I'm voting for her.
I'm voting for her
Other urls found in this thread:
based muchacha
For prom queen?
The fact that you can stand her face and those eyes says everything about your psychology.
Show your flag and prove it
What does it say about my psychology
Would black/10, cunt.
please do
The same with Hillary. That the demonic looks angelic to you.
sure you are, memeflag
her 15 minutes is already over
Tbh i wouldnt mind having sex with her.
She's not a beauty, but she has the « something » that makes her freaking hot.
If I still lived in her district, I would vote for her too and I'm very typical for this board politically
she has pierced ears. need them pure.cannot vote for that.
What does Hillary have to do with this
Show your flag please.
Living in NY in current year.
Stay fucking gay with aids faggot
Also ya know denied Ben by accusing him cat calling is lame don’t cha think?
it says you’re a meme flag kike with pedophilic tendencies. Probably have anxiety too
Nice projecting there
Once again this will get ignored by shill faggots but her winning is great for us. She'll do a lot to drive more whites away from the democrats which their establishment knows. The only people criticizing her are establishment dems and neocohens who only go after low hanging fruit
If she shows her feet, I might vote for her.
whats the deal with her eyes ?
NYC district is going to go blue no matter what. You may as well have the Latinx retard who gaffes every other media appearance running it. It's better to have someone like that representing the Democrats than a milquetoast like Joe Crowley.
how long have you been dead?
I'll vote for her or Warren.
Ben doesn't deserve a debate. I'll take him seriously when he debates anybody other than idiotic kids and community college lecturers. And that includes people to the right of him. He's the coward, flaunting his Harvard JD then clamming up and calling any real challengers antisemites, like any good leftist would
Google crazy eyes cortez
Yeah she's batshit crazy, only going to alienate people further from the Dems.
The eyes don't lie.
>Nigger nosed commie
Have you seen her talk in interviews?
She’s literally retarded:
Imagine telling her off only for her to shove your face into one of these until you beg her to let you vote for her, hahaha. That'd be gross.
Based skull shape, degenerate hair nise and eyes.
Meh, nigger, tongue my anus
There's already feet pics, you pleb
Feet pics were the first thing I looked for when I saw she was the new chick on the block
They can't even select a good pair of shoes.
she won't let you fug her so why bother
plus bait/slide thread
sage the shit out of it
I'm dubitative.
It's kinda between she wants to blow you very hard and ride you fast, or want to kill you.
>Imagine being with that tight brown skin sluth by yourself
>Oh user OMG your a racist and a Nazi and....
>*You step in close and gently rub her bouncy soft breast
>OMG user I can't believe you just did that RAPIST I'm gonna go sue you for sexual assa....
>*Step in and grab her tight round ass while saying shush don't talk
>user I...,I mean.....
>She slowly starts to get on her knees has you softly push her hand
>She grabs your thick throbbing cock and puts it in her mouth
>Ohh user,I don't know how I feel about this but I feels so good
>You feel or hard cock being sucked and slurped by her thirsty mouth covering your cock full of saliva
>Slurp slurp she keeps on sucking and there's a little cum string coming out of her mouth
>Hmmm I love your cock,call me a dirty slave my Nazi master
>She keeps moaning has you keep fucking her on the troath harder and harder
>You pull out your cock from her mouth
>Push her against the sofa and start fucking her doggy style has she moans and keeps begging for more,go harder....harder...
>You see that jiggly round brown ass up and down on your cock
>You cum
>She turns around,holds your hand and says "thanks user....I was needing that"
>She is now your sex slave waifu
Stop replying to bait/slide threads
no she doesn't. shes just a fuckable hole
Voting for a donkey. How fitting.
>sleep tight, sweetie
wtf man
still, good post m8
Hang the communists and the low IQs it appeals to.
that’s a liberal that i can get behind
if ya know what i mean
They're preparing a rope for her.
GOOD. It doesn't matter if it's left or right. The more extreme, the better,
So you’re saying it’s bad to be Jewish? Don’t be such a bigot
Im voting for her too!
Can we pleasr just stop with this dumb cunt? fucking hell. Sage this shit thanks for the shitpost fuck face
don't you guys think it's funny? "empowered" women always running shit off their mouths but when push comes to shove they are always getting raped when war breaks out. this is why posts like these are actually pretty funny because it's just the way biology works. if we wanted to rape them we can do it without really any repercussions.
Dude women get fat and ugly as they age. Imagine her as a fat green hair dike blaming everything on the patriarchy and demanding that we all go and see the latest remake of ghost busters or what ever.
I'll vote for her cause Neapolitan Dynamo told me to and he did that sick dance.