This man was the highest decorated man of WW 2, recipient of the Medal of Honor

This man was the highest decorated man of WW 2, recipient of the Medal of Honor.

This man wrote the following

>I must write this diary in secrecy and obscurity. It concerns my Arctic flight of the 19th day of February in the year of 1947. There comes a time when the rationality of men must fade into insignificance and one must accept the inevitability of the Truth! I am not at liberty to disclose the following documentation at this writing..... FOR I HAVE SEEN THAT LAND BEYOND THE POLE, THAT CENTER OF THE GREAT UNKNOWN.

>Admiral Richard E. Byrd
>United States Navy
>24 December 1956

Make of it what you will.....

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Other urls found in this thread: earth/type/op/

The earth is hollow. I unironically think its true. Why? The Inner core theory by Mainstream scientists is just a theory and has never been proven.

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The earth isn’t hollow. It exists in a vortex. There’s the outside of the vortex, where we reside, and there’s an opposite inner portion as well

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elaborate, never heard this before

Can you please explain to me how light and agriculture much less fucking gravity and air are supposed to work inside a hollow earth of that size?

He went through a portal to an alternate earth. Hollow earth wouldn’t work because you would fall off to the center where the central sun is supposed to be. Instant toast. The center of gravity is still the center whether it’s hollow or not. It’s physics.

Secret Nazi Antarctic base? I'm getting giddy thinking of the possibilities

Well he explains that gravity changes and flips upside down. But the biggest proof of them all is that it's not only a theory that was buried for a lot of years but that he also died of uknown cause was also send to an insane assylum or something never forget the kikes always hide something big.

it makes honestly sense that there is an entrance on the poles with all the satelites imagery of NASA hiding the poles, the earth is much like a thorus actually

admiral byrd, one of the most credible man of the US millitary gets send after 1945 to the arctis wth 5000 freaing soldiers, operation highjump for "research purposes", yeah why you need 5000 soldiers wtf, and they all came back with casualties, what the fuck did they encounter there?

earth is flat

no. fuck off with that flat BS, not in my thread pls

Wasn't Audie Murphy the most decorated man of World War II?

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Just continuing with the gravity question, if the gravity flips, how would the central sun stay in the center? It could not be expected to stay exactly at the hypothetical null point forever. It would eventual “fall” toward one of the inner surfaces. They would have to have artificial gravity to make this work. Thinking about it as a sci fi concept.

Nazi aliens

Well I don't know but I do know that nobody is allowed to go to the center neither to the north or the south

i dont have enough research done to answer your questions or to counter them because there is little to no information about it but to me personally it appears more rational than the established mainstream theory that the earth has a inner core, its just a theory btw as well, AFAIK no scientists knows for sure how the earth looks inside

why is it that i feel a strong urge to believe total bullshit like this?

I don't think the earth is hollow because that seems like a retarded theory cooked up by people who also don't believe in evolution or an older than 6000 year old earth because "radiocarbon-dating doesn't exist it's fake" but I think there is something fucking fishy going on and it does need to be investigated for answers.
What they're hiding doesn't matter, what matters is they are actively and obviously hiding something.

because deep down as a rational human being you always had the feeling that the "inner core" theory was bullshit
just like i did

watch this
one of the best doc. on this subject, very professional

I'd rather not waste my time.

Highest is a different word from most.

>goes to pole
>hey theres more land after that
>I wuz pioneer an ssheeeeiiitt

no one is forcing you to watch, its really interesting though, no bullshit inside

>goes to pole as a officer decorated with a medal of honor with 5000 US millitary soldiers
>mission is declared secret to this date

I thought Bastonge was highest ranked in death

Doesnt sound like a hillibilly who would make up things

why are his claims ignored by scientists

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>By the time he died, Byrd had amassed twenty-two citations and special commendations, nine of which were for bravery and two for extraordinary heroism in saving the lives of others. In addition, he received the Medal of Honor, the Silver Lifesaving Medal, the Navy Distinguished Service Medal, the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Navy Cross, and had three ticker-tape parades in New York City, he was the only individual to ever receive more than two.

Hell exists inside Earth. Jews want to keep this piece of information away from you, because it would guide more people towards God.

I don't deny an inner earth, but the top is flat...with a dome.
Jesus emptied paradise, which was a part of the underworld, when he died and went below. Could be the Nazis were shown an entrance in Antartica.
Don't know, just speculation.
The earth is still flat, though.

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He didn’t write that. Fake and all sorts of gay.

he did

Shit, hadnt thought if that way.
Sorry everyone.

Theres alot of shills here

But let me make this clear

Flat earth is a tavistock Psy-OP, that was started the hollow earth theory became big to muddy out waters

Watch out!

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exactly this
thats one of the reasons why i believe the hollow earth theory to be actually real

What’s tavistock?

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Oh, you!

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>Flat earth is a tavistock Psy-OP, that was started the hollow earth theory became big to muddy out waters

Can you give timelines for that? Seems that hollow earth never was that popular. Are you talking about pre-internet era?

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Much like CTR, & JIDF, But instead of plebs, they use thinktanks and professors to create the greatest of Shilling

Owned directly by Jacob Rothchild

I believe Earth is donut-shaped because some dude on YouTube said so.

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Hollow earth Picked up 2016, many thread on Jow Forums about it, quickly however there was a great storm of Flat earth Shilling, to great to have grown organically

did you know that its not even proven that the earth has even a inner core?

2016 in general was a period of heavy shilling. To me it seemed that both were equally inorganic memes.

It also seems that flat earth had already started gaining traction before 2016, if one is to trust Google Trends.

hollow earth threads are very rare though
theres maybe one each 2 months

>Hell exists inside Earth

How so?

bullshit but I believe it

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Can confirm.
Hollowearth came later, internet phenomenon around 2011/12 came on the scene.
However, flat Earth+ geocentric model of the Earth has been contesting the globe/heliocentric model for hundreds of years. Wasn't until the fake moonlanding that heliocentric/globe was declared the winner.
However, there's some stock to the hollow Earth theory, there's a reason why all compasses point to the North Pole... there's something there we're all supposed to find!

Let me explain all the psyops of today

>Anti Christian Shilling
>Pro pagan shilling
>Pro China shilling (Alot more than you think)
>Anti Trump shilling
>Anti Hollow earth Shilling
>Flat earth Shilling
>Pro Crypto satanic alt right group, People like read siege types, Trying to subvert using a different brand of Saturn Worship, ie; - The black sun symbol, (Saturn) (Robert sepehr)
>The neanderthals were jews shilling (Not true)
>Afs and other minor groups in politics shilling, to give a less majority to ''Real dealers''
>Plenty more

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Well they seem a little more common than that, but I get your point. earth/type/op/

No reason, just throwing that out there as speculation to see whether anyone has something to add to it.

>Nordic hate

>there's a reason why all compasses point to the North Pole..

You are not wrong.

Hutton proved it in 1770 (!) and all established physics ever since rests on it.

The notion of a hollow earth was disproved decades before Hutton.

Had a few courses in geology as part of my civil engineering masters.

>no medal bar organizing his medals
>no order of precedence
>completely random shitshow like raccoons strewing trash about a yard
He defeated the Nazis, but could not escape the knife-hands!

Audie Murphy was the most highly decorated man in WW2

Opinions discarded

You dont know anything about this fin, Listen and not speak instead

(I did 6 capchtas to get in, What in the world)


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He was also a Freemason.

His Medal of Honor was a bullshit citation that never would have made it past Congress on the current, post 1941 criteria.

There is substantial evidence he falsified his spotting data and fell short of the North Pole, and Amundsen beat him to it.

Saw no combat in either World War, received only two noncombat Legion of Merit medals for WWII. Audie Murphy and other authentic combat guys are way out of his class.

>medals all over the place
someone get Private Murphie a knifehand

Elementary school teacher here. We all know the center of the earth is molten iron and nickel. That's what they tell the kids.

The thing about these videos are:

>They are long and filled with claims that are easily debunked.
>But due to the amount of bullshit that has to be dealt with, no one with actual knowledge bothers to come up with a reply/debunking video.
>Nutty tinfoil appears to have won.

Speak up Fin, something tells you've your own hypothesis to add into the mix.

What would motivate you to tell me to shut up? If I you think I'm wrong, I'd appreciate an explanation as to why. I ithink I am asking valid questions. I think I am pointing out questionable aspects about your claims.

Are you seeking to educate people, or to bask in some vague sense of intellectual superiority?

You sperg, he died of a heart attack at age 68, not even a full year after his last Antarctica trip.

Or could it be a Jewish conspiracy? ((They)) must be hiding something!

Leave us out of it. He went beyond the Mountains of Madness and fought things from out of town.

What if people who live there jump? Would they go flying into the core due to gravity?

It's only a theory though measured thanks to s and p waves from earthquakes if I'm Not wrong. Only recently they found out that the supposed inner core is actually rotating. Sounds like bullshit

More likely the thorus theory is true
Would make sense as a thorus would create the magnetic field


My problem with this is,
The largest hole ever drilled is only a few miles down in Russia.
They drilled for years even with diamond bits but just reached a point where couldn't go any further.
How can we know what's at the centre when we've never punctured the crust?

>Only recently they found out that the supposed inner core is actually rotating.

This has been known for ages though. It was taught to us in high school. The core is not just some mass standing still. It flows like a current, and it's necessarily so due to Earth's rotational movement.

The highest decorated soldier of WWII was Audie Murphy.

There's water in the crust down there apparently 3 x more as there is water on the surface. How can there be so much water if the inner earth is so hot?

It's in vapor form or under enough pressure to stay liquid

I have a big problem with this theory though. Where does this big hot mass down there come from? They say it's a leftover from the time of creation of earth but that doesn't make sense. It would have cooled long before since then
Were talking billions of years here

Also I have hard time imagining the core would create a magnetic field

A Thorus shape is a better fit for that

Note that due to the intense pressure the water deep down has vastly higher boiling point. have you ever tried drawing water into a plastic syringe, then blocking the hole with thumb and trying draw more against your thumb, so that a vacuum/negative pressure is formed? The water will heat up. The opposite is happening when the water is subject to increased pressure.

What did he mean by this?

Makes sense.. But how it got there is not answered in the article.
If the earth is hollow, let's assume it, it's water which would be probably closee to the inner surface than our surface

>I must write this diary in secrecy and obscurity. It concerns my Arctic flight of the 19th day of February in the year of 1947. There comes a time when the rationality of men must fade into insignificance and one must accept the inevitability of the Truth! I am not at liberty to disclose the following documentation at this writing..... FOR I HAVE SEEN THAT LAND BEYOND THE POLE, THAT CENTER OF THE GREAT UNKNOWN.
Reads like something straight from Lovecraft. Is that the whole text he wrote?

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If leftover heat doesn't satisfy you, what about friction? Think about the intense pressure & mass we are talking about here. The earth's rotation may possibly heat up the core, thus keeping it hot enough to flow.

Just because you don't understand physics or geology doesn't mean it's invalid. Unless you've actually studied the stuff on university level, you really should be wary of making statements like that. In Jow Forums, people dont really mind since most here are neo-Nazis and nutjobs. But in real life and in other forums, you'd be viewed as an total moron, and rightly so.

He saw the entrance to the inner side of the earth in the south pole. His only accounts of this are from a press interview in a very short manner, very mysteriously. People who read it in the newspaper were baffled when they read it but he wasn't allowed to tell more.

If the mass is redestributed, the center of gravity would change.

Well the article is talking about mantle, not core. There could be undiscovered openings in the oceans that extend deep into the mantle, for example. Kind of like a massive underwater cavern system.

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Wouldn't the earth's rotation also heat up our surface if it also heats up the core?

I honestly can't buy this inner core theory
Always sounded like fantasy to me
It just doesn't make any sense seeing how there are actually big water natural cave systems known with their own ecosystem

Lets assume a second the earth is hollow, that would imply all planets are hollow as well.
Saturn has weird hectagonal shaped cloud formations around its poles. On the NASA pictures the center is always blurred out. Hmm

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>Wouldn't the earth's rotation also heat up our surface if it also heats up the core?

There is nothing that the surface could generate friction against, other than atmosphere. But the heat from the core & mantle does radiate up onto the surface, if that is what you mean.

I'm not interested in assuming that.

Jupiter's pole, center blurred out

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Satellite tracks above the North Pole, nothing is allowed to pass over. Hmmm?

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Notice the shape over there is hectagonal
Just like on Saturn Wtf

It also looks like a jaw crusher candy sawed apart. What's your point?

If Jupiter and all other planets are hollow, then nothing makes sense. Laws of gravity makes no sense, the laws of physics would make no sense.

The further you go into the core, the denser it is. Now the greater the mass, the greater the attraction. Hence why gravity on Earth works, and why the Earth revolves around the sun.

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You're just looking at pictures and pulling "hmm... could this be hollow earth???" out of the blue.

Why would anyone hide it? The person first to prove hollow earth would earn the Nobel Prize.

Maybe we are wrong on gravity

Pic related >Eight massive storms form an octagon around a storm at the center of Jupiter’s north pole. (Credit: NASA/SWRI/JPL/ASI/INAF/IAPS)

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Well. Maybe they have a reason to hide it? Why would they tell us about it?

Radioactive materials help create ongoing heating in the mantle and core.

But the core has to be there to create planetary mass, otherwise gravity won't work as it does.