>Venezuela In Chaos After Maduro Announces Massive 95% Devaluation, New FX Rate Tied To Cryptocurrency Are these the last days of Maduro as we know it? Will the left finally learn that socialism fails regardless of the circumstances?
>As a result of the enacted actions, the new version of the bolivar will be pegged to the value of the state cryptocurrency, the etro, which according to Bloomberg amounts to a 95% devaluation of the official rate, and will trade in line with where the black market was; the government will also raise the minimum wage more than 3,000 percent, which works out to about $30 a month. >$30 a month Holy fuck shit is bad. Can you imagine living on $30 a month? This is fucking insanity. Imagine how cheap the whores are there. You can probably drop like couple of bucks and the entire Jow Forums and r9k will stop being incel boards just like that.
>mfw I know a guy who swears Venezuela is failing because of supply side economics
I’m not even trying to change his opinion on it anymore because he just ignores any evidence I post to the contrary and makes excuses for how it wasn’t real socialism. Those exact words.