Why are black people terrible with animals?

Why are black people terrible with animals?

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Aside from pitbulls is there any that should be associated with them?

dogs cant read negro faces due to how dark they are. makes dogger scared

Based dog

Dogs can read your emotions extremely well, so when you tense up around niggers they mirror you and start barking

Makes sense

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Black people are terrible at everything...

This. Dogs have eyebrows and can communicate with them. That implies they can read races. Y'know, how whites and dogs evolved side-by-side, and all that.

A black person's face is hard to read and that's spooky.

In general they have a hard time with empathy and abstract thought. They can not see themselves of their actions. This translates to their ability to handle animals. They can not imagine the animals position and there fore are in capable of treating it with respect.
They will beat a dog for no reason and never understand why it rebels against them. They will not feed a dog or lock it in the basement until it dies (personally seen this).

The animals are smarter than them.


You can't make an animal act against it's god given instincts by calling it racist.

>Why are black people terrible with animals?
Dey not, animalz be rayciss n sheeit, n dey don't gib gibs.

>Why are black people terrible.....
I'll stop you at the most pertinent question, OP

Attached: funwblacks560-baby-washing-by-dindu.webm (268x480, 2.94M)

Nigs are bad with animals, but nowhere near the level of the slants. Some nigs are actually capable of empathy, whereas slants have none because they actually don't have primate DNA.

>nigs are actually capable of empathy

Attached: funwblacks490-nigger-day-care-slap-drop-choke.webm (264x480, 2.69M)

Lived in Jersey City , saw them running away from a rabbit terrified,

just made me realize ive never seen a gook owning a dog

I enjoyed watching this

That woman is Saudi. More in common with the bovidae family than the primate

now I think about it,
got a story to tell you, I was at a old fashion farmers market where people auction animals chickens, ducks etcc...

Asains were buying all the cockers and ducks and at the end were just stuffing them into boxes, there was a metal cage with like 20 ducks in, All the English folks weren't having it and was saying you need a big box weren't having any of it and just carried on as if it was nothing.

Animals can tell when people have good or bad intensions, a 6th sense. So most niggers have bad vibes and animials pick up on it.

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Animals especially dogs can sense evil.

Told a black friend girlfriend hit a cat with her car and was pretty upset. He couldn't understand why. "just a cat, not even her cat"

A civilization develops animal empathy at the same time as it develops its farming industry and learns to breed livestock for various advantage. People which do not see any advantage in keeping around animals is obviously not going to show them any sign of respect. Do you see a lot of africans with successful farms?

The better question is why are we so good to niggers?

Animals all subtly know that humans are different, and can't be relied upon to act like a normal animal. They also know that niggers aren't human, and treat them like an enemy creature.

Attached: nig.webm (720x720, 1.95M)

If the most loyal and lovable companion to humanity hates you, you probably aren’t human to begin with.

because they're animals too


ever seen that Scene in the Movie "The Thing" where the Dogs instinctualy know that it isnt something from earth with them ?

It is the same in reality, the animals know that something is off with the Darkies and other than Whites, animals act on it

what does that even mean? can you state a qutitative statement instead of your feelings based on what you see when you look out your window?
