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Do jews like communism?
Aiden Campbell
Robert Allen
Not if Isreal is any metric.
Austin Mitchell
The bolsheviks leadership was comprised mostly of jews
Noah Perry
Josiah Hill
the jews like communism for the goys, but never for israel.
Oliver Jones
>what is kibbutzim
Wyatt Wright
Communism is Judaism
Nathaniel Price
Ofc. It's the greatest way to transfer wealth from the whole state to few jews running the country.
Hunter Green
A little bit
Liam Barnes
Communism is actually a modern adaptation of the ancient planned economy's of old. Back then everything was centrally planned and permitted (Hell even being able to read and write was a state sanctioned trade skill)
Logan Long
They invented it
Angel Gonzalez
a relic. something that failed (((them))).
Nicholas Perry
They don't like it, they LOVE it.
Ethan Sullivan
That's like asking do kikes like shekels.
Adrian Walker
They have no opinion on it.
Wyatt Carter
wasn't it a big deal in the past though? even american jewish kids would go to israel for the summer and work on them up to maybe the 70's?
Dominic Evans
>Not if Isreal is any metric.
Doesn't Israel have a Red Army monument?
Benjamin Ward
operative word. also, it was more an indoctrination into nationalism, not a movement to deny personal property. it had much more in common with boot camp than five year plan collectives.
Ayden Ross
The monument is more about the fall of nazism than a celebration of collective power.
Ethan Allen
that makes sense, thanks
Charles Johnson
They all got eliminated by Stalin.
Jews don't like communism because jews will never accept being working class and doing any physical labor.
Parker Williams
>Ofc. It's the greatest way to transfer wealth from the whole state to few jews running the country.
That's the collapse of communism in the 90s. Who do you think became oligarchs
Noah Collins
>collective power
Do you mean like Hollywood being controlled by 5 Jewish corporations?
Joseph Hill
(((you))) tell me
Evan Scott
Yeah but this was in response to a text marx wrote called "On the Jewish Question" where he said that jews were only good at finance and banking because there was a "jewishness" in society that required them to do it and that if society was reformed there'd be no need for that "jewishness".
Adrian Powell
no they like capitalism