Americans live on stolen ground. They annihilated a whole people and stole their lands. Rootlessness permeates all levels of live.To ground themselves they try to claim roots in the “old world”. I’ve seen Americans who fantasize about Germany and Germans, but barely speak any German and fail to realize that if their talked about their German pride to real Germans, the later would laugh at them. They are just Plastic-Germans who are proud of a chimera of a heritage they cripple and fudge til it fits their prejudices. Their enthusiasm for and pride in a nation and culture that they know basically nothing about is quintessentially American. Even the child of Turkish immigrants born here and grown up here is more German than them. This draws up even more insecurity, so to prove that they're european, they turn to DNA tests and shout "14/88, save the white race!" Everyone questions them and asks them, "What the fuck do you mean the "white" race? Are you german? Are you italian? Are you swiss? What are you?" The american will reply with "I'm 1/16th Croatian"
Ladies and gentelmen of Jow Forums, i bring to you, the Amerimutt.