The allure of nonwhite girls

I’m your average Jow Forumsack, earl 20s, in school, upset at the state of the world. This summer I worked in a factory (in the Midwest) and I was surrounded by older white men and younger Hispanics, including tons of young Hispanic girls. Some of them hot, some of them had gone through the “refrigeratorization” that beaner women go through where they lose their curves and turn into a fucking block.

Anyway, something I noticed is the huge cultural difference. Most of these women had kids at like age 19 and had multiple kids throughout their 20s. They weren’t interested in partying (they had gotten that out of their system by like age 15-16). They were very into their jobs despite the work being mundane and boring.

This is just about the exact opposite experience I’ve had with white girls, especially the ones at college. There they are entitled, nasty, mean spirited, slutty (the Hispanic women would flirt a lot but nothing more), lazy, and felt like they were constantly owed something. They weren’t interested in working at all, the only thing they ever want to do is drink alcohol and use social media.

So what’s the deal here? Have other American anons noticed this? I already had a pretty bad Latina fetish but this summer made it 100x worse, should I start boning these whores? But I also want my kids to have blue eyes and look like me. Did the Conquistadors go through this dilemma?

I’m not exposed to any Asian girls in my location, but I can sort of see why white male asian female couples are so prominent in areas where they are exposed to each other, because Asian girls can give you all these positive traits with the one drawback that your kids won’t look like you or have your genes. Im just not that interested in drinking alcohol or watching Netflix or snap chatting or any of that shit. I’m also not interested in being with an entitled girl always looking to one up you and drop you just like that. What went wrong?

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All racemixing is degenerate

Fuck awf

Okay, but saying that doesn’t solve anything. White men are choosing nonwhite women at increasing rates, why?

You can try and shame them into not making that choice, and it might work, but it also might not work and white men will simply ignore you. You can call white people racist for not wanting to live near blacks, but white people still choose not to live near blacks.

So is there something we can change to reverse this trend?

>a blue collar woman in her late 20s that needs to support her child takes her job more seriously than some 18 year old college slut with zero responsibilty

Wow good job detective

If this shit is bouncing around in your brain you need to spend less time here.

You have one life to live, don't piss it up the wall because somebody on the internet convinced you not to breed with someone who is slightly browner than you.

>3 years time
>"haha so user when did you first know you wanted to be with me?"
>"well I checked with the guys on pol and they said all white women were degenerate so here we are!"

Attached: 1515932092898.gif (250x250, 2.18M)

No it's not

Well there were a couple white girls my age as well as early 30s white mothers that worked and all they did was talk about how they liked to drink alcohol.

Even if I didn’t browse Jow Forums I’d still want my kids to look like me though.

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