Can someone tell me about this place?

Can someone tell me about this place?
Wtf is going on down there? Is there really ancient ruins? Nazibase?

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Other urls found in this thread: skulls found in antarctica

Earth is flat and that's the border, you're not allowed to go because you'd find out the truth.

It doesn't exist. The Earth is fucking flat nigger.

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Flatearther I'm looking for a real conspiracy here, not your LARP

Tbh I think that the UN is using it as some kind of fallback point if everything goes to shit.

see for yourself

Dude. It's real. Why do you think there's so much stigmatism around it? Why do you think Pop culture ridicules it. They go after these things because they will shut down the simulation. When Elon Musk and Kanye West talk breaking the simulation they mean the flat earth awakening.

Looks comfy desu, would be pretty cool to stay at for like a month.

Thanks interesting video. Was hoping he'd show off the pyramids but still pretty cool

Lmao okay tard the only thing here flat is your brain!

The Earth is flat retard.

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So we just practically live in a petri dish?

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It's cold. It used to not be cold. It might not be cold in the future. Is anyone else feeling sleepy?

Stop tRolling me meanies! The earth is a sphere we live in 3 dimensions you tards
There's a fucking mayan, viking, and nazi megalopolis just under Antarctica
So wait the Earth is hollow and we're on the inside? Wow it all makes so much more sense that way!

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I'm not saying we live in 2D!! I'm saying that the terra firma is a flat disc suspended in torus fields.

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How do flat earthers explain this?
Or how the Moon looks upside down in the Southern hemisphere

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>the Moon looks upside down in the Southern hemisphere

You know why you can't stop people from talking about flat earth? Because the reality built on thousands of years of lies is falling apart at an exponential rate. The people in charge openly silence and shun anyone who asks questions because t hey know that the answers would destroy the system that's been built.

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Fucking damnit stop it with the flatearth meme. We get it, you're super contrarian and can meme.
I just want to know what kind of frosty nipples are beneath the miles of antarctic ice.

Ask an Aussie from the South coast where Tycho crater appear to be.
For us, it's the big one at the bottom. For them it'd be at the top.


Attached: Moon Antarctica.jpg (708x693, 178K)

>inb4 banned for "off topic bullshit"
you have to mention theres big black cock in antarctica or you get banned

Also they literally do that, both NASA and Tesla livestream their launches.

It's a fucking ice wall

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NASA just had a launch livestreamed a week ago. Go watch it. As soon as it "gets to space" they show you a fucking video game that looks like Kerbal Space Program.

You haven't answered my questions.
Sounds more like you're trying to cover something up

No. Instead of being a kike shill who only knows how to use pilpul you could disprove shit easily.

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>Posts pseudoscience infographic
>hurrdurr I'm just going to reject centuries of scientific advancement and artwork
>they totally made a skydome in 4000BC just to trick us lollzz

You know what's pseudoscience? Using gravity as the reason for things you can't explain when you can't even explain what gravity is. Gravity is a religion based on faith, not experimentation.

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lmao those are literally snippets from a video game
Gravity is pretty simple, mass attracts mass. The large ball of mass we are on pulls in all the stuff thats on it. If there was no gravity Earth would just be a molten ball of metal screaming through the galaxy.

user wanna see something CUH-RAAYYYZZEE? Try going in one direction for a while, tell me if you hit an icewall.

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What happens a 66°33'11.23"S 99°50'19.85"E ?

>zooms in with his shitty cellphone camera
eXplaIn thIs sciENtsistS

Looks like a ball of light with a layer of some sort of fluid in the way.
Hmmm.. Like an... atmosphere?

Fuck off disinfo shill, it's an entrance to hollow earth and you know it.

It's just the base of the pyramid. I heard some snow kangz might be buried down there...

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Wikileaks has some interesting articles on Antarctica. Some good ones are in the Podesta section where it is admitted that Antarctica is melting faster then ever now at 6 billions tons of ice a year. At the same time they are considering using Antarctica for oil drilling because there is a possibility that we will reach 0 oil by 2050.

There's probably evidence of a lot of oil there and that probably explains why people have "disappeared" when they went their.

There is also the possibility that Antarctica is proof an advanced civilization that existed before the flood of Noah. There is also a possibility that the bodies of Nephilim have been left behind there as well. I support this theory with the Paraka skulls or the elongated skulls found in South America which are close to Antarctica.

> skulls found in antarctica

It's possible that they may have found ruins of the Pre-Noachian Flood world with giant dead bodies of beings not of this earth. These are not aliens but human/angel hybrids from the Bible. Their fathers were demons. This would cement the Bible as completely true and God as very real.

you can see from that webm it is curved you dumb faggot.