Who are some Jow Forums approved political voices?

Who are some Jow Forums approved political voices?

I watched a few The Golden One videos but it became immediately apparent that he's not politically minded, he's just in it for the attention. His channel started out as a video game channel and when he didn't get enough views he began making simple political points and the betas swarmed.

Alex Jones' newscast got zogged so that's no longer an option.

Survive The Jive is a cringy LARPer and says nothing of real value though he attracts his crowds from underage betas.

The Iconoclast, BPS and others like them are purplepilled neo-cons.

Are there any good political voices today?

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Other urls found in this thread:



Survive the Jive is pretty alright if you want to learn pagan history that hasn't been diluted with anti-christianity. Varg faggots are just an anti christian circle jerk that don't offer anything. At least TGO and Jive have honest conversations

>Survive The Jive is a cringy LARPer and says nothing of real value though he attracts his crowds from underage betas.
Spotted the christcuck.


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Why do you hate your white christian Brothers so much, my mixed race American friend?

I don't talk shit unless they do and OP is clearly a massive faggot.

>No one can get red-pilled.
>You are born that way.

Jazzhands McFeels and Marcus Halberstram from Fash the Nation are entertaining and have some pretty hot takes. Ryan Dawson is unmatched when it comes to anti israel/zionism. Ralph Retort's Killstream is also pretty good.

(((Whom))) benefits when we fight eachother? Cease your provocations

>Survive The Jive is a cringy LARPer
He's a thin skinned, pretentious faggot too.
The guy is just a weirdo desu.

My provocations? lmao

Greg Johnson (Counter Currentsl
Ryan Faulk (Alt Hypel
Jared Taylor (Am Ren)

Frame Game
Red Elephants
Stephen Molymeme

Richard Spencer

Lastly, Jive is a pretty solid guy. A bit cringey at times, but genuine. More than I can say for many of the e-celebs.


but since youre american you probably are not gonna like him.

Attached: Varg.jpg (960x904, 41K)

Ryan Dawson is pretty blue pilled. He hates the Jews, but a that's completely it. I like the guy, but he contributes nothing to our movement.

+1 on the FTN boys, they're the best political analysts from our milieu to date.
Dawson is strong on foreign policy, very very weak on race. And Ralph's decent, but his guests tend to be better than him.

All good recommendations.

Once again, I like the guy and pic related is an often listened to album, but hes not helpful to our movement. Hes anti intellectual. In fact I would almost argue that he is harmful to it because he wants us to retreat until the world falls apart. Julius Evola had it right in that we need to ride the tiger, not sit in the corner babbling about pagan religion and sustainability.

Yeah he's cucked on the race question. Still think he's got some decent info and provides a good stepping stone for people who aren't in the know about jews and the shit they get away with.

Most of his audience is likely American.

the golden one is a great fighter for the white race, faggot

He touches on one aspect of our political ideology and you suck his cock. Please see my list of recommendations for actual leaders that dont cuck out.

>greg johnson
>richard spencer
the above three are good if you can separate their ideas from their being fags and autismos. pretty influential for my intellectual development.

>mike enoch
>jared taylor
for two different degrees of spiciness of introductory far right ideas

Yeah I like the Killstream mainly for the guests, they get a lot of good people on.
Ah yeah Jared Taylor has a weekly podcast with Paul Kersey that is pretty fantastic. Still Taylor doesn't address the issue of jews and their involvement in the majority of shit that is plaguing Whites.

He started out lifting weight nu-fag

slayer of commies, destroyer of churches, leader of the snow niggaz tribe

>Jean-Francois Gariepy
he's a PhD biologist and is the centerpiece of the actual 'intellectual dark web'

>Frame Games
he's a jewish lawyer in New York that is associated with JF. He produces good information that is essential for redpilling normies

All the pieces are here but they don't have the direction to make in the mainstream. But take notes from these guys.

>He touches on one aspect of our political ideology and you suck his cock. Please see my list of recommendations for actual leaders that dont cuck out.
Lmao accusing me of sucking Dawson's cock because I like his info then you're praising a literal fag. Wew lad.

Please dont include Spencer with the other 2. He fails at articulating a point at point. He might have similar views, but toxic to the movement.

they're all pretty dumb. therea a hive mind mentallity that sweeps through all these alt white faggots. i unironically like richard spencer the most. hes the only who seems to have a genuine intellectual pallat and free thoughts. thats why alot of people call him a shill. with that said hes probably bad for the movement

varg is the dumbest one of them all. hes literally got a pee sized brain

this guy is interesting from a humanitarian perspective, but he lacks breadth of knowledge and has no solutions, which you would kind of expect from a guy bringing nothing but personality to the table

I'd rather work with a couple faggots than give up on my core principles. Dawson does not share our world view. Johnson and Faulk do. They're quiet about it and that's all I care about when it comes to that aspect of their life.

>Jared Taylor

>Ryan Faulk
autistic, emotionally overwhelmed, can't come to a point, but still a good source of information if you can suffer the hideously long wind-up to his punch

>Stephen Molymeme
this guy is an obnoxious pussy and a mediocre debater/philosopher.

But overall your best friends are the classics. Learn inner strength in solitude. You can't fill the hole in you by participating in this "redpill movement". They are missing something crucial. They generally have no courage. You will need plenty of courage.

because you're cowards trying to hide in a pack like zebras when there's a war to be fought

Taylor is our best chance at going mainstream with our views in a charismatic package. Touching the JQ would annihilate any mainstream appeal. Hes already mentioned AIPAC and the splc in a negative light. We know how he feels about (((them))).

I'll admit Faulk is long winded. His Jewish video was tight and on point though. I'd say its hit and miss. Molymeme is entry level stuff with large following that we siphon off.

all of the ones you listed are good and all of your criticisms are false

Greg Johnson, he puts some up on jewtube. Fag but he's obviously got intelligent takes on wn.
Little known english 'boomer' living in Spain called Simon Harris. He has been on a red pill journey, exploring ethnat and the JQ. He's longwinded and a little boring but he's a smart cunt, big into literature and history too. He's euro centric.
Ryan Dawson. Anti neocon/zionist. Does a lot on the middle east. Civnat cuck tho.
All have their own websites too.
All i can think of, I purposefully keep off the net as much as possible.

Why are you people so keen on listening to other people talk? Is it to enforce your own views on things?
Make up your own mind on political topics and stick with it, put your focus somewhere else instead. Actively watching/following a few e-celebs is a complete waste of time.

Finding the right voices help flesh out ideas. My ideas "feel" right, but hearing others explore them at greater depth helps. You could argue the same thing about books. You wouldn't call Evola or Bowden an e-celeb would you? But they had the same effect. And yes you should seek out contradictory opinions also.

Vox Day. He's been blogging for years, and has recently got into video a bit, if that's your thing. Among many things you could say about the man, he was the first prominent voice to predict that the left would start de-platforming the right, years ago. That's why he created Infogalactic.

He's a right winger, a Christian, a nationalist but not a socialist. He's one of the few personalities out there that is genuinely, noticeably smart. He's also a serious history and economics buff, which informs quite a bit of his sociopolitical views.

For sure and I understand that. No one says that Dawson is part of the the broader alt right movement (he's some kind of mutt mix and has hapa kids) but he's being attacked by them and anyone the Jews go against is basically an ally. Even the faggy conservatives who will be deplatformed eventually.
Well yeah he's definitely one tool that we have in this fight but I don't really believe that our ideas will become mainstream again unless there's some major collapse of the US and then people are forced to group up along racial lines.

Calling him an ally because hes a target is a bit of stretch.

Society will continue to tear itself apart. Racial lines are the easiest to exploit. If shot went down today he'd be the man to lead. 20 years from now? Maybe someone like James Allsup or similar. Photogenic, intelligent, eloquent, and empathetic. Someone with these qualities needs to lead the charge.

The Alternative Hypothesis is the only content you should be watching.

Nah, he isn't. Spencer has done more for the "movement" than your chair sitting internet potato ass has ever done. He used to give interviews to Jonathan Bowden and I would challenge any Jow Forumstard here to match him in sheer general knowledge. He may slip up from time to time but he's still an intelligent, white, proud ethnonationalist which is more than can be said for a lot of people.

That'd be boring.

it's because you're low IQ

Look up Apollonian Germ and Dr. Deep State on Youtube.

Alex Jones was a plant anyway.

STJ can actually cite sources, has produced work on the subject matter and has an education at a respected institution unlike Varg who in one of his videos concerning paganism said something like "to those asking how I know this, Odin told me." Honestly, don't know how anyone can actually take Varg seriously.

He names the Jew

"one global struggle against the same forces"

>Civil War in Sweden? The Truth About Sweden - Is It That Bad?

He wants to save his Viking Race


He's fucking based

Attached: Based Swede.jpg (865x653, 114K)

kek. But really, I wattched contrapoints video on the alt right and it wasn't good. He kept calling people fascist when they weren't and said how "you can use coded subtext like I just want a nation for my people" as ways to identify them. All speculative and laughable

Proud ethnat that went on the zee pooblic spaycee and said ethnat was a silly idea and delusional. Look it up yourself if you don't believe it.
Spencers a fame hungry poser with no sense of loyalty, if I was to be kind.

He's not Nat Soc because he's a mongrel.

I loved the Bowden interviews honestly, but hes happily made himself the the media punching bag. Taylor has been far better at being the face. Hes difficult to edit footage to villainize. Spencer puts his foot in his mouth incessantly. The fact that Spencer hasn't taken a step back and reassessed his place in the movement is annoying.

No, I've not made my views widely public as I have children to feed and employees to keep employed. Some of us have something to lose.



there ya go.

You're also allowed Sean Last

had the same impression, user

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been reading him since 06, easily the best thinker in the alt right.

he's not nat soc b/c it's literally retarded. german imperialism really doesn't hold much of a pull to people who aren't germans (who woulda thunk it?)

Well the people who would even entertain the idea that Israel is up to some shady shit are almost over the biggest hurdle when it comes to the alt right. Race realism is pretty easy to get redpilled on, just have them spend time around diversity and they'll figure it out. But realizing that the jews are behind a lot of the degeneracy, open borders etc bs being pushed is difficult. They hear jews and the pavlovian response kicks in and the 6 gorillion comes up. So exposure of zionists and their tricks is more important in the long term. Yeah James is pretty good and I do like the fact that he's actually taken the initiative to secure a political office and start a family. Technically the most powerful man in the alt right.


Always liked the golden one

>he calls that fun

I used to watch these too
MB is...Hard to label him, guess you could say Alt Lite but with more depth
Alt Right, Way of the World. One of the best AR voices imo
Cultured Thug, examines all sorts of ideologies
Semiogogue Murican individualist, but he flirts with wn. Covers global politics too. Excellent channel.
Arya Sattya 1 of the very few women with a real intelligence, Alt Right but doesn't upload often
Now i'm really done...Well there is Millenial Woes too.

>mentally retarded fanboy

But Dawson actively works to divorce the JQ from race realism. I can understand your point though. It is harder to push the JQ.

>he calls that fun
Sub to this channel for fun

socialism is left-wing idiocy dreamt up by an eastern european jew


Is it possible to find someone to listen to thats not a jew OR a tranny OR a fag OR a government spook?

>Vox Day
>genuinely, noticeably smart
this guy is basic, he has no vision, he's terrible at explanation, constantly loses track of his words, I don't see anything that he has to offer.

>he complains about being relatable to normies

>Jean-Francois Gariépy
Ph.D in Neuroscience, this Québécois biologyfag is one the strongest ourguys on racerealism and woke on the JQ.
A 20-something Aussie chad-autist, smart and entertaining on a wide range of topics.
>Apollonian Germ
One of the big brained YouTube pagans.

Special recommendation is The Franklin, the new channel of ''Reactionary Expat''. I don't know him that well, but I think he is an Australian that lived in Taiwan for a long time until he recently came back to Australia to start homesteading for his children.


Attached: franklin.jpg (797x535, 206K)

>unironically thinking there's anything redeeming about normies

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>Jean-Francois Gariépy
can't be understated.
He is methodical, precise, insightful

what vision does he lack? What is he missing?

based bach

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>he thinks he can attain power without the use of normies

But desu, that's some great taste.

>based bach
Truly the greatest


Attached: bach.png (547x400, 326K)

best bach comin thru


you should see my children dance to Gould playing the goldberg variations....

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Mark Collett doesn't shy away from naming the Jew.



He also had a video about UK holiday adverts promoting race mixing and in general an anti-white mentality and, surprise surprise, the advert company is led by a Jew. The video got taken down, but I'm sure there have been reuploads.

>you should see my children dance to Gould playing the goldberg variations....
That sounds incredibly comfy


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you should see me sit in my office alone listening to music....

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it is, user, it is....


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time to step it up senpais


>Survive The Jive is a cringy LARPer
STJ has never made political content, he's educated and makes videos that pertain to his profession for people who're interested in historical and prehistorical cultures, you fucking idiot.

>my 8% teutonic blood screams for vengeance

Attached: 56%.webm (960x544, 106K)

Well said user. All of it.

Yeah and that is a major issue. He's cucked on the race question, no doubt about that but I do see him as a useful middle ground between the alt lite/normie conservative who likes Alex Jones and the alt right. Or even for a leftist who is aware of the injustices that the Palestinians are facing.

>and has no solutions,
Varg in my opinion (like other homesteaders) are the Only people offering any real solutions. Some of us have come to the conclusion that things are inevitably going to turn really dangerous due to technological progress within 50 years, so self-sustainability and homeschooling is the only realistic antifragile solution to the problem.

What do non-homesteaders suggest? Even if we as an individual managed to become billionaires, we still wouldn't have the power to fight the system. Becoming dependent on the system for your survival (food, etc.) does not sound lucrative when you consider that the system wants you to die off anyways.

>Arya Sattya
Thanks for this, seems interesting.

Attached: holmgang.jpg (875x538, 140K)

how about the best tenor?

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Jews declare war on the Vikings

Attached: Jews did this to sweden.jpg (827x720, 107K)

All a man can truly ask for is to have a comfy cabin where he can listen to Handel and raise some children.


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Way of The World is good, Red Ice is good, I also enjoy The Black Pill.

There are many others, but opinions will vary on each. Mostly because Europeans are so hard on each other.

>Who are some Jow Forums approved political voices?


>for opinions


he's a complete fucking blowhard totally wrapped up in his ego

he can't argue anything, and even considers himself above it

he has no practicality. he's too busy justifying whatever he pursues.

he has no rooting in objective reality. he doesn't understand the basics of human social biology.

he's a total failure

He was asking for recommendations, not opinions. Many small channels make top-tier content but may have a few thousands subscribers at most.

absolute disgrace

women play like robots

That's Tatiana Nikolayeva who won the International Johann Sebastian Bach Competition after the Soviet Union fell apart. There's nothing wrong with her piano transcriptions of Bach, fite me


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>he's a complete fucking blowhard totally wrapped up in his ego
has nothing to do with vision desu.

>he can't argue anything, and even considers himself above it
depends on the topic. if people are going in there and asking the same basic question over and over, it's tiresome. But which topics to you think he avoids arguing? It's probably something he's already addressed many, many times.

>he has no practicality. he's too busy justifying whatever he pursues.
the guy tends to be very focused on what is practical. what do you think he's impractical about?

>he has no rooting in objective reality. he doesn't understand the basics of human social biology.
um...what? what basic of human social biology do you think he misses?