't there also a new Sphinx they just uncovered and in the process of digging out?
Jow Forums is not a safe space for red pills or a free speech zone anymore. This site has been compromised. and has become reddit tier. Any speech that is deemed a thought crime will get you banned and thread delete.
CNN - toxic conspiracists
AA - Positive thought provoking conspiracists
Ancient Aliens has be come a meme but I have nothing but praise for that show. As a longtime fan of /x/ subjects I can say that AA has done a fantastic job of covering their bases when it comes to theories and their related subjects. AA has done more to expose normies to out of the box ideas and forbidden history and anti-establishment theories than anything I can think of. People unironically get more truth and factual information from Ancient Aliens than CNN.
moderation on this website was a huge mistake in the first place and it has spun wildly out of control
I learned more about mythology and different cultures, and the world from one of these shows. Guess which one.
Do you enjoy your gender studies degree ?
Nice meme, friendo :^)
>going to college means you're smart
this is what boomers actually believe
so you are that kraut
CNN drumffff drumpffff two scoops
AA- we think there could be life throughout the universe and human history is not what the jews are teaching you.
>mens room
Obviously you go to a community college that doesn't have advanced bathrooms for all genderkind
Maybe college just dumbed everyone down instead of making them smarter. Back in the old days, the top 10 or 15% in intelligence went to college. Now, it is 50%. This simple fact alone waters down the value of a degree considerably.
Bartender Wanted
>BA in anything required
I thought that show ended a long time ago, how can they still have material to work with?
That picture is from his private facebook, thank you for posting my OC of my friend.
lol they still make this ancient aliens show? holy hell man, erich von daniken finally found an audience dumb enough to peddle his books to, he only had to cross a continent
i mean both cnn and that show are absolutely terrible, both should have no views anyways
cnn btfo by based alien theorists
Ancient Aliens is more accurate
>even when saying something completely retarded ancient aliens has at least some insight of history with pinches of facts
You can watch shit without actually believing it as gospel kraut. AA is bullshit but its harmless entertaining bullshit.
That's really embarrassing when you consider that CNN gets a lot of "views" from airports and shit that just have a TV with CNN on 24/7, that might actually be where the majority of CNN's viewership is these days.
t. ancient alien
AA is kino whether or not you believe
Prison too. My uncle has been locked up for 5 years and says they just leave the TVs on CNN 24/7
Nigger in College people were worried about jamming their dicks inside some whore and looking cool to other kids while doing drugs and fucking whores on weekends at club.
Everyone who graduated had no clue what they were going to do with their lives and end up working for a shitty job and most people who took the SJW bait end up becoming a total shit at life.
the utter state of BTFO
Is rather watch it than JewishNewsNetwork
What's the matter? Too DEEP for you?
I think the Giza plateau is just the remains of an ancient buried city used by ancients to survive cataclysms at the end of the last ice age. Other candidates include Gobekli Tepe and Lake Titicaca
that's cruel and unusual punishment
When you read a few weeks ago that the Food Network beat CNN primetime's ratings and every day you wake up hoping another small niche channel would too, and Home and Garden TV ended up being the next one, and now a literal meme who claims aliens are behind everything now has more viewers.
Getting a degree in PR, and saying you're educated, means literally nothing.
Well both do spout dumb fake bullshit. Aliens are cooler though, naturally.
I thought this too
Ancient Astronaut theorists say YES.
Das sum Abu Gariab n shieeet.
ancient aliens is comfykino
I would watch infomercials on the guide channel for days before i would watch one second of the jew media CNN.
I don't think it's harmful... well only insofar as I think it's generally harmful to nurture magical thinking and lack of rigorous methodological standards for the understanding of history in the general populace...but other than that I don't really care. I used to like Erich von Daniken when I was a 14yo pothead. I don't think CNN is harmful either, just dumb as hell and more neoliberal Democrat Party infotainment than a news network. both have an about equally negative impact on US society imo
No wonder why 70% of released prisoners are re-arrested within 5 years in America.
Their youtube videos are cancer and the comments section has diehard liberals and more bots.
Because only aliens could have taught humans to stack rocks upon other rocks...
ffs man
>tfw my boomer parents dvr is packed with food network/hg tv programs and ancient aliens
Lol just got a desk job paying $16/hr with no degree, college is a meme and tool of indoctrination, if you ever actually want to learn something of value, try skill share or any of the other similar websites which will be popping up in the next ten years.
>Yale lectures are valuable
I can watch them on youtube
Exactly the same as mine. My mum even watches Juden Peterstein through no input of my own. Is it all a massive conspiracy?
It's not over yet. Don't worry, faggot. You know those capeshit movies you masturbate to? Yeah we're coming for those, sweetie. Oh and that perverted cartoon you love so much is gonna be cancelled in the 3rd season (;
Holy shit. Ok. So.
We're about to ass rape you so hard. Patrick Little is gonna win the Democratic nomination and he is gonna beat Trump and we're gonna make homosexuality outlawed.
And. AND. We are going to secure afituee for our white children and pedos and pedo enablers such as yourself are gonna die via pike up the ass.
Open wide, faggot (;
> Ancient Aliens: Fun show about a hypothesis sprinkled with facts.
>CNN: Literal propaganda machinery, with little to no basis in unbiased fact.
Not surprised by this.
>What percentage of your population goes to college? Are you surprised that most of you are retarded?
Alot actually. When I lived in California my local precentage was 30% for the county.
What's your point? I have a master's degree and would rather watch ancient aliens that a partisan spin doctor.
Yeah it's weird right. It's almost like there are racial quotas at colleges that force them to admit people that have no business in college or something
Catalonifag completely and utterly BTFO
I at least have an AS degree and dropped out when I realized it was all a big indoctrination racket.
Only smrt peoplekind watch the CNN.
David Wilcock, get off of Jow Forums :p
mc fucking kill yourself
still less harmful than watching CNN
when are they going to do an episode on the heartland high elves?
>Patrick Little is gonna win the Democratic nomination and he is gonna beat Trump
subtle, but no
and most of their viewers are just people stuck at the airport anyway. SAD.
ancient alien detected
based and alienpilled
It's because they are letting stupid people in college now in the name of equality and profits. I'm a math tutor and you have freshman who can't even do multiplication if the numbers are larger than 2 digits. it's pretty sad because most of these people are paying out the ass for degrees in jobs they have no business being in and then whine about their debt when they can't find work. Really only the brightest should be in college because it's just a scam taking money from people who will never find work in their field.
"Education" as in scholarly instruction has a very marginal effect on intelligence, and even then only at a young age. In their 20s where people go to college it has a statistical zero effect. Obviously it is useful but not in increasing intelligence.
People are dumber due to dysgenics from increasing proportion of niggs&co but even the white genetic stock is declining. Plus awful nutrition and sleeping patterns.
it's socialism, it fucks up the evolution. makes you go backwards becouse it favorites unsuccesfull(therfore wrong) people with succesfull people resources.
When it gets big enough(like it is lately) succesfull people stop reproducing, and all you got left is dumb welfare addicted mass.
also education is important, but more important is how you deal with new informations. if you are dumb and get a degree by cheating you usually become even dumber, becouse now you have proof you are not dumb and you start to belive in your fucked up theories for real and stop listening to what other people have to say.
and good education weed out mental issues. but we lack it since the wars and woman emancipation
its fucking real
Anybody check out the Giuliani interview with Todd?
your country ain't even real lmao
>Breaking: Popular TV Show 'Ancient Aliens' Cancelled For Hate Speech ("Conspiracy Theories")
Opinion discarded
Based. Best episode was implications of sexual encounters with aliens.
>not quitting high school and shove shit like a real man
Wowowowow chill out with the graham hancock stuff, this might be too much for Jow Forums to take in
checked and kek'd