If Russia buying some Twitter ads is "foreign interference"... What is this, burgers?
If Russia buying some Twitter ads is "foreign interference"... What is this, burgers?
Who the fuck cares it's north korea
who has computers in north korea i need to know
This is what the people behind the Nigerian prince scam are doing now.
The US is meddling in North Korean elections, this will not stand. I hereby call on Mueller to investigate this operation.
I think that there is a substantial amount of people, especially in Pyongyang and other more dense population centers who have a computer, though only high government and military officials as well as other wealthy party members might(!) have acces to unfiltered internet.
I'll bet my left testicle that they will fill these drives with porn.
(((They))) will probably sell those USB drives on ebay.
ah i see, thank you for elaborating on that! but i still dont know how they are going to get the usb's into NK
Don't you know? Its ok when the jews do it.
Investigate the "Holodomor".