Black retards

Why do you see so few blacks with downs syndrome vs whites?

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Because planned parenthood sterilizes them before they are born.

Trick question, all blacks are retarded.

Less contrast with the rest of their population, so it isn't as noticeable.

Big dicked people are superior. That's common knowledge nigga. I haven't fallen ill since fourth grade.

>80% black abortion
did democrats implement abortion laws to cull down the nigger population?

Blacks with downs syndrome is redundant.

Is that because you never got past 4th grade?

I mean, they were the OG KKK party.

They don't have schools in South Sudan.

Why are they so strong?

What's with the PC language? He's not strong, he's a bigger lardass than QAnon.

I don't know, you don't see as many black downies it's true, but they do have much higher rates of mental retardation (inb4 they all are), mental illness and homosexuality.

Imagine a tard who is too much of a tard to even be considered a tard.

no wonder they are still fighting for segregation and welfare

Because theres no way to tell a Retarded one from one that isnt

I'm thinking they are aborted.

Black babortons

>a hot fire
>a wet ocean
>a retarded nigger

So 16 years old? Thats pretty impressive Jamal

Now that I think about it, the reason we don't see as many blacks mongoloids might be because that would violate the natural laws of IQ.

Imagine a black guy with tard strength, think he can take down a gorilla?

How can you tell the difference?

BTW fuck "downies" and "people with down syndromes". Let's call them the way Dr John Langdon Down called them, mongoloids.

thats cuz your rhymes are weak

Holy shit, maybe that's what gorillas are.

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Gorilla would bite the tard and it would be over

So I just looked up some data on this.

Apparently black downies only live to an average age of 25, whereas white downies live to 50.

It has a prevalence of 13.0 per 10,000 births among whites, 9.6 for Hispanics, 12.4 for blacks, 15.3 for Asian/Pacific Islanders, and 12.7 for the total population.

Is there really a difference between regular blacks and downy blacks?

african americans make up 15% of the population
this alone means few people and subsequently an
overall few amount of autistic people.

abortion rates

because they're probably smarter than the ones without it

Autism=/=Down Syndrome

I dont see them because there are no niggers here

Jow Forums is not le funny racist board. what the fuck does this have to do with politics

Black people are already retarded from birth so nature felt bad.

Whites are inbred at this point.
>When being the masterr race turns into being the mustard race.

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Because they already are retarded by default.

because they kill their retards straight off without mercy.

Planned Parenthood is to thank for that.

because blacks breed at 15 instead of 35

careerist feminist white women tend to wait too long

Right after college I was tutoring kids after school as part of a government funded program. It usually happened in public libraries or the kids' homes.
So this one time I was sitting in the library waiting for this kid to show up and this black dude walks in and kinda looks at me all cock-eyed. He looked like he was in his 20s or something and was dressed like a relatively normal person and he looks at me directly and gives me this weird nod a couple times. I don't really know what to do or if I've met him before so I just kind of nod back.
Then his tard wrangler walked in and I realized the guy was looking past me to some shit on the wall.
I guess what I'm trying to say is you probably just can't tell that they're retarded. This experience changed my world view, because at times I find it harder to tell if someone is an idiot or not if they're speaking a foreign language. I tend to assume that people speaking Spanish are idiots while those who are speaking any number of Asian languages are not. In reality there are probably a few Spanish-speaking geniuses and Asian retards.


When I see a nigger or a leftist on Jow Forums i think automaticaly they are trolls

yeah. never going to see a nigger go "it's still my child and i'll just have to stoically bear my lot in life" They see doctor, he recommends abortion, and they just do whatever doctor say without thinking at all.

37,144,530 african americans
1 in 500 are autistic
74289 autistic african americans


statistics state down syndrome is an equal opportunity affliction.

Because Down syndrome whites are a huge minority and w regular blacks being a minority it makes Down syndrome blacks extremely rare.

I came here to post this.
dey got abourded user

>muh dick ;___;
You have nothing good to everyone. Reality is that you niggers have only 0,25 cm bigger than whites by average. Shit cards you have in this life, if you have nothing others to say.

Attached: average-penis-size-chart-comparison.jpg (680x500, 42K)

Down's syndrome makes up ~1-3% of population, blacks make up 13%. So you are just less likely to see one. Also you might live in a mostly white area.

Also it might be legit that Africans have a smaller chance of non disjunction during mitosis/meosis


I thought they're all retarded. What's a non-retarded bigger even look like?

I always here this 13% 15% figure but just going outside and seeing them everywhere i cant bieleve it to be true. They gotta be at like 25% now, how can they not when they have 6 kids by 19 years old

How the fuck would you make the distinction whether a black guy is a retard or just a nigger?

They exist, of course. Blacks have no reluctance to just warehousing their retards in group homes and institutions compared to whites. They don't give a shit about their normal kids quality of life its just a paycheck, you know, and a retard is the best of all.

364,584 with an IQ of 120 or higher.

My gran told me that when she was growing up in Zimbabwe it was a common practice for them to bury defective babies alive.

Maybe they have purged allot of the tard gene out of them.

She also said they did it with twin babies because they thought twins meant the woman cheated on them with another man or some weird shit like that.

Probably why you dont see allot of black twins neither