Why are modern women so pathetic? Old thread
Why are modern women so pathetic? Old thread >>182808617
we gave them rights
Wanted it
They got it
As mentioned in the other thread, threads like these are the ones where you see anons in agreement instead of fighting each other.
Also a reminder that women are responsible for
- majority of divorces
- current migration policies
- polarization of politics
Because their role in nature is subservience, that's why even when you meet a woman who carries herself with authority it's hard not to laugh at the shitty LARP. Aside from how delusional they are women are ok.
the children are running the daycare now
Lol check out this stupid booty blasted slut
They are pretending to be men, failing at it, and refusing to admit they suck at being men, so larp continues on until we face demographic collapse and barbarism returns and resets the natural order of things. It would be amusing to watch if not for it having very serious consequences.
wow, she's spammed the fuck out of that thread, women just can't help themselves