Trump is not king and losing power

Trump BTFO by his own people, lol

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Seems that a crisis is coming.


Show some evidence of Him losing power? Everything I see proves the opposite.

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Ugh stupid auto whatever on iphone

>former intel people
>his own people
All fields and kys

What these seditious kikes don't realize is that the rank and file are pro-Trump. Hopefully they stage a coup over the traitors and recover some kind of good reputation

he probably just does whatever Mattis advises him to in that area, I would

Lol faggot

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>think twice before following the president's orders in a crisis

So they're basically advocating sedition?

What a timeline, Trump really has managed to bring out the crazy in all these losers.

>Trump calls them "enemies of the people"
>they out themselves as enemies of the people

Lefties are dumber than Q niggers, who themselves are dumber than regular niggers.

There is no such thing as a false flag, only faggots who listen to Alex Jones believes that false flags are real

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>So they're basically advocating sedition?
Absolutely, and it should be no surprise. Despite what they claim, the people behind NYT and WaPo are thoroughly opposed to democracy. Or rather, they're turning against it as their ability to manage public opinion slips and it threatens to become something other than a mechanism to manufacture consent for the civil service bureaucracy.
This is partly why the Russia conspiracy is so attractive to these people - they literally cannot accept the idea that an election reflects the true desires of the people. Nothing is spontaneously organized. Someone must be pulling the strings and if it's not them, then who?

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What other industry lets past employees dictate their actions?


Where's our wall so I can feel safe against the invading Mexicans, oh yea I live in Washington too.. Still need the wall

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mirth is king

Why are you faggot liberals always so quick to change your principles and morals?

Is it because you have none?

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>Where our wall
It's already being built. Do you even pay attention to the news?

This is high treason. He needs to send the national guard to Langley Falls and arrest the people calling for this coup. He's fully within his rights to do so.

This revelation doesn't bode well for the Trump presidency.

He can declare them enemy combatants and just stick them in gitmo without a trial if he wants. He can also seize their assets, and revoke their children's citizenship. They can thank Obama for giving him the authority, and Congress for not doing anything.

>No such thing as false flag attacks
>9/11 doesn't exist guys

You're an idiot

Imagine being this retarded


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Oh, it’s this thread again.

He can't, he'd get impeached instantly. Obama had the press there to hush any opposition, Trump has the press looking at every blade of grass he steps foot on. Obama would get away with it because the press would willingly and deliberately look in the other direction. If Trump did this it would be discovered and broadcasted immediately across the United States, and he'd be impeached before the month ends. The press is a political weapon.

Wasnt a false flag, at worst we heard it was coming and didn't take the threat seriously. Then used it to blanket cover to invade other countries

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>he'd get impeached instantly
>for doing something legal
You retard

>not one of those speaking against Trump serve under him.
>every single one served under bush
As if they aren't getting paid or selling something to make them open their mouth v Trump because it equals immediate exposure

did they say that shit as a literal response to what I said in that other thread?

lol this country blows with its "illusion" of free and fair elections

>former military and intelligence leaders tell soldiers not to follow order of the administration because they don't like it
literally traitors

not yet

> weiner

right, and jet fuel can melt steel

those who lost power are screeching because they dont have power
who cares

Here let me help you Jr.
Steel beams melt at 100, 000c
Jet fuel burns at max 80,000c
You are right jet fuel cannot melt the beams, but at 70k the beams lose 60percent of their strength, that's why they collapsed, the beams didn't need to be melted, only weakened, I doubt the terrorists even saw that coming and remember the buildings were on fire for hours it wasn't instant

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Trump is an emperor not a king.
He should lay down his wrath on these filthy kike rats.

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>own people
>unelected CIA agents
Really makes me think

Yeah, I'm sure that jet fuel was perfectly distributed just right and those those steel beams all weakened evenly at the exact same time so that the buildings collapsed neatly into their own footprint. The odds of that building falling straight down into itself based on what we have been told is infinitesimal.
>Whoever, with intent to interfere with, impair, or influence the loyalty, morale, or discipline of the military or naval forces of the United States:
>advises, counsels, urges, or in any manner causes or attempts to cause insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, or refusal of duty by any member of the military or naval forces of the United States; or
>distributes or attempts to distribute any written or printed matter which advises, counsels, or urges insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, or refusal of duty by any member of the military or naval forces of the United States—
>Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

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>steel beams are indestructible
I would be much more sympathetic to 9/11 conspiracy theories if you dumb niggers wouldn't push basement-tier logic like this. Instead, go with the obvious.
>ZOG Puppet GWB works with kikes to coordinate false flag
>"we have a plan"
>alphabet boys instructed to ignore the Egyptian/Saudi jihadists in American flight school
>day of, whoops, how did this happen?
>(((we'll))) never stop them in time
>planes connect with towers
See how that still works without your wackadoo, cockamamie larping STEEL NEVER WEAKENS. dumb faggot, kys and your entire bloodline.

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LARPing sad cunt.

The reckoning is nigh

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Ah, so Obummer's people are sad they're not in power anymore.
It goes into the options-field

Bullshit. Trump is a king to anyone who truly loves America. Nigger, Whiteoid, Basedboy, Chink, Heeb, Drunk, Faggot, CIS, Shemale, anyone who can want to better the country and be better than the rest of the world.

I agree with this sentiment. Trump may order an attack on Iran. If that happens, I hope US military personal refuse to carry out orders.

Real nationalists don't worship Trump personally.

A cataclysm actually.

>Don't listen to the president, listen to the CIA

hahahahahahahahaha yeah fucking right

Buildings are designed to collapse in on themselves

Those airplanes weighed around 200,000-250,000 pounds and hit the towers going 100s of miles per hour. It is absolutely feasible that the airplanes caused the tower to collapse.

You should call into question who organized and conducted the attack (ultimately the Saudis, or more specifically salafists in Saudi Arabia with some measure of influence and material wealth) but to say that an airplane can’t destroy a steel and glass building is just wrong.

>I agree with this sentiment. Trump may order an attack on Iran. If that happens, I hope US military personal refuse to carry out orders.

How fucking naive can you be? The jew loving deep state who lied about WMD's is telling troops to ignore orders from Trump. You realize they are the ones who want an invasion of Iran right? These are the same people who support people like John McCain.

you're a fool

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>not a king
Right. He's a righteous leader. Kingship stems from the heretical Nimrod. The agents of Satan don't want him near their goyim.

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So then he takes the army to occupy the CIA headquarters then.

>think twice
libs talking to their own.
Anyone with sense knows there's a chain.

>former intelligence
When will this meme end?

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diggin' those digits

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The article is correct.Trump is not a king because that is for faggots. Trump is God Emperor- no term limits and immortal.

Wow, the same niggers who conspired against his campaign also distrust his leadership... and this is news

This, this, 1000 times this.

Trump is the only one threatening war on Iran now. The establishment supports the deal Obama made with Iran. That's one thing they are right about. I have been a white nationalist for 25 years. Shut the fuck up.

The biggest danger to nationalism is infiltration by neocon elements pushing foreign wars and imperialism.

Fucking this. These dumb niggers focus on muh steel beams instead of the (((people))) behind the problem.

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He's not a king, but he was elected.
Now do as you're fucking told if you don't want the country to rise up and get rid of all you institutional fuckheads.

>So then he takes the army to occupy the CIA headquarters then.

Jesus christ, PLEASE let this fucking happen already.

the ever-present glow is starting to damage my retinas.

>no such thing as a false flag
Operation Northwoods, faggot.

End of days.

>jet fuel burns in open air as hot as it does in a jet engine

>Former employees think they have power