What ideology actually works?

>Liberalism failed
>Conservative countries were made irrelevant by globalised countries
>Socialism failed
>Welfarism failed
>Fascism failed
>Neoliberalism is failing
>No body takes Neoconservativism seriously

The only things left are ancom, communitarianism and mutualism. Is Proudhon going to be the next cultural influencer like Marx was in the 20th century.

Attached: Portrait_of_Pierre_Joseph_Proudhon_1865.jpg (220x286, 8K)

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Sharia law

>What ideology actually works?

expelling jews.

None of them work
Pragmatism is the only way
Try it and see what happens. It will fail just like all the rest

Attached: 9fcec9e679b7e73fc1acaa551e9c7b81.jpg (461x407, 37K)

Clerical Fascism.
Take Iran's government during the Khomeini era as an example.

Ideologies don't actually work. You have to ask yourself what your own political goals are, and then work towards those goals. That's all.

Imagine an entire country filled with 10/10 chad supermen augmented by cybernetics
That would be an utopia

Attached: transhuman.jpg (900x400, 60K)

the logical progression of the human race imo is to stay on the current coarse of capitalism blended with "socialist" aspects like sweden ect. but instead of trying to fuel it with mass immigration and infinite inflation, you do it by actually fully utilizing technology and wealth to rapidly expand automation as well as basic exploitation of celestial bodies in our solar system for mass quantities of resources

Attached: Ivanova&lyta.jpg (447x593, 38K)

>fascism failed
you mean the entire world had to work together to stop it and only just barely :^)

>He doesn't realise the Naval Blockade and Oil buy offs in Caucasus was choking the life out of Germany.

Attached: wrland.png (350x263, 192K)