Big tech alternatives - Bitchute edition

If you're not using alternatives you're part of the reason we have corporate monopolies that think they can censor everyone and tell us what to think. Good content creators are using these sites now. They're depending on viewers to use them too. This is how we fight big tech.

Post channels to follow on Bitchute (this is a random list different people on Jow Forums might already follow on Youtube and other sites).
>The Red Elephants
>Black Pigeon Speaks
>Mark Dice
>Tommy Robinson
>Tim Pool
>Red Ice TV
>Sargon of Akkad
>Brother Nathanael

>Bitchute shares multiple videos you might like from different content creators every day on Gab

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Other urls found in this thread:

>not just using adblock

Fucking brain let over here

Any of those sites worthwhile yet though? I checked out Gab a few months ago and it still seemed to just be a small niche of people.

These sites depend on users to grow

They are if you know what to look for. That's why I made this thread. I might make one for Gab and minds too.


>>free speech

I dont think so

Attached: PbSYMev.jpg (768x432, 58K)

I was asking if any are more than just a hangout for political wrong-thinkers yet, not if you could link me a dozen people reading off Jow Forums threads on them.

Shills attack Gab for being forced by big tech to censor a couple of people who threatened genocide like we should just use Twitter because of that. They're going to be completely independent of Microsoft soon so it doesn't even matter. Fuck off kike.


You're asking if everyone on those sites is a racist or national socialist? No, they're not. They're pro-free speech and they allow everyone on their sites. Gab just got a bunch of people from Kenya because of censorship on Twitter.

Not so much about diversity of political opinion, but more about worthwhile content across a range of topics. Being pro-free speech is great as an underlying principle, but I'd need more.

Gab has a section called "groups" now in the left bar and it's filled with content on just about every subject you can think of now. Minds has something similar too.

And the groups it shows changes every time you refresh. They'll probably make it where you can search through them all in the future.

>same closed-source, tracking spyware infested shit
>not f-droid
Fuck. I love when people get skeptical and try to find alternatives but you're switching from one bad option to another lesser known one, and it hurts for me to watch. I'm a computer engineer (Jow Forumsentooman, Jow Forumsizen, Jow Forumsack) and the most important thing you need to know is that your hardware is compromised and hardware killswitches are required to maintain absolute control over your device. Some products are beginning to implement these, such as the librem 5 phone.
Next, if you're running Windows you're doing it all fucking wrong. If your excuse is Photoshop or videogames then you're actually a brainlets. Switch to a Linux distro, and if you're familiar enough with software you can run a systemd-free distro such as Void or Alpine, although a normal distro will be suitable for most.
Your phone and social media are the biggest liabilities you have. If you have an iPhone, you're basically without options. If you have an Android, root it and flash LineageOS (or another ROM) and do NOT install gapps. This includes Google Play Services which spy on your every move and relay them back to Google's servers to advertise to you, track you, and group you into various categories so them and the NSA (the power fetishists) can take you - a complex, organic being with dreams and aspirations - and reduce you down to a number or statistic. It's sickening and it's unnatural. Convenience is no excuse. There's a reason Gmail and Maps are free, it's so they can track your life.
When you fill out a captcha to post on this site, you are training Google's car and they are monitoring response times to better understand AI recognition of various objects or phenomena and compare them to human response times. By posting on Jow Forums without a pass, you are inevitably feeding the machine. There are alternative chans such as lainchan, arisuchan, or the obvious double.
I'm heading off to bed but good luck anons.

I've never had a problem with aptoide but I don't download unverified apps. They trust people to make their own decisions and flag anything they know has malware.

Is there a good alternative to Facebook?

MeWe is the closest thing to Facebook but they have "hate speech" rules in the TOS. Minds is the next best thing as far as I know.

Use the Brave browser.

If you have time please consider writing a how to guide for all this shit written for brainlets.

> "Oh, look this guy looks promising! Let's see his mail address.... oh..... ProtonMail, hmm maybe I should keep looking..."

Jesus Christ, that Vote place is full of real racists and Nazis.
That's a fucking botnet
Nothing is the only sensible choice. Go outside.
> Swede
> being a cuck
Proton mail is best short of hosting your own

Use Qwant nigger.