WTF is wrong with this world

>Be me 25 yr old student
>Match with grill on Tinder
>Invite her over
>Talk for 5 minutes
>She's just been at the pride festival
>Thinks abortion is a human right
>Men shouldn't be allowed to vote on abortion
>Show her my painting of the Election results by county after Trump won.
>She storms out.

Where can I find a grill that's not completely fucked in the head?

Attached: 1500139992794.png (1448x951, 2.79M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Not on tinder

>using a hookup app
>expecting anything but degeneracy

You know the answer, white man.

Attached: average north mexican thicc girl.jpg (540x533, 49K)

Mike Pence is a zionist faggot

Attached: 1527287992730.png (1513x589, 140K)

try asians. They hate niggers and love nords

Show the painting.

Attached: 1532753728533.jpg (445x410, 336K)

>using tindr

Attached: 1533600023012m.jpg (1024x681, 62K)

I am 24 years old, was home schooled and I have never been married.

I live with my parents, milking cows and helping tend to a small garden.

I love children and have been the family babysitter since I was 7 yrs old, so I'm quite good at it now.

I work from time to time at my parents landscaping business.

I am looking for a serious relationship, and do not wish to waste my time dating.

I'm a very religious Christian and do not believe in divorce, so I will not be jumping into anything in any short amount of time.

I would never use a dating site, but my location and the fact that I do not necessarily like a bar scene, requires it.

I Have Experience In:

- Cooking [from scratch]

- Knitting

- Crochet [a one needle form of knitting]

- Raising farm animals such as: Cows, Goats, Sheep and Chickens.

The Kind Of Man I'm Looking For:
- Taller than I, but not exceeding 6'
- Working
- Strong Faith in God and his Beloved Son
- Caucasian
- Kind, verbally & physically
- Strong, mentally & physically
- Clean, BUT not afraid to get his hands dirty
- Hard working
- Compassionate
- Ambitious
- Humble
- Gentlemanly -
Sense of humor
- Not afraid to research, but not a geek
- A strong passion for people he loves, which will be shown in his love for his family, such as his Parents and potential Brothers and Sisters.
- Open to the thought of having children.
First Date
One of my many brothers will accompany me in the first dates. If this bothers you, then I suggest, that you look for another woman.

Attached: 1534633484250 (1).jpg (289x480, 41K)