Brit/pol/ - Oxord University Scholarships Edition

>French president Emmanuel Macron wades into Brexit backing cross-party coalition of Remainer MPs to thwart Jeremy Corbyn and Boris Johnson

>Husband condemns NHS hospital where his wife and mother-of-four died during a routine test and bosses who refuse to apologise

>Thousands of UK bridges are 'sub-standard', at risk of collapse and will cost almost £1billion to repair

>Westminster crash suspect is charged with two counts of attempted murder

>Vicious thugs attack two women in their 90s barely miles apart in another day of savgery on Britain's streets

>Big up Stormzy. But Oxbridge must do more for black students

>The bad news is we’re dying early in Britain – and it’s all down to ‘shit-life syndrome’

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I used to think of Fish and Chips when I thought of the UK. Now I think about Aladdin. Times are not good.



ay caramba

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HOLLANDE AND THE ROTHSCHILD BANKSTERS - François Hollande, seen here with David de Rothschild, appointed a Rothschild banker to manage the French ministry of economy in 2014. What does that say about Hollande's loyalty?

"An act of war was committed by a terrorist army, DAESH [ISIS], a jihadist army, against France… An act of war prepared, planned, from outside, with outside complicity which an investigation will establish."
- French President François Hollande, November 14, 2015

"We need to work to find a political solution. Bashar al-Assad is not the solution, he is the problem."
- French President François Hollande, October 23, 2015

“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”
- Franklin D. Roosevelt

The Friday the 13th terror attacks in Paris seem to have accomplished exactly what they were meant to. They have seemingly given the French and the U.S. the right to attack “without mercy” ISIS forces in Syria. While the strikes are supposedly aimed at ISIS, the country taking the pounding is Syria.

There are basically two ways to view the terror attacks in Paris: they were, either, as French President François Hollande says, “an act of war… committed by a terrorist army, DAESH, a jihadist army,” – or they were something else.

The accepted view, promoted by the controlled media and accepted by world leaders, is that they were, exactly as Hollande says, “an act of war” carried out by DAESH (a.k.a. ISIS, ISIL, Islamic State). Based on this interpretation, U.S. A-10 Warthogs and French fighter jets have started bombing DAESH targets in Syria.

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dios mio Hombre

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Is that your Sunday dinner lad? What has happened to this country.

nah munchy box tonight lad. mmmmmm

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You got any comfy chinky box pics?

Why are Orangemen so villainized? Even living in Presbyterian Scotland, people under the age of 50 tend to dismiss them as bigots and nutters

I hate them purely for blocking off the roads and causing traffic.

think of a number

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Minus the peppers and it'll do

You're going to be a right greasy, fat fuck if you keep eating that shit lad.

that's the number i've done on you

you are spoiled

Because most of them are bigots and nutters.

t. unionist scot

London is a city in England.

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Fucks sake. Every time...

Well you know, if she wants to walk around showing off the goods, far be it from me oppress her. I'll even document her bravery on camera.

It's shit mate. Every woman is swiped by every man who sees her, even the uggos and fatties. Most of them you match with, if you do, won't say a word or will decide they don't like your from your opening sentence and never message you back. The one date I've had since getting back on, since I don't do flings, was with an insane bint who just wanted a place to sleep to the night and a tour guid eof the area.

That said, if you are commited. I carefully took and set up photos that seemed like spur of the moment shit, like working on the car with some oil on my hands and face (don't have a car? use your parents). Get someone to take the photos for you; the aspect ratio and focus looks better, they can see you aren't fat, and it looks like you have friends. Consider how you want to look. Sit behind a computer all day and wheeze going up hill? It doesn't matter, get/borrow some cheap hiking gear, find somewhere that looks wild even its the back of your local Asda, and look like you enjoy hiking.

Women are looking for what 'experiences' you offer, even if all you you do is make thema pot-noodle and put on a dvd, and often thats all they really want to do.

>t. a terrible human being who is slowly mastering the art of manipulation and deception after years of thinking the best of women

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I fucking hate Master Brew. He is a traditionalist, LARPing retard who is trying to get people to join the fucking tory party by manipulating them into believing they can make any change. The Conservative party is so utterly infested with liberals, so enslaved by donor money, so corrupt that it wont even stop the immigration issue, let alone the issue of democracy, architecture, the environment, over building, overly restrictive firearm laws, Jewish control. Fuck hell, there is a holocaust memorial being built in London right fucking now on the grounds next to Westminster palace. He attacks identitarians by calling them "racist liberals", he might as well be Paul Joseph Watson with lines like that. I hope Master Brew and his gay high Tory gang get cancer.

Aslan is on the move.
Spring is coming.
The White Witch knows this.
We must stop her plot to return us to frozen sleep.

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It is easier to take-over a political party than to construct one from scratch and win power.

Master Brew is a little bitch who refuses to debate and sucks Muslim cock.

It is too large, and I don't think we could get a
nationalist dictator through them taking control of the Conservative party. If you have a charismatic, intelligent, ideologically dedicated people you can create a political party and potentially win power.

It is still easier and cheaper to use a host party, it's apparatus, distribution channels, internal mechanisms, and to reprogram its "brain", to hijack it if you will. Takes only a couple of election cycles.

They have ideology tests in the Conservative party.

When has this ever happened within the Tory party? For the most part it has done nothing but cede ground to the left for decades. The last leader of any actual conservative, traditional relevance was Douglas-Hume. It's been nothing but gradual accretions of liberals at the helm since, and then they wheel out backbenchers like Mogg every now and again to pretend to be what they say they are.


Is a girl with piercing(s) a red flag?
It is called the PAB (Parliamentary Assessment Board), you need to take it in order to become and Tory MP, you need to right out emails, give a speech, respond to questions, and then do an ideology test in which you pick out what is most important to you. They look for people who value inclusivity and diversity and probably use this as an excuse to deny an MP if they need more diversity. You also have to take a psychological test, I'm not sure what that entails but one article said it was to make sure you weren't insane or had serious mental health issues, I don't know if an intelligence test is required.

>living in presbyterian scotland
>present tense

Did you know that David Cameron was only 25 years old at the time when he was involved with a scam arms deal for 3 nuclear weapons? These weapons were also later allowed to be stolen and sold for huge profits! One of them even ended up being exploded by North Korea!

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Just to let you know i do read your stuff, no time for proper replies atm. And for every poster theres tons of lurkers..

Shite general.

Would you rather we dedicate whole threads to arguing with Eddie and the Pube?

Theresa May once said in 2016 that she was proud of changing the British law to make it impossible to prosecute Israeli war criminals in the UK under Universal Jurisdiction, so that alleged killers such as Tzipi Livni and Israeli officers involved in crimes against Palestinian civilians can roam free in Britain. Pro-Palestinians in Britain applied in court for an arrest warrant issued for Livni who was Foreign Minister during Israel’s brutal 2008 Operation Cast Lead operation but thanks to the intervention of the British government, automatic immunity was granted to Israeli government officials visiting Britain....It was also an occasion on which Mrs May declared her allegiance to the so-called “Community Security Trust,” a Jewish vigilante body. she was given a standing ovation at the annual CST dinner for handing over £13.4 million of British taxpayers money to this sinister organisation which claims to protect Jewish schools and synagogues. (This figure represented a £2 million increase on the figure promised by David Cameron the previous year which in itself was an increase of £3 million on the year before that!) Not long after Britain joined the international commitment to defend Charlie Hebdo’s freedom to satirize Islam, Theresa May’s Home Office began a prosecution against a White nationalist called Joshua Bonehill for publishing Holocaust cartoons on the internet. Bonehill was sentenced to three years and three months of imprisonment and has since been charged in prison for two-year old “race hate” tweets against a Jewish MP, the fragrant Luciana Berger.

Thanks baby


this makes me want to go out and start executing politicians

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“The present system is one of conscious cruelty....It bears down on those least able to bear it. The bureaucratic inefficiency is vindictive and hunger is being used as a weapon. People are being forced to look for work that doesn’t exist.”

Ken Loach

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Interesting read. Still wrapping my head around it (surprise surprise Mossad was involved!).

But to be honest I'm glad Mandela wasn't able to get his hands on nukes, so it makes me happy that at least the other nukes ended up in trusted hands.

Not automaticly, but it's makes it more likley she is batshit

>'There is a reason to believe that the British Government is under the control of a foreign power.' Gilad Atzmon
>I am a passionate Zionist." Boris Johnson
>Israel’s enemies are our enemies and this is a battle in which we all stand together or we will all fall divided." Liam Fox MP

The Zionists have been running our country for at least 100 years, it's a bit more obvious now they have their own state, Israel, hence why we are fighting all their wars. Around 80% of Conservative MPs are members of the Conservative Friends of Israel.

we dem moyes boys

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>Aye you fuckin white boys so cucked MOHAMAD

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The bigger rumour is that Zidane will take over Man U.

Saw a family of spics on the bus today, all really fat

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Am I B&?


Literally the average American

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Helped destroy Libya and Sudan, tried to destroy Syria, conspired with Israel to unleash Stuxnet on Iran, murdered thousands of innocents with cowardly drone attacks, protected the 9/11 criminals and the myth they created, and is now pushing Russia up against the wall in Ukraine and risking World War III."

Kevin Barrett.

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Who keeps spreading this meme that brexit "isnt happening"? Are these the blackpill spastics and UKIP remnants just trying to get support where there is none? Read the fucking legislation, it's in law

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>Vicious thugs attack two women in their 90s barely miles apart in another day of
"Police said three of the suspects were white and two were black."

Weird since the CCTV images only showed black faces

For manufactured goods we are essentially staying in the EU and will be unable to make trade deals. I unnsure what may is doing with services but based on her rabid pro-eu history it wont be anything exciting

lil c

The manufactured goods part of the Chequers agreement refers to alignment of our own legislation with EU legislation to avoid tariff hikes and friction in trade. We won't be a member of anything to do this. Canada also aligns their regulations with that of the EU for manufactured goods as part of the free trade deal.

Politicians don't obey the law, sweetie

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Tory party is harder to infiltrate than Labour was for Momentum.
Leadership is down entirely to the parliamentary party until they choose two for the party faithful to pick from.
You have to get the Tory MPs behind your candidate before they get even close to popular vote by the party.


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Or of course lobby the Tory’s to switch their leadership electoral system


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

There is a reason trump said we couldnt make a free trade deal with the USA post brexit, we are bound by EU rules even for products not bound for the EU

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i'm sniffing your post aswell

yours smells nice aswell

Why would they be convinced when the current system is working perfectly well for the tory establishment

>t. jealous wh*Toid that couldn't get into a top uni

stop please

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That's not true though. The drawn up plans explicitly outline how we'll only be doing this for EU trade.

Exactly, which is why the Tory party would be so impossible to infiltrate and why Brew is retarded


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Under mays plans there will be no checks at calais, meaning ALL goods in the uk must meet EU rules or frictionless trade will be imposible

We must secure the existence of British boy bands and a future for pop music

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Fake news

Wrong. Non-EU goods will still be checked, and with the Customs Arrangement we'll be collecting EU tax duty on EU goods destined for EU ports.

Fuming lads. My degenerate flatemate thinks it's fine if grey squirrels replace red squirrels. These are dark times.

>EU goods destined for EU ports.
How do we know without checks at dover or Calais?

A shipment bound for Britan could be sold on to the continent

Time to blow the flat up m8

No survivors


People who can't recognise superior ear shape and fur colour deserve the rope.

Fuck Master Brew.

That's what I mean, that's what the arrangement is.

>Goods made in China
>Destined for Rotterdam
>Stops in Southampton
>Collect EU tax duty at Southampton for the EU goods
>Goods let off at the UK are taxed our own rate
>Goods reaching Rotterdam isnt taxed because it's already been done in Southampton

It's not difficult to understand

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y-you too

Where's Eddie?

I got money.

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but what if

>Non EU-compliant goods are shipped to british business
>British business sells on goods to EU business
>nothing stopping them as there is zero customs checks in may's idea
mays "solution" is unworkable, there is a reason why no one at the EU commison is taking her seriously

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The only thing you have got is clinical depression and rickets

no, Brew literally got bored of memeing squirrels and no longer gives a shit
has no actual views, just latches onto anything he can meme