I despise the Anglo. Never in my life have I seen a more loyal Jewish bootlicker than the British and their degenerate offspring. This country prides itself on its destruction of other peoples. Its culture is decadent to say the least, and is reflected in its ugly materialist values and people. You abandoned God for a religion based off of your corrupt king's polygamy. Had it not been for the Anglo Saxons in Europe and America, we could have restored order to the world during both world wars. Whilst all of Europe was evolving into Fascism, the Anglos chose to maintain the Jewish and Freemasonic Capitalist grasp over their country. They have murdered countless Europeans, be it Scots, Irish, French, German, etc. You even betrayed your very own countymen in Rhodesia and South Africa. You played a pivotal in destroying China, the oldest and most ancient people in the world just so the Jews could sell drugs, leading to China's fall into Communism. You handed over Europe to Communism for personal gain, spread (((democracy))) for the purpose of exploitation. Satanic elites are filled with Anglos. On top of all of this you created a literal puppet state for the NWO known as America, which has our culture of decadence infect foreign nations like South Korea and mainland Europe, and military destroy the Middle East, alongside the UK and Canada. I hate the English.
I despise the Anglo...
why are there brown squares on his black lips?
You sound like a kike.
Dividing and conquering whites as usual.
Don’t forget to sage this D&C thread
I love being British
Aryan blood is back on the menu, boys!
I despise the Anglo. Never in my life have I seen a more loyal Jewish bootlicker than the British and their degenerate offspring. This country prides itself on its destruction of other peoples. Its culture is decadent to say the least, and is reflected in its ugly materialist values and people. You abandoned God for a religion based off of your corrupt king's polygamy. Had it not been for the Anglo Saxons in Europe and America, we could have restored order to the world during both world wars. Whilst all of Europe was evolving into Fascism, the Anglos chose to maintain the Jewish and Freemasonic Capitalist grasp over their country. They have murdered countless Europeans, be it Scots, Irish, French, German, etc. You even betrayed your very own countymen in Rhodesia and South Africa. You played a pivotal in destroying China, the oldest and most ancient people in the world just so the Jews could sell drugs, leading to China's fall into Communism. You handed over Europe to Communism for personal gain, spread (((democracy))) for the purpose of exploitation. Satanic elites are filled with Anglos. On top of all of this you created a literal puppet state for the NWO known as America, which has our culture of decadence infect foreign nations like South Korea and mainland Europe, and military destroy the Middle East, alongside the UK and Canada. I hate the English.
Tits or gtfo
That doesn't really make sense since anglos should have a significant amount of aryan in them