So Jow Forums, have you noticed how a disproportionate number of school shooters and mass murderers play(ed) video games? The Columbiners were DOOM and Quake fanatics, Adam Lanza was addicted to World of Warcraft, E. Rodgers was also an avid WoW player, and even Norwegian psycho Breivik played WoW and FPS. These are just a few examples. If I'm not mistaken even the Texas Tower Sniper played that proto-version of Pong that came out in the late 1950s.
There is a clear correlation between video games and mass murder. Basically anyone who is a gamer fits the profile, and is a potential psychopath. So why doesn't the US just ban video games already? They're not protected by any Amendment.
100% of mass shooters use firearms, really makes u think
Gabriel Anderson
guns don't kill people, men do there is clear correlation between men and mass murder. When was the last time you've seen a girl shoot up a school? That's what I thought, we need to ban men
Kevin Ward
100% of mass shooters have taken a shit before, really makes you think 100% of mass shooters have been alive really makes you think 100% of mass shooters are mass shooters really makes you think 100% of mass shooters have mass shooted really makes you think 100% of (You) and (You)r post sucks AIDS nigger dick really makes you think
Jason Bell
That's because girls don't play video games, stupid.
Luke King
>Adam Lanza was addicted to World of Warcraft and who told you that