AB 2943 passed by Senate soon to be signed by Gov Brown >sale or advertising of any goods or service >intended to stop somebody from being a faggot >is a "deceptive practice" >the law must be interpreted liberally >no religious exceptions >no Bible exceptions
Faggots are all claiming it doesn't explicitly outlaw the Bible or ban religious services, even though it will obviously be interpreted exactly that way.
Christianity is dying, and godfags are powerless to stop it. Haha
Matthew Green
>tfw I live in a state next to California >tfw our cities are rapidly filling up with Californian poz
Isaiah Nguyen
Why not take it one step further and ban all religions?
Ryan Roberts
Moarpheus I told you earlier. Every time you post you actually convince people to believe the opposite of what you shill. You actually make people support Trump more, I hope you know that.